CH 5-7: Persuasion, Conformity, Group Influence Flashcards


When we process persuasive messages (2)

  • *Motivated to do so:**
  • Involvement/goal relevance
  • Personal responsibility to the message
  • Need for cognition –> individual difference of whether you like to think about things or not (more motivated if you have a high need for cognition)
  • *Able to do so:**
  • Distracted –> when you are minimally distracted
  • Knowledge –> less attention paid when one has a lack of knowledge
  • Time pressure –> when there is a time constraint, there is less attention paid
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Central v peripheral route to persuasion

  • *Central Route:**
  • Message substance is most important (explicit and reflective)
  • usually swiftly changes explicit attitudes –> leads to more enduring change
  • Examples:*
  • logic of argument (no contradiction)
  • strength of argument
  • related evidence
  • *Peripheral Route:**
  • Superficial cues are most important (quick rule of thumb)
  • slowly bulds implicit attitudes through repeated associations
  • Examples:*
  • message length –> long = factual = good
  • communicator attractiveness –> halo effect: 1 good characteristic = many good characteristics; attractive = smart
  • communicator expertise
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Study testing the elaboration likelihood model (ELM)

  • students heard a message about institutive comprehensive examinations at their University
  • Independent variables:
  • Argument strength (strong or weak)
  • Personal relevance (next year or 10 years for now)
  • Source expertise (local high school class or Princeton University Prof)
  • High personal relevance = the source didn’t matter as much bc they weren’t paying attention to peripheral cues, but low personal relevance = large difference between favourability of message btwn the source
  • High personal relevance = favourable attitudes when argument is strong but low personal relevance = gap of persuasion isn’t as large btwn strong and weak arguments
  • Persuasion via peripheral processing is temporary, bc they don’t have good reasons to support their attitudes
  • Persuasion via central argument is more resisting and enduring bc they have strong reasons in support
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The elements of persuasion (4)

  • communicator
  • content
  • channel of communication
  • audience
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Communicator: Credibility

  • The impact of a non-credible person may correspondingly increase over time if ppl remembers the message better than the reason for discounting it –> this delayed persuasion is called the sleeper effect
  • “Supermarket tabloid effect” –> sensational headline that gets stuck in your head causes you to bring it up at a later time when you’ve forgotten the source
  • why misinformation tends to persist bc we remember the info, but not why the source wasn’t credible
  • *Perceived Expertise:**
  • To become an authoritative expert, one should begin by saying things the audience agrees with to seem smart
  • To appear credible, one must also speak confidently; a charismatic, energetic, confident-seeming person is more convincing
  • *Perceived Trustworthiness:**
  • Speech type also affects a speaker’s apparent trustworthiness (making direct eye contact)
  • Trustworthiness is also higher if the audience believes the communicator is not trying to persuade them
  • We perceive as sincere those who argue against their own self-interest, and being able to suffer for one’s beliefs helps convince people of one’s sincerity
  • Trustworthiness and credibility increase when a people talk fast –> rated as more objective intelligent, and knowledgeable
  • Sources that are clearly biased but who openly declare bias are actually seen as more credible
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Communicator: Attractiveness and liking

  • We are more likely to respond to those we like, and our liking may open us up to the communicator’s arguments (central route) or it may trigger positive associations when we see the product later (peripheral route)
  • We tend to like people and are more influenced by those that are like us (similarity)
  • Similarity is more important given the presence of factor x and credibility is more important given the absence of factor x –> factor x is whether the topic is one of subjective preference or objective reality
  • When choice concerns matter of personal value or taste = similar; for judgments of fact = dissimilar
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Classic Persuasion/Social influence techniques (6)

  • reciprocity
  • commitment and consistency
  • social proof
  • liking
  • authority
  • scarcity
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Persuasion technique: Reciprocity

  • Takes advantage of a powerful norm in society: return a favour
  • Why small gifts and free samples work, as we feel somewhat indebted to buy something later
  • Concession: door-in-face technique –> more compliance when first asked to put a billboard sized sign, and then asked to put a small sign in their lawn, as they feel the researcher is conceding (gift to participant so the participant should return the favour)
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Persuasion technique: Commitment and consistency

  • People prefer to see their attitudes as consistent and their attitudes and behaviours as consistent
  • Foot-in-door –> compliance by preceding with a smaller request
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Persuasion technique: Social Proof

  • Using social influence; we often judge the acceptability of our own behaviours by using the attitudes and behaviours of others as a reference point
  • E.g., if a lot of ppl are eating in a restaurant it must be good, if there are a lot of tips in the tip jar the worker must be good so I should leave a tip too
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Persuasion technique: Liking

  • We are more likely to comply with people we know and like
  • Attractiveness- halo effect –> one positive quality = a lot of positive qualities = increased liking = increased compliance
  • Businesses where people send to friends –> liking is already there bc of the existing relationship so more compliance
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Persuasion technique: Authority

  • We are more likely to comply w people who are perceived to have authority
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Persuasion technique: Scarcity

