Ch. 5/Ch. 7 X-Ray Tube Flashcards
What are the four conditions necessary for the production of X-ray photons?
- Need a source of electrons (filament)
- Appropriate target material (anode disk made of Tungsten)
- High voltage - generate power
- Vacuum tube - X-ray tube
What are the two main sides of an X-ray tube?
- Cathode side
- Anode side
What is the purpose of the glass or metal envelope in an X-ray tube?
To encase both electrodes and maintain a vacuum
The envelope protects the internal components and ensures the proper functioning of the X-ray tube.
What is thermionic emission in the context of X-ray production?
The release of electrons from the filament due to heat
This process is initiated by heating the filament, allowing electrons to escape and form a thermionic cloud.
What happens when high voltage is applied to the thermionic cloud?
Electrons are accelerated towards the anode target
The kinetic energy of these electrons results in the production of X-rays and heat upon colliding with the anode.
What is the primary function of the cathode assembly in an X-ray tube?
To produce the thermionic cloud and focus the stream of electrons to the anode
The cathode assembly includes the filament, focusing cup, and associated wiring.
Fill in the blank: The anode disk in an X-ray tube is typically made of _______.
Tungsten is used due to its high atomic number and melting point, making it ideal for X-ray production.
True or False: The X-ray tube is sometimes referred to as a diode.
The term ‘diode’ refers to the presence of two electrodes in the tube system.
What materials are typically used for the housing of an X-ray tube?
Metal protective housing, lead lined
The lead lining is essential for protecting against leaking radiation.
What are the parts of the cathode assembly in an X-ray tube?
- Filament
- Focusing Cup
- Associated wiring
Each part plays a role in the generation and focusing of electrons towards the anode.
What is a filament in radiography?
A small coil of wire made of Thoriated Tungsten, typically 0.1-0.2 mm thick, 1-2 mm wide, and 7-15 mm long.
What is the purpose of using small filaments?
To achieve more image detail for extremities using low mA (25-200 mA).
What is the purpose of using large filaments?
To achieve less image detail for the axial skeleton using higher mA (225-1400 mA).
What is the function of a filament?
It is coiled to create enough resistance in the electrical current to cause a ‘back up’ and then a release of electrons, known as ‘Thermionic Emission’.
Why is tungsten used for filaments?
Tungsten is chosen for its high melting point and difficulty to vaporize.
What problems can arise from vaporized tungsten?
- Not all electrons reach the anode; some float around or turn to gas.
- When tungsten cools and hardens, it deposits on the glass envelope, causing the ‘Minoring effect’.
What is arcing in relation to filaments?
Arcing occurs when current jumps to tungsten on the window, making a snapping noise and potentially puncturing the tube.
What is the melting point of tungsten?
Tungsten’s melting point is 3310°C.
What is thoriated tungsten?
It is tungsten with 1-2% thorium added to increase the efficiency of thermionic emission and extend the life of the tube.
What are other metal options for filaments?
Rhenium (melting point 3170°C) and Molybdenum (melting point 2620°C).
What happens when 10% of the filament’s diameter has vaporized?
There is a risk for breakage due to the filament becoming very brittle and thin.
What causes filament breakage?
- Too cold of a filament.
- Excessive vaporization leading to brittleness.
What is the effect of added unwanted filtration?
It absorbs some of the primary beam protons at the window, reducing the intensity of the primary beam.
What causes tube failure in radiography?
Issues such as arcing, added unwanted filtration, and filament breakage can all lead to tube failure.
What should be done with the exposure button during an X-ray procedure?
It should be depressed in one motion, except for pediatric patients or difficult patients.
What is the role of the stator in an X-ray tube?
It activates the rotor to start spinning the anode.
What happens after the thermionic cloud is formed?
The high voltage circuit is activated to send the thermionic cloud over to the anode, producing X-rays.
What is the average tube use for an X-ray machine?
10,000-20,000 exposures or 8-9 hours of ‘beam on’ time.
What is the Focusing Cup made of?
What is the main function of the Focusing Cup?
To narrow the thermionic cloud as it travels over to the anode.
What is the thermionic cloud also referred to as?
Space charge.
What does the Space Charge Effect describe?
The phenomenon where more electrons build up in the area of the filament, opposing the emission of additional electrons.
What is the purpose of the anode assembly in an X-ray tube?
It serves as a target area for incident electrons from the cathode filament.
What are the three functions of the anode assembly?
- Serves as a target area for incident electrons
- Becomes the source of X-ray photons
- Serves as a primary thermal conductor.
What percentage of the kinetic energy of the incident electrons is converted into heat?
Only 1% of the energy is converted into x-ray photons.
What are the two types of anodes used in X-ray equipment?
- Stationary
- Rotating
What is the primary material used in the construction of a stationary anode?
Rhenium-alloyed tungsten
It is embedded into a 45° angle end of a copper rod and does not turn during the exposure, making it only good for low volume x-ray equipment
What is the size range of rotating anodes?
5-13 cm in diameter