Ch 6 Section 2 Leins and Easements Flashcards
Are legally enforceable rights to the limited use of another’s land
An encumbrance on title to real estate
- legal right that a creditor has over a debtor’s real and/or personal property that serves as security for repayment of a debt
When dealing with liens as encumbrances affecting title, it is necessary to consider:
- priority of liens
- satisfaction of liens
- enforcements of liens
3 General classifications of liens
- general or specific
- voluntary or involuntary
- statutory or equitable
General lien
Directed against the individual debtor and therefore attaches to all of his property, both personal and real
Voluntary lien
Is one entered into by agreement of the parties
Involuntary lien
Created by operation of law
Statutory lien
A lien that is established by or results from laws passed by the legislature
Equitable lien results from:
- A private, written contract that shows an intention to pledge property as security for a debt
- a court decision based on English common law and sense of fairness
Common types of liens
- Property tax
- Special assessment
- Federal tax
- Mortgage
- Vendor
- Vendee
- Mechanics
- Judgement
- Attachment
- Lis pendens
Property Tax Lien
Are specific, statutory, involuntary , liens filed against real property at the beginning of each tax year
Special Assessment
Are specific, statutory, usually involuntary liens filed against those real properties that will benefit from a proposed public improvement
Federal Tax
Are general, statutory, involuntary liens imposed for non-payment of federal estates taxes, federal income taxes, or payroll taxes.
Personal easements in gross
personal in nature and do not attach to any particular piece of land
- Attaches to a person
- not assignable
- servient estate only
- does not survive death or sale
specific, equitable, voluntary liens filed by mortgage against a piece of real property that has been pledge collateral for repayment of a debt.
Specific, equitable, voluntary liens filed by a mortgagee against a piece of real property that has been pledge as collateral for payment of a debt
Specific statutory, involuntary, liens lied against real property by material men or mechanics (laborers) who have supplied materials for or, worked on, improvements, repairs, or maintenance of real property.
general, statutory, involuntary liens that attach to a debtors real and personal property.
Legal process involving the seizure of a defendants real and personal property and holding it in the custody of the court as security, while a lawsuit is being decided.
Lis piden
an action pending
Specific, equitable, voluntary liens filed by a mortgagee against a piece of real property that has been pledge as collateral for payment of a debt
Legally enforceable right to use another’s land for some particular purpose, for an ongoing period of time
What are the 3 classifications of easements
- easements appurtenant
- personal easements in gross
- commercial easements in gross
The owner whose land is being used burdened by the easement and is said to hold the servient estate
Commercial Easements
gross are property rights held by a business entity
- attaches to company
- usually assignable
-servient estate only - survives death or sale
Easements may be created by:
-Express grant
- Express reservation
- necessity
- implication
- prescription
- agreement
- condemnation
Express grant easement
Created in writing by the land owner over his own land.
Express reservation
Easement may be created by express reservation when a landowner sells a portion of his property to another but reserves an easement over the sold land by lacing a reservation in the deed.
Easements appurtenant
give the right of one land owner to use the property of an adjoining landowner for a specific purpose
- attaches to land
- adjoining to land
- dominant & servient estates
- survives death or sale
Easement of necessity
Created by operation of law rather than by a formal written agreement.
Prescriptive easement
Right acquired by an adverse user
An easement may be created by :
A written agreement
Easements are terminated
- The necessity for the easement no longer exits
- the dominant a servient estates are merged
- the easements owner (dominant estate) release servient estate
- dominant estate is abandoned
- servient estate is destroyed and court terminates it