  • Things that are hard to obtain are viewed as more valuable –> both actual and perceived limitedness
  • We don’t want to miss on opportunities when they have been afforded to us
  • Scarcity can be made w out making things less available –> Campbell’s soup being on sale = 4 cans sold per person; Campbell’s soup and a limit of 15 cans per customer while supplies last = 10 cans sold per person
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Message Content: Reason v emotion

  • Well-educated or analytical people are responsive to rational appeals; thought, involved audiences travel the central route
  • Disinterested audiences like the peripheral route, and are more affected by how much they like the communicator
  • When initial attitudes are formed primarily through emotional appeals, their later attitudes are formed primarily through emotional appeals (same for intellectual attitudes)
  • *The Effect of Good Feelings:**
  • more convinced when eating good food or listening to music
  • Good feelings can enhance persuasion partly by enhancing positive thinking
  • Ppl in a good mood view the world through rose-tinted glasses and make faster, more impulsive decisions (peripheral cues)
  • *The Effect of Arousing Fear:**
  • Fear-arousing messages can be potent when trying to get a person to cut down smoking, brush their teeth, drive more carefully, etc.
  • Often, the more fear evoked, the more an audience responds
  • Playing on fear works best if a message leads people not only to fear the severity and likelihood of a threatened event, but also to perceive a solution and feel capable of implementing it
  • Another approach is to enhance people’s perceptions of susceptibility to a particular illness to make them more likely to expose themselves to messages about the topic and engage in adaptive behaviours
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Message Content: Discrepency

  • Disagreement produces discomfort, and discomfort prompts people to change their opinions (dissonance)
  • Greater disagreement might produce greater change but also a communicator who proclaims an uncomfortable message may be discredited
  • A credible source can elicit considerable opinion change when advocating a position greatly discrepant from the recipient’s
  • Deeply involved people tend to accept only a narrow range of views, and to them a moderately discrepant message may seem foolishly radical, especially if the message argues an opposing view rather than being a more extreme version of their own view
  • To construct messages that may deradicalize committed terrorists: build messages upon elements of their pre-existing beliefs
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Message Content: One-sided v two-sided appeals

  • Acknowledging the opposing arguments might confuse the audience and weaken the case or it might make the message seem fairer and more disarming if it recognizes the opposition’s arguments
  • A one-sided appeal was most effective with those who already agreed; an appeal that acknowledges opposing arguments worked better with those who disagree
  • Experiments revealed that a two-sided presentation is more persuasive and enduring if people are aware of opposing arguments –> if your audience will be exposed to opposing views, offer a two-sided appeal
  • For optimists, positive persuasion works the best and for pessimists, negative persuasion is more effective
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Message Content: Primacy v Recency

  • Primacy Effect- other things being equal, information presented first usually has the most influence; first impressions are important
  • Recency Effect- information presented last sometimes has the most influence; recency effects are less common than primacy effects
  • Forgetting creates the recency effect (1) when enough time separates the two messages, and (2) when the audience commits itself soon after the second message
  • When the two messages are back to back, followed by a time gap, a primacy effect usually occurs especially when the first message stimulates thinking
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Channel of Communication: Active experience v passive reception

  • Spoken appeals are not necessarily more persuasive as an effective speaker has many hurdles to surmount: a persuasive speaker must deliver a message that gets attention and is also understandable, convincing, memorable, and compelling
  • Positively received appeals are sometimes futile but not always: in the case of advertised versus unadvertised brands of aspirin, the advertised brand will sell more even though it is three times the price
  • In the case of political campaigns, advertising exposure helps make an unfamiliar candidate a familiar one and mere exposure to an unfamiliar stimuli breeds liking
  • Repetition also makes things believable and serves to increase fluency-the ease with which it rolls off our tongue- which increases believability
  • Persuasion decreases as the significance of the issue increases –> on minor issues it’s easy to demonstrate the media’s power, but for more important issues persuasion is more difficult
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Channel of Communication: Personal v Media Influence

  • The major influence on us is not media but our contact with people (word of mouth personal influence through creating a buzz)
  • *Media Influence: The Two-Step Flow**
  • Face to face influence is usually greater than media influence but the media still has power
  • Two step flow of communication therefore refers to the process by which media influence often occurs through opinion leaders who in turn influence others –> these opinion leaders are the trend setters and are perceived as experts
  • This flow also reminds us that media influences penetrate the culture in subtle ways; even if the media has little direct effect on people’s attitudes they could still have big indirect effects
  • *Comparing Media:**
  • The more lifelike the medium, the more persuasive the message so the order of persuasiveness follows: live, face to face, video, audio, and written
  • Messages are also best comprehended and recalled when written
  • Comprehension is one of the first steps in the persuasion process so if the message is difficult to comprehend, persuasion should be greatest when the message is written because readers will be able to work through the message at their own pace
  • Video mediums can take away control of pacing and draw attention to the communicator and away from the message itself
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Audience: Age


There are two possible explanations for age differences in attitudes:

