Ch. 6 Organizational Learning Flashcards
Learning Styles
- Actually not a lot of evidence to support people having different learning styles
Gold Standard
- Identifying people’s learning styles and then assigning A learners to either A or B teaching style and then B learners to either A or B teaching styles
- If A learns better in A than B, and B learns better in B than A, this theory would be supported
- Minimal and even contradicting evidence
- Perhaps variety of teaching styles to mix it up is important
3 phases of skill acquisition:
- Declarative knowledge – individual has knowledge about facts and things
- Knowledge compilation – the process by which people integrate the sequences of cognitive and motor processes required to perform the task
- Procedural knowledge – individual has automatized the skill and can perform the task efficiently with little attention
Proceduralization (automaticity)
- Proceduralization – a set of cognitive rules: If A happens, then B is needed
- Automaticity – A state of rapid performance that requires little cognitive effort
Mental models
- the way knowledge is organized
- Experts have mental models and know when certain knowledge is applicable and when it is not
- An individual’s knowledge and control over his or her cognitions
- Experts have greater understanding of tasks and their own capabilities
Organizational analysis
Identify the organization’s primary strategic objectives
Task analysis
Identify whether there are some tasks that are consistently performed poorly
Person analysis
- Which workers should be trained?
- Maybe not all employees are performing poorly or, from a development standpoint, maybe there are employees you want to learn skills for advancement
Shift from instructor
- led classroom toward learner-centered, technology-based (computer-based) training
- Role of training is to encourage learning the various (and evolving) ways the performance objectives can be obtained
Computer-based training (e-learning)
- Learning can occur through audio & visual conferencing, threaded discussions, chat rooms, file sharing, or through more formal training modules
Non-computer-based training
- Probably more expensive and less customizable
Programmed Instruction
- Regarded as basis from which all other computer-based training was derived
- Self-paced learning
Information presented to trainee, question is asked, if correct answer, program proceeds to next question - Estimated 80% of companies use programmed instruction
Intelligent Tutoring Systems
- Uses concept of artificial intelligence to tailor instruction to trainee
- Like computer adaptive testing, continuously modifies level of instruction to pattern of trainee
Interactive Multimedia Training
- More technologically sophisticated
Includes text, photos, graphics, videos, animation, and sound - Rich simulation of real-life job situation
- Allows trainee to make decisions and receive immediate feedback on the quality of decisions
- Learn skills in a nonthreatening environment, where error consequences are not high
Virtual Reality Training
- Simulates real life in artificial 3-D environment
Business Games
- Simulates a business environment with specific objectives to achieve and rules for trainees to follow
- Training method often aimed at enhancing either human relations skills or sales technique
Behavior Modeling
- Imitate the behavior of another person who has good performance
- Other trainers watch and provide reinforcement for appropriate imitation
Active Learning Approaches
- Put trainees in control of their learning
Can be computer or non-computer based - Based on assumption that learning occurs inductively (bottom-up)
Rather than deductively (top-down)
Error Management Training
- Theoretical benefit of learning from mistakes,
- Employees encouraged to make errors and then learn from their mistakes
Self-Regulatory Training
- Prompting trainees to monitor and adjust their actions and reactions
- Develop meta-cognitions during training process
Diversity Training - Surface-level vs. deep-level diversity
Surface-level – demographic differences that are easily seen
Deep-level – personality and values unknown at first glance
Goal - To reduce barriers, such as values, stereotypes, and managerial practices, that constrain employee contributions to organizational goals and personal development
Many diversity training programs focus on diversity awareness to:
- increase trainee knowledge
- find common ground
- challenge belief systems
Expatriate Training
- Expatriates serve in overseas assignments
- Global business results in greater number of expatriates
- Expatriates can experience cultural adjustment problems
- Training focus should include:
An understanding of different customs, etiquette, gestures
Training should include family members
EEOC definition of sexual harassment
- Unwelcome sexual advances
- Interferes with ability to do work
Quid pro quo vs. hostile work environment
Quid pro quo – sexual compliance is made mandatory for promotion, favors, or retaining one’s job
Hostile work environment – less blatant than quid pro quo and refers to conditions in workplace that are regarded as offensive such as unwanted touching and off-color jokes
Sexual harassment training programs (content)
- Sensitivity to others’ values
- Personalized differences and preferences
- Workplace romances
Excellent companies develop managers
- Part of performance management is identifying future managers and giving them necessary skills through training
- Good for company and good for the individual who wants to develop
Critical management skills: Personal & Interpersonal
- Personal: developing self-awareness, managing stress, solving problems creatively
- Interpersonal: Communicating supportively, gaining power and influence, motivating others, and managing conflict.
Mentors (in the workplace)
- More senior or experienced individuals who advice and shepherd new people in the formative years of their career
Three-factor model of mentoring
- Frequency of meetings
- Scope – breadth of subjects (psychosocial vs. task-related)
- Strength of influence
- For mentee: Increased visibility, protection from politics, and career coaching; Faster rates of promotion, higher motivation, and more positive interpersonal relationships at work
- For mentor: Greater personal satisfaction in their work lives
Executive Coaching
- Coach from outside the organization (external) helps executive learn adaptive new skills
- Coach does not have licensure and may not have specific industry knowledge
Focus is on developing a broader set of skills
Types of skills that can be learned
- Interpersonal
- Communication
- Cognitive
- Leadership
- Self-management
Geared specifically to individual problems and needs
People vary in their levels of coachability
Coaching is related to substantial improvements in performance
Transfer of training
-The degree to which the knowledge and skills learned in training are applied in the actual job
People must be motivated and supported
Learning Process
- Acquiring knowledge (know that)
- Acquiring knowledge for use (know how)
- Building performance capability through practice
Work Process
- Application for job-specific proficiency
- Repeating and maintaining application
- Generalizing for far transfer
Internal criteria
- Reaction criteria – refer primarily to the participants’ reactions to the training program
- Learning criteria – what knowledge has been acquired, skills improved, or attitudes changed as a result of training?
External criteria
- Behavioral criteria – actual changes in performance once the employee is back on the job
- Results criteria – the economic value of the training program to the company