Ch. 5 Forms of Real Estate Ownership Flashcards
common elements
undivided interest in the remainder of the bldg and land in a condominium
community property
real and personal property acquired by either spouse during the marriage
form of ownership is used throughout the US/each unit holds fee simple title to the unit/each individual unit owner also owns a specified share of the undivided interest in the remainder of the bldg and land, known as common elements
A residential multiunit bldg whose title is held by a trust or corporation that is owned by and operated for the benefit of the people living within the bldg who are beneficial owners of the trust or shareholders of the corporation, each possessing a proprietary lease to a property unit
title ownership held by two or more persons
general partnership
all the partners participate in the operation and management of the business and share full liability for business losses and obligations
joint tenancy
property owned by two or more people whether married or unmarried /the deceased’s interest transfers directly to the surviving joint tenant or tenants/Right of Survivorship/to create a joint tenancy must have PITT
limited partnership
consists of one or more general partners, as well as limited partners/the limited partners are not legally permitted to participate with the result that each can be held liable for business losses only to the amount invested
legal way to dissolve the relationship between co-owners of real estate when the parties do not voluntarily agree to its termination
an association of two or more persons who carry on a business for profit as co-owners
possession, interest, time and title, PITT is needed to create a joint tenancy
right of survivorship
in ‘joint tenancy’ the death of a tenants interest passes to the surviving joint tenant
separate property
real or personal property that was owned solely by either spouse before marriage or acquired by gift of inheritance by one spouse during the marriage, or purchased with separate funds during the marriage
when property is owned by one individual, corporation, or other entity
tenancy by the entirety
allows a spouse to inherit the other spouse’s ownership interest upon death
tenancy in common (TIC)
each tenant holds an undivided interest in the property /the co-owners have unity of possession, meaning that each owner is entitled to possession and use of the entire property, even though each holds only a fractional ownership interest
A form of ownership interest that may include an estate interest in property and that allows use of the property for a fixed or variable time period
town house
A type of residential dwelling with two floors that is connected to one or more dwellings by a common wall or walls. Title to the unit and lost vest in the owner who shares a fractional interest with other owners in any common area
a device by which one person transfers ownership of property to someone else to hold or manage for the benefit of the third party
person who creates the trust
party who holds legal title to the property and is entrusted with carrying out the trustor’s instructions regarding the purpose of the trust
Real Estate Investment Trust
a legal entity-an artificial person-created under the authority of the laws of the state from which it receives its charger