Ch 8 Flashcards
Bulimia nervosa
Uncontrolled binging followed by deliberate removal
Excessive consumption
Anorexia nervosa
Recurring food refusal, very low bodyweight,
Rigorous excersize
Binge eating disorder
Binge with guilt, no purge
The chief characteristic of eating disorders is…?
Drive to be thin
Avoidant restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID)
Limiting food intake because they dont like eating
…. Has the highest mortality rate at … percent
Anorexia nervosa, 20
Women woth anorexia nervose are … more likely to die by suicide
What factors in countries contributing to the rise of eating disorders?
Excess BMI of 30 or more
Obesity is comsidered an official disorder in the DSM 5
A BMI of … is morbidly obese
BMI uses
Hieght and weight
United States has the highest amount of, and most obese people are
Obese people,women
Obesity is often comirbid with
Diabetes (called diabesity)