Ch 8 Constructing Meaning Flashcards
Abstract shape
A shape that is derived from a visual source, but is so transformed that it bears little visual resemblance to that source
The study of human responses to art and beauty
A similarity or connection between things that are apparently separate and dissimilar
Wet plaster having a “a consistency of cream”
A chemical or action used to induce insensitivity or unconsciousness
A postmodern practice in which one artist reproduces an image created by another and claims it as his or her own
An overused expression or a preferable visual treatment of an idea
The degree to which a shape is distinguished from both the ground area and from other shapes within the design; the degree of resolution or focus of an entire image
Sharply defined shapes advance while blurred shapes recede
High definition
Sharply focused visual information that is easily readable
The creation of artworks using disparate media to create a unified conceptual statement
The study of symbolic visual systems
A postmodern practice in which an accumulation of multiple visual layers is used to create a single artwork
Blurred or ambiguous visual information
Can increase the complexity of the design & encourage multiple interpretations
A figure of speech in which one thing is directly linked to another, dissimilar thing
Metaphorical thinking
The use of metaphors or analogies to create visual or verbal bridges
A collection of artistic styles, most prominent from around 1860 to 1960, that emphasized the importance of form, introduced new materials and production methods, and sought to express universal truths
Nonobjective shapes
Shapes created without reference to specific visual subject matter
A collection of artistic styles that arose in the 1970s as a reaction to modernism
Conceptual emphasis, social commentary, irreverence, & skepticism about universal truths
Pure form
A circle, sphere, triangle, cube, or other form created without reference to specific subject matter
A postmodern practice in which the meaning of an image or object is changed by the context in which it’s placed
Representational shapes
Shapes derived from specific subject matter and strongly based on visual representation
A figure of speech in which thing is linked to another, dissimilar thing using the words like or as
A fixed generalization based on a preconception