Ch 8 - Review Questions Flashcards
The brainstem consists of which 3 structures?
The central nervous system consists of which structures?
Spinal Cord
(True or False) - Neurotransmitters are discharged with the arrival of the action potential.
To which division of the nervous system does a nerve belong if it leads from the eye to the brain and carries visual information?
Afferent Nervous System
(True or False) - An efferent nerve carries information away from the brain (or spinal cord) to the periphery of the body.
Where does the Posterior Superior Aveolar nerve supply?
Maxillary Posterior teeth
Through which foramen does the Facial Nerve (CN VII) pass through the skull?
Stylomastoid Foramen
Which nerve is associated with Bell’s Palsy?
Facial Nerve (CN VII)
(True or False) - Hypoglossal Nerve supplies the Intrinsic tongue muscles.
Which nerve carries taste sensation for the base of the tongue?
Glossopharyngeal Nerve (CN IX)
Where is the Trigeminal Ganglion located?
Anterior surface of the petrous portion of the temporal bone.
Sensory information is supplied for the soft palate by which which nerve?
Lesser palatine nerve
Posterior belly of the digastric muscle is innervated by branches from which nerve?
Facial Nerve (VII)
Which nerve may show crossover from the opposite side in a patient?
Anterior superior alveolar nerve
Which nerve is CN X?
Vagus Nerve
A portion of the Ophthalmic Nerve.
Nasociliary nerve
Nerve located in the *mandibular canal
Inferior alveolar nerve
Which nerve exits foramen ovale of the sphenoid bone?
Motor root of the trigeminal nerve.
Which nerve is involved when a patient protrudes the tongue and a deviation to the right side is noted?
Facial Nerve (CN XII)
Which nerve exits the skull through Foramen Ovale?
Mandibular nerve
Which nerve serves the pulpal tissues of the mandibular molars?
Inferior Alveolar nerve
Which nerve may in some cases also serve as an afferent nerve for the mandibular first molar (needs to be considered when there is a failure of the inferior alveolar local anesthetic block)?
Mylohyoid nerve.