Ch. 8 Flashcards
Procedure for developing a Questionnaire-Step 1
Specify what information will be sought, by making a hypotheses.
Procedure for developing a Questionnaire-Step 2
Determine Method of Administation, like personal interview, telephone interview, mail questionnaires, or web-based questionnaires.
Procedure for developing a Questionnaire-Step 3
Determine Content of Individual Questions, Filter questions.
Procedure for developing a Questionnaire-Step 4
Determine form of response to each question, like open-ended questions or Closed- ended questions.
Response order bias-
An error that occurs when the response to a question is influenced by the order in which the alternatives are presented.
Split-ballot technique-
A technique used to combat respnse order bias, in which response options are reordered or reandomized to create different versions of the survey.
Procedure for developing a Questionnaire-Step 5-
Determine wording of each question. use simple words, avoid ambiguous words and questions, avoid leading questions, avoid unstated alternatives, avoid assumed consequences, avoid generalizations and estimates, avoid double-barreled questions.
Leading question:
A question framed so as to give the respondent a clue as to how he or she should answer.
unstated alternative:
An alternative answer that is not expressed in a question’s options.
assumed consequences-
A problem that occurs when a question is not framed so as to clearly state the consequences and thus generates different responses from individuals who assume different consequesnces.
Double- barreled questions-
A question that calls for two responses and creates confusion for the resondent.
Procedure for developing a Questionnaire-Step 6-
Determine Question Sequence. Use simple and interesting opening questions. Use the funnel Approach. Design braching questions with care. Place difficult or sensitive questions late in the questionnaire.
Funnel Approach-
An approach to question sequencing that gets its name from its shape, starting with braod questions and pregressiveily narrowing down the scope.
Question order bias-
The tendency for earlier questions on a questionnaire to influence respondents’ answers to later questions.
Branching question-
A technique used to direct respondents to different places in a questionnaire, based on their response to the question at hand.
Procedure for developing a Questionnaire-Step 7-
Determine physical characteristics of questionnaire.
Procedure for developing a Questionnaire-Step 8-
Develop Recruiting message or script.
Procedure for developing a Questionnaire-Step 9-
Reexamine steps 1-8 and revise if necessary.
Procedure for developing a Questionnaire-Step 10-
Pretest Questionnaire and revise if necessary.
Use of a questionnaire (or observation form) on a trial basis in a small pilot study to determine how well the questionnaire (or observation form) works.