  • A life cycle explanation: attitudes change as people grow older
  • A generational explanation: attitudes do not change; older people largely hold onto the attitudes they adopted when they were young and because these attitudes are different from those being adopted by young people, a generation gap develops
  • Evidence mostly supports the generational explanation
  • The teens and early 20s are important formative years where attitudes are changeable; attitudes formed then tend to stabilize through middle adulthood
  • Adolescent and early adulthood experiences are formative partly because they make deep and lasting impressions
  • Older adults are not necessarily inflexible; studies found that most people in their 50s and 60s had more liberal sexual and racial attitudes than they had in their 30s and 40s
  • Near the end of their lives older adults may again become more susceptible to attitude change perhaps due to the decline in strength of their attitudes
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Audience: what they are thinking (3)

  • The crucial aspect of central route persuasion is not the message but the response it evokes in a person’s mind –> if the message summons favorable thoughts it persuades us, and if it provokes us to think of contrary arguments we remain unpersuaded
  • *Forewarned is Forearmed**- if you care enough to counter-argue
  • When you are warned or under the impression that someone is going to try to persuade you, you will likely come up with counter arguments
  • *Distraction Disarms Counterarguing:**
  • Persuasion is also enhanced by a distraction that inhibits counter-arguing
  • E.g., political ads promote the candidate and the visual images keep us occupied so we don’t analyze the words
  • Distraction is especially effective when the message is simple
  • *Uninvolved Audiences use Peripheral Cues:**
  • Analytical people-those with a high need for cognition-enjoy thinking carefully and prefer central routes
  • Those who like to conserve their mental resources-those were the low need for cognition-are quicker to respond to such peripheral cues such as the communicator’s attractiveness and the pleasantness of the surroundings
  • the more we think about an issue the more we take the central route
  • In thinking make strong messages more persuasive and (because of counter-arguing) weak messages less persuasive –> using rhetorical questions, presenting multiple speakers, repeating a message, getting peoples undistracted attention, making people feel responsible for evaluating the message are all techniques to get audience to think
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Group Indoctrination tactics (cults)

  • On attempting to analyze what persuades people to leave behind their former beliefs and join groups, a couple considerations should be kept in mind:
  • Indoctrination tactics are used by a wide variety of groups, but Cults provide useful case studies to explore persuasion as these groups are often intently analyzed
  • Cult- groups typically characterized by (1) the distinctive ritual of their devotion to a God or a person, (2) isolation from surrounding evil culture, and (3) a charismatic leader; also called new religious movements
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Cults: Attitudes follow behaviour

  • Cult leaders exploit the fact that people usually internalize commitments made voluntarily, publicly, and repeatedly
  • *Compliance Breeds Acceptance:**
  • New converts soon learned that membership is no trivial matter and are quickly made active members of the team
  • Behavioral rituals, public recruitment, and fund raising strengthens the initiates’ identities as members and become committed advocates
  • The greater the personal commitment, the more the need to justify it
  • *The Foot-in-the-Door Phenomenon:**
  • The recruitment strategy for cults exploit the foot in the door principle –> giving pamphlets and CDs first and them getting them to commit
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Cults: Persuasive elements

  • *The Communicator:**
  • successful cults typically have a charismatic leader-someone who attracts and directs the members –> someone who is credible based on the fact that audience perceives them as expert and trustworthy
  • *The Message:**
  • The vivid, emotional messages and the warmth and acceptance that the group showers newcomers with can be appealing
  • The idea to trust the master, join the family, and gain answers
  • *The Audience:**
  • Recruits are often young people under age 25, still at the comparatively open age before attitude stabilized
  • Some recruits are less educated and who enjoy the simplicity of message and find it difficult to counter argue, but most are middle class who overlook the contradictions of others
  • Potential converts are often at a turning point in their lives, facing a personal crisis, or vacationing or living away from home –> they have needs in the cult offers them answers
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Cults: Group effects

  • The cult typically separates members from their previous social systems and isolates them with other cult members
  • Social implosion occurs where external ties weaken until the group collapses inward socially, and each person only engages with other group members causing them to lose access to counter-arguments
  • These techniques- increasing behavioral commitments, persuasion, and group isolation-do not have unlimited power –> towards the end leaders can become eccentric and many members leave
  • The same techniques used in cults are used in sports team, in the military during hazing, gangs, therapeutic communities (AA)
  • A constructive use of persuasion is military training as it creates cohesion and commitments through some of the tactics used by leaders of cults
  • Another constructive use of persuasion is in counseling and psychotherapy as it takes persuasion to change self-defeating attitudes and behaviours
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Psychology and climate change

  • *Public Opinion About Climate Change:**
  • Climate change is human-caused and in response, some of Canada, the European Union, Australia and India have either passed a carbon tax on coal or a carbon emissions trading system
  • 72% of Canadians believe that global warming is mostly caused by humans, 69% of Americans, and 84% of Britain endorse these beliefs

Why do so many people fail to accept the scientific consensus? –> vivid and recent experiences often overwhelm abstract statistics (they distort our judgment)

