Ch 8 - Nervous System Flashcards
Action Potential -
Rapid depolarization of the cell membrane that results in propagation of the nerve impulse along the membrane.
Afferent Nerve -
Sensory nerve that carries information from the periphery of the body to the brain or spinal cord.
Anesthesia -
The loss of feeling or sensation resulting from the use of certain drugs or gases that serve as inhibitory neurotransmitters.
Bell’s Palsy -
Type of unilateral facial paralysis involving the facial nerve.
Efferent Nerve -
Motor nerve that carries information away from the brain or spinal cord to the periphery of the body.
Facial Paralysis -
Loss of action of the facial muscles.
Ganglion/Ganglia -
Accumulation of neuron cell bodies outside of the central nervous system.
Innervation -
Supply of nerves to tissues or organs.
Neuron -
Cellular component of the nervous system that is individually composed of a cell body and neural processes.
Neurotransmitter -
Chemical agent from the neuron that is discharged with the arrival of the action potential, diffuses across the synapse, and binds to receptors on another cell’s membrane.
Nerve -
Bundle of neural processes outside the central nervous system; a portion of the peripheral nervous system.
Nervous System -
The extensive, intricate network of structures that activates, coordinates, and controls all functions of the body.
Resting Potential -
charge difference between the fluid outside and inside a cell that results in differences in the distribution of ions.
Synapse -
Junction between two neurons or between a neuron and an effector organ.
(Neural impulses are transmitted either electrically or chemically)
Trigeminal Neuralgia -
Type of lesion of the Trigeminal nerve involving facial pain.