Ch 7-11 Flashcards
Advanced Value Equivalence (AVE)
A calculation of the value of publicity based on the advertising rates and the amount of media coverage received
Return on Investment (ROI)
A business concept for getting gore out of something than the original cost
Communication Audit
Research procedures used to determine whether an organization’s public statements and publications are consistent with its values-driven mission and goals
Survey Research
Formal research conducted through the use of carefully selected population samples and specifically worded questionaries
Focus Groups
An informal research method in which interviewers meet with groups of selected individuals to determine their opinions, predispositions, concerns, and attitudes
Close-ended Question
Questions for which the response set is specifically defined; answers must be selected from a predetermined menu of options
Open-ended Question
Questionnaire items for which the number of possible answers is undefined and unrestricted
Rating Scale Question
Questionnaire items designed to measure the range, degree, or intensity or respondents’ attitudes on the topic being studied
Primary Research
Original research not derived from the results of any earlier researcher’s efforts
Secondary Research
Research using information generated by someone else, sometimes for purpose entirely different from your own; also known as library research
Probability Sampling
The process of selecting a research sample that is representative of the population of public fro, which it’s selected
Non-probability Sampling
The process of selecting a research sample without regard to whether everyone in the public has an equal chance of being selected
The outcome a public relations plan is designed to achieve
Specific milestones that measure progress toward achievement of a goal. Written objectives begin with an infinitive, are measurable, and state a specific deadline
Contingency Plan
A plan created for use when a certain set of circumstances arises. Crisis communications plans are examples of contingency plans
Standing Plan
A plan that remains in effect over an extended period of time. Its tactics are routinely reenacted to sustain fulfillment of the plan’s goal and objective.
Ad hoc Plan
A plan created for a single, short-term purpose; from the Latin phrase meaning “for this purpose only”
Situation Analysis
In a written PR proposal, a statement that accurately and objectively describes an opportunity or threat for which PR actions are recommended
SWOT Analysis
An assessment of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that an organization has or could confront
Uncontrolled Media
Communication channels, such as newspaper stories, in which PR practitioners cannot control the message, timing, or frequency
Controlled Media
Communication channels, such as newspaper stories, in which the sender of the message controls the message as well as its timing and frequency
Video News Release
Videotaped news stories that an organization produces and distributes to the news media
Unedited video footage that follows a video news release. Rather than use the VNR as provided, some television stations prefer using b-roll footage to create their own news stories
Media Advisory
A fact sheet that is faxed or e-mailed to news media to alert them of a breaking news story or an event they may wish to cover
Media Kit
A package of documents and other items offering extensive coverage of a news story to the news media. A media kit contains at least one news release as well as other materials such as backgrounds, fact sheets, photo opportunity sheets, and product samples
News Conference
A structured meeting between an organization’s representative and the news media for the purpose of providing info for news stories
Trade Magazines
Magazines for members for particular trades of professions, such as carpenters or lawyers
Grassroots Lobbying
Organized efforts by ordinary citizens to influence and regulatory governmental processes
Third-Party Endorsements
Verification of a story’s newsworthiness that the news media provide when they publish or broadcast the story. Appearance in an uncontrolled news medium lends credibility to a story, because the media are neither the sender nor the receiver but an independent third party
Fact Sheet
A who-what-when-where-why-how break down of a news release. Not meant for publication, just gives the facts. Often included in media kits
Specific recommended actions designed to help an organization achieve the objectives stated in a public relations plan
A special event, often of questionable news value, created for the purpose of attracting the attention of the news media
Inverted Pyramid
A symbol that represents the traditional organization of a news story. In a traditional news story, the most important information occurs within the first few sentences; as the story progresses, the information becomes less important
Critical Thinking
The systematic, goal-oriented, comprehensive, objective analysis of a subject
Creative Thinking
The systematic generation of unique and compelling ideas
The part of a sentence that identifies the speaker of a direct quotation
Regularly updated Internet journals or news forums that foci on a particular area of interest
Blending of media types into a coherent form
The use of PR strategies and tactics to deal with publics via, and issues related to, the Internet
Integrated multimedia incorporating audio, visual, and text info in a single delivery system
Financial activity conducted on the Internet
Global Village
Marshall McLuhan suggested that because of advances in telecommunications technology, we live in a world in which everyone can share simultaneous experiences
Push Technologies
Computer software that permits users to customize info received automatically from the Internet
Transmitted in a computer-readable format.
Mass distributing of an ad oriented email
The unwelcome commercial use of instant messaging
Social Media
Online technologies and practices that allow people to share info and opinions. They take many forms
Virtual Public Relations
Communications and PR through social media and technology