Ch. 7 Infectious Diseases Flashcards
Typical Bacterial Pathogens and Empiric Abx for Infants and Children with Suspected Sepsis/Meningitis
0-1 mo
1-3 mo
3 mo-3 yrs
3 yrs-adult
Most common complication of meningitis
Hearing Loss (up to 25% pts)
Most common cause of viral meningitis in U.S.
2 types of bacterial pharyngitis - what organisms?
Group A Strep
- Lack of other URI symptoms (rhinorrhea, cough)
- Exudate on tonsils, petechiae on soft palate, strawberry tongue
- Fever
- Scarlatiniform rash
- Grey adherent tonsillar membrane
Most common pathogens for otitis externa?
- Pseudomonas
- S. aureus
- Candida
Impetigo vs. Erysipelas vs. Cellulitis
Impetigo = superficial skin infection involving upper dermis
Erysipelas = skin infection that involves dermal lymphatics
- Tender, erythematous skin with distinct border
Cellulitis = skin infection that involves dermal later
Complications of GABHS infections
- Rheumatic fever
- Post-strep arthritis
- Pediatric AI neuropsychiatric disorders associated with strep infection (PANDAS)
Classic electrolyte finding in bacterial diarrhea
Non-AG hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis (due to bicarb loss in stool)
Mgmt of infants born to HIV-infected mothers
- Zidovudine for 6 weeks for post exposure prophylaxis
- TMP/SX for Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP) prophylaxis until HIV DNA PCR at age 4 mo. is negative
- No breastfeeding
- Urine CMV culture to detect coinfection with CMV (ocurs in 5%)
EBV complications (5)
- Neurologic complications, including cranial nerve palsies/encephalitis
- Severe pharyngitis, which may cause upper airway obstruction
- Amoxicillin-associated rash. Pts with EBV infection who are misdiagnosed with GABHS pharyngitis and prescribed amox often develop diffiuse pruritic maculopapular rash 1 week after starting abx. Not an allergic rxn but is idiosyncratic
- Splenic rupture
- Malignancy (nasopharyngeal carcinoma, Burkitt’s lymphoma)
Most common complication of mumps
Aseptic meningitis
Orchitis in postpubertal males –> can impair fertility
Two common complications of acute otitis media
Facial nerve palsy / Mastoiditis
Common complication of rubella infection
Complication seen in primary measles / varicella
Clinical phases of pertussis
- Catarrhal (1-2 weeks): Mild cough, rhinitis
- Paroyxsmal (2-6 weeks): Whooping cough, posttussive emesis, subconjunctival hemorrhages (from increased intraorbital pressure)
- Convalescent (weeks to months): sx gradually resolve