Ch. 8 Cognitive Development in Childhood Flashcards
thinking, decision making, and memory
cannot be directly observed
the Conservation Task
three beakers and water problem
younger children generally say that the tall beaker holds more liquid
Piaget’s stage theory
preoperational and concrete operational
An internalized mental action that is part of an organized structure
Pre-operational Stage
Ages 2-7
Burst of language & use of symbols
Lack of operational (logical) thought
Identity Constancy
inability to understand a persons identity stays the same despite changes in appearance
limitation of the preoperational mind
limitation of the preoperational mind
believe inanimate objects are alive
limitation of the preoperational mind
struggle to sort similar objects
limitation of the preoperational mind
believe humans made everything
limitation of the preoperational mind
inability to take another persons point of view
Concrete operational stage
ages 7-11
ability to mentally act upon concrete and tangible objects and situations
can problem solve
difficulty thing about hypothetical, abstract situations
Vygotskys theory
proposes that action influences cognition and dialogue promotes growth
play is critical for cognitive development
Benefits of play
child can act out in ways not actually possible
play contains rules to be followed
nurtured higher order thinking
Principles of cognitive development
children construct the content of their minds through social interaction
activity generates thinking
development requires the use of dialectic exchanges
Zone of proximal development
differentiation of actual and potential development
what a child can do alone vs with a parent or peer
Theory of Mind
~age 5
ability to attribute beliefs, desires, etc to oneself and to others
not mastered by everyone
more sophisticated lying is possible
good at language comprehension but struggle with word recognition
Comprehension deficit
good at word recognition but struggle with language comprehension
Mixed reading disability
issue with both word recognition and language comprehension