  • We make our intuitive judgments under the influence of the availability heuristic
  • People will often scorn global warming in the face of a winter freeze
  • Persuasive messages must be understood, but thanks to medias mixed messages and perceiving uncertainty, and reassured by the natural human optimism bias, people discount the threat
  • People also exhibit a system justification- a tendency to believe in and justify the way things are in their culture and to not want to change the status quo
  • We benefit from framing energy savings in attention-getting ways such as saying how much money a person will save if they switch to non CFLs
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How persuasion can be resisted (3)

  • attitude strength
  • information processing bias –> selective: exposure and attention, judgment and perception, and memory
  • actively defending attitudes (reactance, strengthening personal commitment, and inoculation programs)
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Attitude strength

  • Strong attitudes are consequential in that they bias how we perceive incoming information, whereas weak attitudes do so to a lesser degree
  • Certainty refers to the level of subjective confidence or validity that people attach to their attitudes
  • Certainty is high when people have a clear notion of what their attitudes are and believe that their attitudes are accurate
  • Higher certainty is found to be associated with attitude stability over time, resistance to persuasion, and impact on social judgments
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Information Processing Biases

  • Strong attitudes have been demonstrated to result in biases in how we process information
  • Festinger argued that bc individuals are motivated to maintain cognitive consistency, people should be motivated to incorporate information that is consistent with their attitudes and to avoid info that is inconsistent
  • Some evidence that we are better at incorporating new info if it is consistent with our existing knowledge
  • These biases have been broken down by the stage at which they have an influence on info processing selective exposure and attention to info, selective processing and judgment, and selective memory
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Information Processing Biases: Selective exposure and attention

  • Selective exposure- the extent to which people’s attitudes affect the info they expose themselves to
  • Selective attention- the extent to which people’s attitudes affect how much of this information they concentrate on once they’ve been exposed to it
  • In order to be a complete information processor a person must both be able and motivated to first process all of the information, and then be unbiased when processing that information
  • Under many conditions people are biased in how they expose themselves to information as they might have low motivation
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Information Processing Biases: selective perception and judgment

  • Lord, Ross, and Lepper demonstrated bias perception and judgment regarding death penalty –> participants rated the study that agreed with their own point of view as more convincing and more scientifically rigorous than the study they disagreed with
  • selective effects have been found to be particularly likely to occur when attitudes are strong i.e., when attitudes are accessible
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Information Processing Biases: selective memory

  • The idea that when people process social information they remember information that is congruent with their attitudes better than information that is incongruent with their attitudes
  • it’s been found that people’s motivation and ability to be biased are important factors in biased memory
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Actively defending attitudes: Reactance

  • Knowing that someone is trying to persuade us may even prompt us to react in the opposite direction
  • Reactions refers to a motive to protect or restore our sense of freedom and arises when someone threatens our freedom of action
  • E.g., liking an SO even more after discovering a parent dislikes them
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Actively defending attitudes: Strengthening personal commitment

  • Before encountering others’ judgments, you can resist persuasion by making public commitment to your position, and having stood up for your convictions, you will become less open to what others have to say
  • *Challenging Beliefs:**
  • Mildly attacking a person’s position can stimulate them to commit
  • When committed people were attacked strongly enough to cause them to react, but not so strongly as to overwhelm them, they became more committed
  • *Developing Counter-Arguments:**
  • Even weak arguments will prompt counter-arguments which are then available for a stronger attack
  • Attitude inoculation- exposing people to weak attacks on their attitudes so that when stronger attacks come, they will have refutations available (like an immunization)
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Innoculation programs

  • *Inoculating Children Against Peer Pressure to Smoke:**
  • Inoculating grade 7 and 8 female students with counter-arguments to why smoking is liberating resulting in the students being half as likely to begin smoking
  • These programs can also use attractive peers to communicate info, trigger students’ own cognitive processing, and get students to make a public content
  • *Inoculating Children Against the Influence of Advertising:**
  • Advertising that targets children are illegal in some areas
  • Children are an advertiser’s dream as they are gullible, vulnerable, and an easy sell
  • Researchers have found that grade 7 students who are able to think critically about ads also better resist peer pressure when they are in grade 8 and are less likely to drink alcohol in grade 9
  • There is some evidence that inoculation can help teach children to resist deceptive ads
  • *Implications of Attitude Inoculation:**
  • It’s best not to just create stronger indoctrination of one’s current beliefs but to also reveal the reality of other existing beliefs
  • People who live amid diverse views become more discerning and more likely to modify their views in response to credible arguments
  • A challenge to one’s views, if refuted, is more likely to solidify one’s position that undermine it, particularly if the threatening material can be examined with like-minded others
  • An ineffective appeal can be worse than non as those who reject an appeal are inoculated against further appeals
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  • Conformity is a change in behaviour or belief according to others (to accord with others) –> not just acting as other people act, but being affected by how they act
  • The key is whether your beliefs would be the same apart from the group
  • The pressure from others to conform can be implicit or explicit, and it can be real or imagined
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Private v Public Conformity

  • Private conformity- the change in beliefs that occurs when a person privately accepts the position taken by others –>similar to persuasion and behaviour will often change along with it
  • Public conformity- superficial change in overt behaviour without a corresponding change of opinion, produced by real or imagined group pressure (like compliance)
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Compliance and Obedience

