Ch. 20 Land-Use Controls and Property Development Flashcards
buffer zone
used to ease the transition from one use to another/typically a strip of land separating land dedicated to one use from land dedicated to another use /
building code
ordinances to specify construction standards that must be met when repairing or erecting bldgs. requirements for things such as materials and standards of workmanship, sanitary equipment, electrical wiring, and fire prevention
certificate of occupancy
(occupancy permit) issued upon satisfactory completion of work for which a bldg permit was issued
comprehensive plan
master plan, not a regulatory document, but a guide that tries to anticipate changing needs
conditional-use permit
special-use permit/usually granted to a property owner to allow a special use of property that is defined as an allowable conditional use within that zone, such as a house of worship or daycare center in a residential district
convenants, conditions, & restrictions (CC&Rs)
private rules set up by the developer that establish standards for all the parcels within the defined subdivision or PUD, CC&Rs have time limitations
deed restrictions
limitations to use the property imposed by a past owner or the current owner by inclusion in the deed to the property and are binding on future grantees
density zoning
ordinances that restrict the average maximum number of houses per acre that may be built within a particular subdivision
who may also be a subdivider, improves the land, constructs homes or other bldgs on the lots, and sells them.
enabling acts
states delegate to counties and local municipalities the authority to enact ordinances in keeping with general laws (ex. HOA)
Interstate Land Sales Full Disclosure Act (ILSA)
to prevent fraudulent marketing schemes that may arise when land is sold without being seen by the purchasers
nonconforming use
may be allowed to continue legally as long as it complies with the regulations governing nonconformities in the local ordinance
planned unit development (PUD)
a development where land is set aside for mixed-use purposes, such as residential, commercial, and public areas
plat map
detailed map illustrating the geographic boundaries of individual lots. The plate maps show the lots, blocks, sections, streets, public easements, and monuments in the prospective subdivision.
restrict convenants
a clause in a deed that limits the way the real estate ownership may be used
a person who buys undeveloped acreage and divides it into smaller lots for sale to individuals or developers or for the subdividers own use
A tract of land divided by the owner, known as the subdivider, into blocks, bldg lots, and streets according to a recorded subdivision plat, which must comply with local ordinances and regulations
Permission obtained from zoning authorities to build a structure or conduct a use that is expressly prohibited by the current zoning laws ; an exception from the zoning ordinances.
zoning ordinances
implement the comprehensive plan and regulate and control the use of land and structures within designated land-use districts, in party by separating conflicting land use
bulk zoning
to control density and avoid overcrowding by imposing restrictions such as setbacks (distance between), bldg heights, and percentage of open area or by restricting new construction projects
aesthetic zoning
specify certain types of architecture for new bldgs
incentive zoning
to ensure that certain uses are incorporated into developments, such as requiring the street floor of an office bldg to house retail establishments