Ch. 6 - Plasmodium Flashcards
6 stages of the life cycle of Plasmodium spp.
- ring forms (early trophozoite)
- developing trophozoites
- immature schizonts
- mature schizonts
- microgametocytes
- macrogametocytes
Parasites with no obvious structures for the purpose of motility
Stage of Plasmodium parasites following invasion into a previously healthy RBC
Ring form (early trophozoite)
Stage of Plasmodium where there is an emergence of the fully developed asexual sporozoa trophozoite
Mature schizont
Fully developed stage of the asexual sporozoa trophozoite
General shape of microgametocyte
General shape of macrogametocytes
Round to oval
Mosquito genus responsible for the transmission of malaria to humans via blood meal
Infective stage of plasmodium transferred by Anopheles mosquito
After entrance to the body, where are the sporozoites carried to by the peripheral blood?
Parenchymal cells of the liver
Asexual multiplication
Where does schizogony occur?
Parenchymal cells of the liver
Type of reproduction outside the RBCs
Exoerythrocytic cycle
Type of reproduction involving RBCs
Erythrocytic cycle
Phase of plasmodia where they feed on hemoglobin and pass through their 6 morphologic forms
Asexual phase
Dormant Plasmodium-infected liver cells
2 plasmodia that may exhibit hypnozoites
- Plasmodium vivax
- Plasmodium ovale
A relapse infection of malaria
Place where the sexual phase of plasmodia occur
Stomach of mosquito
Forms when the male and female plasmodia gametocytes unite in the stomach of the mosquito
Ookinete (zygote)
An encysted zygote (ookinete)
Type of malaria that occurs when uninfected patients recieve blood tainted with malaria collected from an infected donor
Transfusion malaria
Type of malaria that is spread through the sharing of needles and syringes
Mainline malaria
Type of malaria that results from the passing of the parasite from mother to child
Congenital malaria