  • Compliance is outward insincere conformity, and we comply primarily to reap reward or avoid punishment
  • Obedience is when our compliance is to an explicit command

Sherif’s Studies of norm formation

  • example of informational/private conformity
  • Autokinetic Phenomenon- the apparent movement of a stationary point of light in the dark
  • Participants were exposed individually and asked how far the light had moved
  • They were brought in again, in groups, and had their answers called out –> found that after successive days, participants estimates of the apparent movement of a point of light eventually converged
  • One year later the estimates reflected the group consensus and not what the participant had initially guessed (no group pressure since it was a phone call, so they actually changed what they believed to be right)
  • The amount the line moves is ambiguous, so they use the behaviour of other participants to make their estimates
  • “Mood linkage” –> just being around happy people can make us feel happier
  • “The chameleon effect” –> the subconscious automatic behavior synchronization; behavior influences our attitudes and emotions, so the natural tendency to mimic inclined this to feel what others feel
  • Suggestibility causes mimicking of things like illness and suicide causing them to come in waves
  • “the Werther Effect” –> imitative suicidal behavior; suicides, and fatal auto accidents and private airplane crashes increase after well publicized suicides

Asch’s Studies of group pressure

  • example of normative/public conformity
  • There was a clear right answer to the supposed study of perceptual judgment, but as soon as people start to declare a wrong answer, people doubt themselves
  • In a control group who answered alone, more than 99% answered correct
  • The dependent variable is whether the participants gave the right answer
  • If several individuals gave identical wrong answers, 76% of participants confirmed at least once
  • 37% conformed, and 63% did not, so this shows that most people tell the truth even when others do not
  • although these studies lack mundane realism of everyday conformity they do have experimental realism
  • Sherif and Asch results are startling because they involve no obvious pressure to conform such as rewards or punishments

Migrams obedience studies

  • Occurred after WWII when people were trying to come to terms with the holocaust and dispositional attributions were pervasive
  • Milgram was interested in conformity (had replicated the Asch study) but wanted to examine social influence when there were severe consequences
  • Obedience- change in behaviour produced by the commands of authority
  • In a study where the participant was told they were testing “punishment and learning” by giving the other participant a shock for each wrong answer; the participant (teacher) has to increase the shock intensity every wrong answer and the confederate (learner) makes pleas when the intensity increases but the researcher prompts the participant saying that they must continue
  • Dependent variable is how far the participants go, when/do they quit, and how many go all the way
  • They had a higher number of participants than expected who complied all the way up to the maximum voltage, and those who stopped did so at a higher voltage than predicted
  • Even when the protests were more compelling (had a slight heart condition), 63% still complied and the results didn’t very much for women
  • The only one of the prompts was really a “command” (you must continue), so argued that it wasn’t really a study of obedience
  • Similar study repeated 10 years ago, and the results were similar
  • *The Ethics of Milgram’s Studies:**
  • Milgram was very disturbed by his studies, and psychologists were also disturbed by his studies
  • Even though nobody received a shock, but the “teachers” and the participants were stressed against their will (but these effects werent lasting and most were glad they participated)

4 Factors that breed obedience (Milgrim studies)

  • *The Victim’s Distance:**
  • Participants acted with greatest obedience and least compassion when the “learners” couldn’t be seen and when the victim was remote, and the “teachers” heard no complaints
  • Decreased to 40% obeying to max voltage when learner was in the same room, and compliance dropped to 30% when the teachers were required to force the learner’s hand into contact w a shock plate
  • In everyday life it is easiest to abuse someone who is distant or depersonalized
  • *Closeness and Legitimacy of Authority:**
  • The physical presence of the experimenter affected obedience –> when commanded via telephone, obedience dropped to 21%
  • When the one making the request is physically close, lightly touching you, it increases compliance
  • The authority must be perceived as legitimate –> when the experimenter had to leave and told the teacher to just go ahead with another person who assumed command, 80% of individuals didn’t comply
  • *Institutional Authority:**
  • The prestige of the institution also matters –> many participants said that if it wasn’t for Yale’s reputation, they wouldn’t have obeyed
  • *The Liberating Effects of Group Influence:**
  • We are more able to fight for justice when other people are doing the same
  • When a confederate of the experiment defied the experimenter, 90% of individuals also conformed to the defiant confederates

Reflections on Classic Studies: Behaviour and Attitudes

  • Obedience study differ from other conformity studies in the strength of the social pressure, as obedience is explicitly commanded –> without coercion, people did not act cruelly
  • When external influences override inner convictions, attitudes fail to determine behaviour
  • In obedience studies, a powerful social pressure (experimenter’s commands) overcame a weaker one (the victims pleas), and many obeyed
  • Traps participants by using the foot-in-the door technique where the individuals are first shocking w a mild 15 volts and slowly increasing –> after complying many times, by their dissonance is decreased (diff if they were asked to shock 330 volts right away)
  • External behaviour and internal disposition can feed one another, sometimes in an escalating spiral
  • Compliance breeds acceptance, and small steps practiced can foster cruelty

