Ch. 4 Predictors: Psychological Assessments Flashcards
What is a predictor?
- Any variable used to forecast/predict a criterion
- For example, you want someone who will show up on time for work (criterion)
What is Reliability
- Consistency and stability of measurement
- Three types of reliability used for different reasons
NOT interchangeable - Regardless, good scores are r = .70 and above
Test-retest Reliability: Coefficient of stability
- If a person took the assessment again in a month, would they get the same scores?
- If we think the assessment is tapping into something enduring or trait-like, it should not vary wildly across time
Internal-Consistency Reliability: Homogeneous content
- Degree to which individual items of an assessment relate to one another
- Split-half Reliability: Divide test into two and see how well their parts relate to one another
- Cronbach’s Alpha or Kuder-Richardson 20 (KR20): Each individual item is related to all other items and degree of agreement among items is assessed
- Split-half Reliability - Divide test into two and see how well their parts relate to one another
Inter-Rater Reliability: Conspect reliability
- If three separate interviewers rate the performance of an interviewee, you can evaluate the degree to which they agree with one another
- Did everyone see the candidate in the same way?
- Disagreement needs to be discussed and understood
- Accuracy of measurement
- Are we measuring what we seek to measure?
Construct Validity
- The degree to which a test is an accurate measure of the construct it is trying to measure
Convergent validity
- The degree to which our test relates to what it should theoretically relate to
- Happiness should relate to optimism and negative affect (inversely)
Discriminant validity
- The degree to which the construct does not relate to things it should not theoretically relate to
- Happiness does not relate to intelligence
Criterion-Related Validity
- Another way of assessing construct validity
The degree to which a predictor relates to a criterion - Concurrent criterion-related validity
- Predictive criterion-related validity
- Determine both of these in a sample of employees for whom we have these scores
Validity Coefficient
- The correlation between predictor scores and a criterion
Desired (and common) range is .30 to .40 - Squaring the correlation tells us variance we can explain in the criterion variable
- r = .40, we are explaining 16% of the variance
Content Validity
- Another way to assess construct validity
- No statistics
- An evaluation of how well the test represents the domain you seek to assess
- Only assessing knowledge of one chapter would lead to poor content validity if the criterion is knowledge of I/O psychology in general
- Typically assessed by Subject Matter Experts
Content of assessment needs to relate to the content of a job (as outlined by the Work Analysis)
Similar type of “validity” - Face Validity
- Items appear appropriate for purpose of assessment
- Book says this is assessed by test-takers
Predictors: Measured via a test
- Give potential mechanics various questions assessing knowledge of cars and how to fix them
Predictors: Measured via a sampling of behavior
- Give potential mechanics a broken car to assess and fix
Predictor: Present-oriented
- Job interview may assess level of interpersonal skills
Predictor: Past-oriented
- Job interview may ask “tell me about a time in which you…”
- Letters of recommendation
- Concept of g vs. multiple intelligences
- Racially charged history and controversy
- Book says “single best predictor job performance” which is true numerically, but likely not practically or ethically
Mechanical Aptitude
- Assess the recognition of mechanical principles like sound and heat conductance, velocity, gravity, and force.
- Predictive of success in manufacturing/production type jobs
- Women tend to perform worse
- Example: Bennett-Mechanical Test
Series of pictures that illustrate various mechanical concepts and principles
- No “right v. wrong” answers
- Scale scores used to predict job success
Big 5 Personality Theory
Openness to experience, Conscientious, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Neuroticism (OCEAN or CANOE)
Dark Triad
- Machiavellianism, narcissism, psychopathy
- Overt (transparent)
- Asks questions about attitudes toward theft and other forms of dishonesty, endorsement of common rationalizations of theft, or admission of theft
- Incentive for employee to lie
- Personality-based
- Take a personality measure that makes no overt reference to theft, but has been found to be predictive of theft
- More predictive of counterproductive work behavior than job performance or turnover
- Incentive to lie
Situational Judgment
- Responses are not scored simply as right or wrong
- Designed to reflect reality of making decisions in life
Computerized Adaptive Testing (CAT)
- Automated, difficulty level of questions pre-calibrated
- Used by the military and other large volume assessments (SAT, GRE)
Testing on the Internet
- Many tests moving from from paper-and-pencil testing to online computer testing
- Proctored v. unproctored web-based testing
Factors to Consider When Using Psychological Assessments
- Tyranny of testing: Critical decisions based on a single test
- Does it systematically select certain groups over others?
- Cheating/lying on employment tests
- Also anxiety associated with taking tests
- Each test should be re-validated on each job
- Some tests may predict certain jobs well but not others
- All in all, psychological assessments are moderately predictive of job performance
- Thus, need other methods of assessments to triangulate information
- Universal in its use
- Social exchange between at least two individuals
- Can be subject to biases inherent in all social processes (e.g., we tend to like people similar to ourselves)
- More structure increases validity and fairness
- “Structured interview” is an interview in which all candidates are asked the same questions
- Questions should be driven by content of work analysis
Situational interviews
- ask candidates to state what they would do in a future (hypothetical) situation
Behavioral interviews
- ask candidates to describe a past time in which they have exhibited certain behaviors
Work Samples
- Candidate performs a sample of the work they would be doing
- Typing, driving a forklift, running analyses on a dataset
High validity in blue-collar jobs that involve specific skills
Less effective/useful in people-oriented jobs - Can be time consuming
- Effective at predicting “can do,” but not potential
- Physical abilities testing also used to assess strength, endurance, and coordination
Situational Exercises
- Similar to work samples, but not an exact simulation of job
In-basket test – candidates given a basket of things to do and are rated on productivity and problem-solving - Leaderless group discussion – group of 8-10 people with no assigned leader; watch how they handle social interactions and getting stuff done
- Modest validity among managerial positions and very costly
- Not as similar to actual work as the work samples were, but could still be a reasonable compromise
Biographical Information
- Past life experiences used to predict future behavior
Education and past employment (asked for on an application or included in a resume) - Book mentions constructs I would consider personality assessments (e.g., need for achievement, satisfaction with life, optimism)
- Also mentions questions I wouldn’t ask about parents and family
Usefulness of Biographical Information
- Typically high validity
- Reveals consistent patterns of behavior in our lives
- Often locates unique criterion variance
- Legally defensible, but be careful with types of questions
Letters of Recommendation
- Commonly used selection method but least valid
- Candidate only asks people who will speak well of them
- Writer only agrees to write if they can speak well of candidate
- Letter-readers might read between the lines (which is not good)
Drug Testing
- Substance abuse is major global problem
- Increases danger to employee, coworker, and clients/patients/patrons
Two types of assessments:
- Screening test
- Confirmation test
Practical issues
- Cost savings in the end, costly in the beginning
- Controversial – some say infringing on privacy
Laws differ by state and local governments
Polygraphy (Lie Detection)
- Validity in question
- There is no specific physiological reaction to lying
- People may be aroused just because they are in that situation
- Try to establish baseline, but arousal may rise just simply by asking more difficult or crime-related questions, not because of lie
- President Reagan 1988 ban on private-sector use
But increasing use in government and security agencies
Test of Emotional Intelligence
- Highly controversial and still not well-established
- But intuitive appeal and predictive of success in jobs with high emotional labor
Four major evaluative standards:
- Validity: Predictive accuracy
- Fairness: Should not have differential predictive accuracy across different groups
- Applicability: Can the method be used across job types? Interviews used in almost all jobs.
- Cost: How expensive the selection method is to administer has a bearing on its use