Ch 7 Flashcards
Behavior that underconforms to accepted norms
Negative deviance
Behavior that overconforms to social expectations
Positive deviance
A person who violates one or more of society’s most highly valued norm
Means of promoting conformity to norms
Social control
A social condition in which norms are weak, conflicting, or absent
The theory that that deviance is most likely to occur when there is a discrepancy between culturally prescribed goals and legitimate (socially approved) means of obtaining them
Strain theory
The theory that deviance is part of a subculture transmitted through socialization
Cultural transmission theory
The theory that deviant behavior is learned—that the more individuals are exposed to people who break the law, the more likely they are to become criminals
Differential association theory
A return to crime after prison
The theory that deviance exists when some members of a group or society label others as deviant
Labeling theory
Isolated acts of norm violation
Primary deviance
Deviance as a lifestyle and personal identity
Secondary deviance
An undesirable characteristic or label used by others to deny the deviant full social acceptance
Any crime committed by respectable and high-status people in the course of their occupations
White-collar crime
Illegal acts by people in either their employment or their personal financial pursuits
Occupational crime