Reflections on Classic Studies: The Power of the Situation

  • Immediate situational forces are powerful
  • Normative pressures make it hard to predict even our own behaviour
  • Evil does not necessarily just result from bad apples, but also from social forces –> situations can induce ordinary people to capitulate to cruelty
  • Social influences can’t explain why in Nazi camps, some personalities displayed vicious cruelty and others heroic kindness
  • Situational analysis of harm-doing doesn’t exonerate harm-doers because to explain is not excuse, and to understand is not to forgive

6 Factors that Predict Conformity

  • group size
  • unanimity
  • cohesion
  • expertise and status
  • public response (anonymity)
  • no prior commitment

Conformity: Group size

  • A group doesn’t need to be big to have effects; 3-5 ppl yields more conformity than 1-2, but beyond 5 there are diminishing returns
  • The way the group is “packaged” also matters; the agreement of several small groups makes that position more credible
  • In Asch’s study, as number if confederates reporting the wrong answer increased, so did conformity, but to around 4 people

Conformity: Unanimity

  • Experiments reveal that someone who punctures a groups unanimity deflates its social powers; people will nearly always voice their convictions if just one other person has also differed from the majority
  • It’s easier to stand up for something if you can find someone else to stand up with you
  • Observing someone else’s dissent, even when wrong can increase our own independence
  • In Asch’s study presence of either an ally or even just a different answer that was not their own, reduced conformity to only 5%

Conformity: Cohesion

  • A minority opinion from someone outside the groups we identify with sways us less than the same minority opinion from someone within our group
  • The more cohesiveness a group exhibits, the more power it gains over its members
  • Group members who feel attracted to the group are more responsive to its influence –> fearing rejection by group members whom they like, allow them a certain power

Conformity: Expertise and Status

  • Higher-status people tend to have more impact
  • More likely to conform if we think a person is an expert in something, even when the expertise is not applicable to the situation
  • In obedience studies, people of lower status accept experimenter’s commands more readily than people of higher status
  • E.g. when pilot (highest status) gave correct answer to math problem = group correct 91% of time; when navigator (mid-status) gave correct answer = group correct 80% of time; when gunner (low status) gave correct answer = group correct 63% of time

Conformity: Public response (anonymity)

  • People conform more when they must respond in front of others rather than when they write their answers privately
  • Asch’s participants, after hearing others respond, were less influenced by group pressure if they could write an answer only the experimenter would see
    • It is much easier to stand up for what we believe in the privacy of the voting booth than before a group
  • When response is anonymous, conformity decreases –> normative influences goes away but informational influence persists

Conformity: no prior commitment

  • Most people don’t back down in the face of group pressure; having made a public statement, they stick to it
  • Prior commitments restrain persuasion as making public commitment makes people hesitant to back down
  • Smart persuaders know this and will ask questions that prompt us to make statements for, rather than against, what they are marketing

Summary of the classic studies of obedience


Normative influence

  • Normative influence- conformity based on a person’s desire to fulfill other’s expectations, often to gain acceptance and out of fear of negative consequences of deviating from others (rejection)
  • springs from desire to be liked (usually associated with public conformity)
  • Social rejection is painful and we often pay an emotional price when we deviate from group norms
  • Brain scans show that group judgments differing from one’s own activate a brain area that is also active when one feels pain of bad betting decisions
  • Can sometimes compel ppl to support what they don’t believe in or suppress their disagreement
  • Conformity is greater when people respond before a group which reflects normative influence

Informational Influence

  • Informational influence- conformity that results from accepting evidence about reality provided by other people (believing others are correct in their judgments) –> springs from desire to be right (normally associated with private conformity)
  • When reality is ambiguous, other ppl can be a valuable source of info
  • When people conform, their perceptions may be genuinely influenced
  • conformity is greater when participants feel competent, when the task is difficult, and when the subjects care about being right which all reflect informational influence

Who Conforms: personality

  • There are only weak connections between personality traits and social behaviours and in comparison the influence of situational factors, personality scores are poor predictors of individual behaviour
  • Although internal factors (attitudes, traits) seldom precisely predict a specific action, they better predict a person’s average behaviour across many situations, and when social influences are weak
  • The pendulum of professional opinion swings; personality researchers are clarifying and reaffirming the connection between who we are and what we do –> “every psychological event depends upon the state of the person and at the same time on their environment, although their relative performance is different in different case

Who conforms: culture

  • Compared with individualistic cultures, those in collectivist countries are more responsive to others’ influence –> normative influence to maintain group harmony
  • Conformity may reflect an evolutionary response to survival threats, such as disease-bearing pathogens (like norms for food prep and personal hygiene)
  • Cultural norms promoting greater conformity had greater prevalence of pathogens, and greater conformity may have arised to protect these people from dangerous diseases
  • Conformity and obedience are universal in phenomena, but they vary across cultures and eras

