Ch 7 Early Childhood Physical And Cognitive Dev Flashcards
Corpus callosum
Thick bundle of nerve fibers that connects the left and right hemispheres of the brain
Tendency of new parts of the brain to take up the functions of injured parts
Gross motor skills
Skills employing the large muscles used in locomotion
Fine motor skills
Skills employing the small muscles used in manipulation, such as those in the fingers
Sleep terrors
Frightening dream-like experiences that occur during the deepest stage of non- REM sleep, shortly after the child has gone to sleep
Failure to control the bladders once the normal age for control has been reached
Failure to control the bladder during the night
(Also soiling) failure to control the bowels once the normal age control for bowel has been reached
Preoperational stage
Second stage in piaget’S scheme, characterized by inflexible and irreversible mental manipulation of symbols
Symbolic play
Play in which children make believe that objects and toys are other than what they are (also pretend play)
Putting oneself at the center of things such that one is unable to perceive the world from another person’s point of view
A type of thought in which natural cause-and-effect relationships are attributed to will and other preoperational concepts
Transductive reasoning
Reasoning from the specific to the specific
The attribution of life and intentionality to inanimate objects