Ch. 8 Leadership Flashcards
Are Managers & Leaders the same?
- Describe what managers do (4)
1) Managers promote stability while leaders press for change
2) Managers implement the vision & strategy provided by the leader
3) Management is… getting people to do things they dont want to do
4) Managers also coordinate staff & handle day-to-day problems
Are Managers & Leaders the same?
- Describe what Leaders do (2)
1) Leaders establish direction by developing a vision for the future & inspiring workers to overcome hurdles
2) Leadership is changing what people want
What is the Trait Theory
Theories that consider personality, social, physical, or intellectual traits to differentiate leaders from non-leaders.. Better at predicting leader emergence than effectiveness.
Trait Theory - name the 4 leadership traits 0CEAN
1) open
2) consciousness
3) extroverted
4) Emotionally intillegence
Important Behaviour Studies
Describe the Ohio State University findings (2)
Found two key dimensions of leadership behaviour.
1) Initiating Structure - The defining of structure and roles
2) Consideration - Job relationships that reflect trust & respect.
Important Behaviour Studies
Describe the Michigan State University findings (2)
Found two key dimensions of leadership behaviour.
1) Employee orientated - emphasizes interpersonal relationship & is the most powerful dimensions
2) Production - orientation - Emphasize on the technical aspet of the job
Contingency Theories - Does the Situation Matter?
Describe Fielders Contingency Model - (3)
1) Leader-Member Relationship - Degree of confident, trust, & respect members have for a leader
2) Task Structure - Degree to which jobs are structured
3) Position Power - Degree to which leaders has control over “power” of hiring, firing, discipline, promotion, salary.
Contingency Theories - Does the Situation Matter?
Path- Goal Guidelines to be Effective
1) Determine the outcome subordinates want
2) Reward individuals with their desired outcomes when they perform well
3) Be clear with expectation
Contingency Theories - Does the Situation Matter?
Path-Goal Guidelines Leadership Styles (5)
1) Directive - Informs subordinates of expectation, gives guidance
2) Supportive - Friendly & approchable, shows concern for others status, well-being, needs for subordinates
3) Participative - Consult with subordinates, solicit suggest, takes suggestions into consideration
4) Achievement Orientated - Sets challenging goals, expects subordinates to perform at highest level, continously seeking improvement, has confidence in highest motivation of employees
5) Upward- Influence- Maintains good rapport between the leaders & superior ranking & influence the
Contingency Theories - Does the Situation Matter?
Path-Goal Guidelines Leadership Styles (5) - Directive
Directive - Informs subordinates of expectation, gives guidance
Contingency Theories - Does the Situation Matter?
Path-Goal Guidelines Leadership Styles (5) - Supportive
Supportive - Friendly & approachable, show concern for others status, well-being, needs for subordinates
Contingency Theories - Does the Situation Matter?
Path-Goal Guidelines Leadership Styles (5) - Participative
Participative - Consult with subordinates, solicit suggest, takes suggestions into consideration
Contingency Theories - Does the Situation Matter?
Path-Goal Guidelines Leadership Styles (5) - Achievement Orientated
Achievement Orientated - Sets challenging goals, expects subordinates to perform at highest level, continously seeking improvement, has confidence in highest motivation of employees
Contingency Theories - Does the Situation Matter?
Path-Goal Guidelines Leadership Styles (5) - Upward-Influence
Upward- Influence- Maintains good rapport between the leaders & superior ranking & influence them
Contingency Theories - Does the Situation Matter?
Substitutes for Leadership IJO
1) Character Of the Individual
2) Characteristic of Job]
3) Characteristic of Organization
Contingency Theories - Does the Situation Matter?
Substitutes for Leadership - Character of the individual
Character of the individual - If the character of the individual is compentent, independent, proffesionally orientated. The they have the character of a leader
Contingency Theories - Does the Situation Matter?
Substitutes for Leadership - Characteristic of job
Character of the job - if the job is a routine task
Contingency Theories - Does the Situation Matter?
Substitutes for Leadership - Character of the Organization
Characterstics of organization - If the’re clear rules, norms and policies. In addition, cohesive work group then subtitude of a leader may prevail.
Define Charisma
A certain quality of an individuals personality, by virtue of which it sets them apart from ordinary people & treared as edowed with supernatural, superhuman or atleast soecifically exceptional power or qualities
Define - House’s Charismatic Leadership Theory
When followers make attributions of heroic or extrodinary leadership abilities when they observee certain behaviours.
Name the 4 characteristics from House’s Charismatic Leadership Theory
1) Have a vision
2) Are willing to take resonsibility
3) Exhibit behaviours that are out of the ordinary
4) Do not focus on followers but on their own vision
What are the issues with Charismatic Leadership regarding effectiveness and situations?
1) There is a lot of stress & uncertainty
2) The leader is at the upper level of the organization
3) Followers lack knowledge, capability, or self-esteem
4) Darks side, ego can allow self-interest to overide the organization
What is a Transactional Leader?
Transactional leadership is a style of leadership that focuses on supervision, organization, and performance; transactional leadership is a style of leadership in which leaders promote compliance by followers through both rewards and punishments.
Name the four characteristics of transactional leaders
1) Contigent Reward
2) Management by exception (active)
3) Management by exception (passive)
4) Laissez - Faire Leaders