Who conforms: gender

  • Although it was initially thought that women are more susceptible to influence than men, Milgram and many others since found no evidence in support of this
  • There was weak evidence in a metanalysis that women are slightly more influenced
  • Women were more likely to conform when they were in situations where people could observe the participants behaviour, but when the behaviours were less observable, the difference went away
  • Studies with male researchers were more likely to find increased conformity effects for women than studies run by women because men tend to choose more male-oriented topics, where women are less knowledgeable, thus leading to informational conformity –> the conformity may therefore be in part a confound effect

Who conforms: Social roles

  • Social roles allow some freedom of interpretation to those who act them out, but some aspects of any role must be performed
  • When only a few social norms are associated with the social category, we do not regard the position as a social role as it takes a whole cluster of norms to define a role
  • Roles have powerful effects, and we tend to absorb our roles
  • re-entry distress when ppl move back to their home country

Norms: Injunctive and Descriptive

  • Norms- standards for acceptable or proper behaviour –> bringing norms up applies social pressure even in the absence of other people
  • Injunctive norms- what we think people ought to do (moral norms)
  • Descriptive norms- what we think people actually do (stronger at influencing behaviour)
  • Often times there is conflict between these two norms (e.g., J-walking, speed limits)
  • E.g., the injunctive norm is underage and binge-drinking is bad, but the descriptive norm is the opposite, and often descriptive norms are more predictive of people’s behaviours

Caldini’s studies of water conservation in hotels


The initial sign:

  • Injunctive norm- we should conserve water and save our planet
  • Descriptive norm- everyone else has their towel washed even when they don’t need to, so I’ll just do the same
  • Environmental focus –> injunctive norm appealing to environmentalism (respect environment by reusing towel)
  • Cooperative focus –> injunctive norm appealing to environmentalism as well as stating they will donate proceeds to an environmental non-profit (the best option for the environment)
  • Descriptive norm –> saying 75% of guests were on board with saving water and reusing towels
  • Shows the power of descriptive norms because it was the most effective

When harnessing conformity for social good backfires

  • Method: put norm information about power consumption on household power bills
  • Descriptive: average household uses X, you are above/below the average user
  • Injunctive: no face vs smiley/frowny face
  • It is assumed that when you tell people where others stand, energy consumption should decrease
  • Turns out it backfires for people doing good things bc it tells them they can loosen up and do more bad things –> below average users used more energy the next cycle, and with the injunctive info it was slightly minimized but it was still more than last bill
  • Above average users used less power and with or without injunctive info didn’t affect much


  • Reactance is the theory that people act to protect their sense of freedom and self efficacy when someone threatens our freedom of action (causes rebelion)
  • Often attempts to restrict a person’s freedom often produce an anti-conformity “boomerang effect”
  • E.g., CDs with the explicit label selling more because people don’t like their choice to listen to explicit content being removed
  • Bathroom Graffiti (more graffiti with sign that says “no graffiti), Romeo and Juliet Effect (positive correlation between amount of parental interference and degree of romantic love in young couples), the parking study (people took longer to get out of parking spot when someone honked)
  • Reactance may contribute to underage drinking, and more underage drinkers report that their drinking caused problems in their lives –> even warning teens against binge drinking can increase their drinking intentions (peer influence also contributes)
  • Reactance may also play a role in more antisocial behaviours –> argued in SA, when a women refuses to comply w a man’s desire he may react w frustration that results in increased desire for the forbidden activity

Asserting uniqueness

  • In Western cultures, people feel uncomfortable when they appear too different from others, and they also feel uncomfortable when they appear exactly like everyone else
  • Experiments have shown that people feel better when they see themselves as moderately unique and will act in ways that assert their individuality
  • Individuals who have the highest “need for uniqueness” tend to be the least responsive to majority influence
  • Seeing yourself as unique also appears in people’s “spontaneous self-concepts” –> children more likely to mention their distinctive attributes when asked
  • We are more keenly aware of our gender when we are with people of the other gender (our gender loses salience when we are with all girls)
  • White people who grow up amid POC tend to have strong white identity, and minority groups tend to be conscious of its distinctiveness and how the surrounding culture relates to it
  • Rivalry is the most intense when the other group closely resembles your won
  • We seek distinctiveness but that in the right direction –> we want to be different from the average but better than the average

Social Facilitation: The Mere Presence of Others

  • Mere presence means that the people are not competing, do not reward or punish, and in fact do nothing but be present as a passive audience, or as co-actors
  • Triplett noticed cyclers ride faster when in a group
  • It also improves performance and accuracy on simple motor tasks
  • This is social facilitation- original: the tendency of people to perform simple or well-learned tasks better when others are present; current: the strengthening of dominant (prevalent) responses owing to the presence of others
  • Zajonc reasoned that arousal enhances whatever tendency is dominant –> arousal enhances performance on easy tasks for which the most likely response is correct, but promotes incorrect responding on complex tasks for which the correct answer is not dominant
  • In study with cockroaches, their instinct is to go towards the dark (the exit of the maze) –>They were faster with an audience and a simple maze, but slower with an audience and complex maze
  • Similar effects were seen with novice v expert pool players when a confederate was watching –> experts did better and novices did worse
  • Athletes, actors, and musicians perform well-practiced skills, which helps explain why they perform best when energized by the responses of a supportive audience –> Olympians doing the best at home competitions (but home-field advantage only applies for good teams)
  • The effects of other people depends on how well-learned you are in the task

