CH 7 Flashcards
profit on an investment’s return will be different than expected
the chance that an investment’s return will be different than expected
Dollar return
return on an investment measured in actual dollars
What are the two components of a dollar return?
Cash you recieved while you owned the investment (ie dividends), the vale of the value of the asset you purchase may change (capital gain or captial loss)
Percentage Return
that investment’s rate of return or the amount earned on each dollar invested
Annualized return
any investment’s return over a given perios that is re-scaled to a period of one year
Holding Period return
the percentage return over a particular time period
Geometric Average
answers the question: What was the average compound return per year over a particular period?
the n_th root product of n numbers, the average compound return per year of an investment over a particular period
arithmetic average
answers the question: What was the return in an average year over a particular period?
the average rate of return per period on an investment, generally expressed either as the geometirc or arithmetic mean
What does arithmetic average assume?
independence of variables and can be overly optimistic (especially for longer-term holdings).
What does geometric average assume?
dependence of variables and can be overly pessimistic (especially for shorter-term holdings).
Risk-free rate
the return an investor can earn on a risk-free investment (like U.S. Treasury bills)
Risk Premium
the return in excess of the risk-free rate that an investment is expected to yield
Coefficient of variation (CV)
standard deviation/expected return
Capital Allocation Line
a graph created to measure risk/return tradeoff of investing into any combination of the risk-free rate and a risky asset