Ch 5: Lab Techniques: Separations and Spectroscopy (Princeton Review) Flashcards
Extraction allows the chemist to separate one substance from a mixture of substances by adding a solvent in which the compound of interest is ______ _______.
highly soluble
p. 112
The simplest ______-______ extraction is accomplished when an organic compound is extracted with water. A simple water extraction can remove substances that are highly polar or charged, including inorganic salts, strong acids and bases, and polar, low molecular weight compounds (less than 5 carbons) such as alcohols, amines, and carboxylic acids.
p. 112
In liquid-liquid extraction, the ratio of the substance’s solubilities in the 2 solvents is called the __________ (or partition) coefficient.
p. 112
All types of chromatography are used to…
…separate mixtures of compounds.
This could be for the purpose of identification, or for purification.
p. 116
In TLC, the thin layer of SiO2 coated onto a supporting material like glass acts as the _____ __________ _____.
polar stationary phase
p. 116
In TLC, the less polar components have a greater affinity for the solvent than the stationary phase and travel with the mobile solvent at a ______ rate than the more polar components.
p. 116
In TLC, often the components are not colored and after running the experiment, need to be detected by some other means. Visualization methods may include shining ___________ light on the plate, placing the thin layer plate in the presence of iodine vapor, or any of many other chemical staining techniques.
p. 116
Assuming you used a polar stationary phase, what does the Rf value signify?
The higher the Rf value the less polar the molecule, or conversely, the lower the Rf value, the more polar the molecule.
p. 117
In column (flash) chromatography, in what order can compounds be expected to leave the column and be collected?
In order of polarity, from least polar to most polar
p. 117
What is unique about gas chromatography when compared with other chromatography methods?
instead of a solid stationary phase → stationary phase is liquid
instead of a mobile liquid phase → mobile gas phase
p. 123
In gas chromatography, separations of compounds occurs based on their _______ _________.
different volatilities
p. 123
In gas chromatography, the chart recorder printout enables us to determine the number of components and their ________ amounts.
p. 123
In gas chromatography, will the volatile components emerge from the column first or last?
The more volatile components emerge from the column first, while the less volatile components emerge later.
(Remember the example of wind blowing a child vs blowing a sumo wrestler. The more volatile a compound is, the “smaller and lighter” it is.)
p. 124 and Khan Academy video on Gas Chromatography
What substances can be used in column chromatography?
silica gel or activated alumina
(from MCAT Self-Prep cards; also p. 117)
[Regarding ion exchange chromatography]
If a mixture of proteins is passed through a cation exchange resin (one functionalized with (-) charged groups), those proteins with pI values > pH of the mobile phase will be (+) charged and elute ______ compared to those with pI values below the solution pH.
p. 119
SDS-PAGE can be used to separate most proteins and DNA under __ base pairs. ______ gel can be used for larger proteins and longer DNA.
In gel electrophoresis, the electric field affects all DNA molecules equally, since the mass-to-______ ratios are the same. Instead, we can say that the speed of a DNA molecule under the electric field is _________ proportional to the mass.
In gel electrophoresis, the samples are loaded at the cathode, which is the _________ charged end.
(cations will migrate toward the cathode, but the DNA is negatively charged, so will move toward the positively charged end)
In size exclusion chromatography, the largest molecules move the _______.
_______ _______ is the best technique to use when separating components with very similar boiling points.
Fractional distillation
(MCAT Self-Prep cards)