Ch. 8- 2 Group Design Flashcards
Cocktail party effect
Ability to focus on one conversation in a noisy environment while ignoring everything else
○ Process of deliberately trying to stop thinking about certain thoughts
i.e. resist thinking about checking your phone when you get a text
○ Changes in one variable are associated with changes in another variable
○ Part of determining causality
Correlational study can establish covariation, but not causation
Temporal precedence
○ Changes in suspected cause (treatment) occurs before changes in effect (outcome)
○ Treatment occurs before changes in outcome
Needed to determine which variable is cause vs effect
Internal validity
Degree to which we can rule out other possible causal explanations for an observed relationship between the independent and dependent variables
Mundane realism
○ Degree to which a study parallels everyday situations in the real world
Want to make experimental conditions as natural as possible
Two group design
○ Compares 2 groups or conditions
○ Basic way to establish cause and effect
Also known as a simple experiment
All or nothing comparison
All or nothing comparison
A little more versus a little less comparison
○ Experimental group gets a little bit more of the treatment, control group gets a little less
i.e. Degree to which participants have to ignore texts
○ Assumption that each participant represents a unique and individual data point
○ Running multiple participants at the same time can compromise study’s independence
§ In a group, participants tend to favour their group over others
Acts as group rather than as an individual
Random Assignment
○ Method of placing participants in groups that is non-systematic and non-biased
Each participants has an equal chance of being in any group
Matched Pair Design
○ One creates a set of 2 participants who are highly similar on a key trait
Randomly assigns individuals in the pair to different groups
Experimental Realism
○ Degree to which a participant becomes engrossed in the manipulation and truly influenced by it
Want study to feel as real as possible
Manipulation Check
○ Measure that helps determine whether the manipulation effectively changed or varied the independent variable across conditions
i.e. on a scale of 1 to 10, how permissible was it to check your phone
• T test for independent means
Compares group means to see if the groups differ to a degree that could not have just happened due to chance
Effect size (d)
Measure of magnitude of the difference between groups