Ch. 7 Flashcards
What is learning?
Lasting change as a result of practice, study, or experience. It has to be inferred from behaviour.
What are the 2 types of learning?
Associative learning and non-associative learning.
What is associative learning?
A change as a result of experience where 2/+ stimuli become linked.
What is non-associative learning?
Learning that does not involve forming associations between stimuli; it is change resulting from experiences with a single theory.
What is dishabituation? (Non-associative learning)
Learning whereby there is a recovery of attention to a novel stimulus following habitation.
What is habituation? (Non-associative learning)
Weakening of response to a stimulus after repeated presentation.
What is sensitization?(Non-associative learning)
A strong stimulus results in an exaggerated response to the subsequent presentation of weaker stimuli.
What 2 connections are formed between 2/+ stimuli in associative learning?
1) Classical Conditioning
2) Operant Conditioning
What is classical conditioning?
The association of 2 stimuli.
Founded by Ivan Pavlov
What was Ivan Pavlov’s study?
He studied his dog and when he would salivate. He learned that it wasn’t just the food that would cause the dog to salivate, but to the guy in the white coat who gave the food when he appeared.
The dog is anticipating to be getting something he wants.
What is unconditioned stimulus?
A stimulus that on its own elicits response.
E.x. food
What is unconditioned response?
A physical response elicited by an unconditional stimulus; it does not need to be learned.
E.x. salivation.
What is conditional response?
A neutral stimulus that eventually elicits the same response as an unconditioned stimulus with which it has been paired.
E.x. bell
What is acquisition?
What is stimulus generalization?
When similar stimuli elicit the same response as a conditioned stimulus after classical conditioning has occurred.
What are 2 major conditioning processes?
Stimulus discrimination
High-order conditioning.
What is stimulus discrimination?
An organism learns to emit a specific behaviour in the presence of a stimulus, but not in the presence of stimuli similar to the original stimulus.
What is high-order conditioning?
Occurs when a previously conditioned stimulus functions as if it were an unconditioned stimulus for further conditioning.
What are phobias?
Persistent, irrational or obsessive fear of a specific object/situation that may arise as a result of fear conditioning.
What is systematic desensitization?
A process used to condition extinction of phobias through gradual exposure to the feared object/situation.
What is conditioned taste aversion?
A form of classical conditioning where a previously neutral stimulus (often an order or taste) elicits an aversive reaction after it’s paired with illness (nausea).
What is operant conditioning?
A form of associative learning where behaviour is modified depending on its consequences.