Social Facilitation: The presence of many others (crowding)

  • The effect of others’ presence increases with their number and sometimes the arousal and self-conscious attention created by a large audience interferes even with well-learned, automatic behaviours such as speaking
  • Being in a crowd also intensifies positive and negative reactions –> when sat close together, friendly people are liked more and unfriendly people disliked even more
  • Crowding enhances arousal, which facilitates dominant response –> feeling livelier in a room of 30 ppl close together than spread out
  • Whether a gathering of people is considered a group depends on if it’s the people interact with each other or not
  • Overpopulation can cause tribulance, breakdown, social structure, and a population can’t persist (mice utopia and behavioural sink)

Why are we aroused by the presence of others? (3)

  • *Evaluation Apprehension:**
  • Refers to concern for how others are evaluating us
  • The enhancement of dominant responses is strongest when people think they are being evaluated
  • The self-consciousness we feel when being evaluated can also interfere with behaviours that we perform best automatically –> professional athletes analyzing their body movements
  • *Driven By Distraction:**
  • When people wonder how co-actors are doing or how an audience is reacting, they get distracted
  • This conflict between paying attention to others (or any other non-human distraction) and paying attention to the task overloads our cognitive system, causing arousal
  • *Mere Presence:**
  • Zajonc believed that mere presence of others produces some arousal even without evaluation apprehension or distraction –> facilitation occurs with non-humans so it might be an innate social arousal mechanism

Social Loafing

  • Ringelmann found that the collective effort of tug-of-war was half the sum of individual efforts –> contrary to “unity in strength” group members may be less motivated when performing additive tasks
  • feedback and experience increases individual effort
  • Social loafing- the tendency for people to exert less effort when they pool their efforts toward a common goal than when they are individually accountable
  • In tug of war experiment, individuals exerted less force when in a group v alone (not bc of a lack of coordination)
  • In social loafing experiments individuals believe they are being evaluated only when they act alone and the group situation decrease evaluation apprehension –> when people are not accountable and can’t evaluate their efforts responsibility is diffused across all group members
  • When being observed increases evaluation concerns, social facilitation occurs; when being lost in a crowd decreases evaluation concerns, social loafing occurs with additive tasks where the contributions of many add together to progress toward a goal (group projects, household chores)
  • To motivate group members one strategy is to make individual performance identifiable

Why Social Loafing happens (3)

  • Diffusion of responsibility- less responsible for outcome when in a group –> as group number increases, responsibility declines
  • Reduced evaluation apprehension- less nervous about others when they can’t track what you are doing –> you can’t see what each person is contributing
  • Descriptive norm change- it seems like most people are slacking off, and you don’t want to be the one person that is doing all the work

Social Loafing in everyday life

  • Assembly line workers produced 16% more product when their individual output was identified even though their pay would not be affected
  • Social loafing is evident in collectivist cultures but they do exhibit less than people in individualistic cultures, as loyalty to family and work groups is strong in collectivist cultures
  • Women also tend to be less individualistic than men and exhibit less social loafing
  • Another explanation to social loafing: when rewards are divided equally, regardless of how much one contributes to the group, any individual gets more reward per unit of effort by free-riding on the group, so people may be motivated to slack off when their efforts are not individually monitored
  • Sometimes the goal is so compelling and maximum output from everyone is so essential that team spirit maintains or intensifies effort (e.g., Olympic crew race)
    o On challenging tasks people may perceive their efforts as indispensable
    o When people see others in their group as unreliable or unable to contribute much they work harder
    o Adding incentives or challenging a group to strive for certain standards also promotes collective effort and group members will work hard when convinced high effort will bring rewards
  • Groups also loaf less when their members are friends or are identified with or indispensable to their group –> even just expecting to interact with someone again serves to increase efforts on team projects

Reconciling social facilitation and social loafing



  • When arousal (facilitation) and diffused responsibility (loafing) combine and normal inhibitions diminish, the results may range from mild lessening of restraint, to impulsive self-gratification, to destructive social explosions
  • Being in a group can provoke these things because they generate a sense of excitement of being caught up in something bigger than oneself
  • Deindividuation- loss of self-awareness and evaluation apprehension; occurs in group situations that foster anonymity and draw attention away from the individual

Deindividuation: group size

  • A group has the power to arouse members and render them unidentifiable
  • E.g. in rioting, perfectly normal and respectable people are made faceless by the mob and are freed to loot
  • Even when you know you could be identified and prosecuted, many ppl still participate bc evaluation apprehension plummets and because everyone else is doing it, so you can attribute behaviour to the situation rather than one’s own choices

Deindividuation: Physical anonymity

  • Anonymity offered by social media has been observed to foster higher levels of hostile, uninhibited behaviour that observed in face-to-face conversations
  • When people are deindividuated online, they are no longer influenced by the same norms as when they can be identified individually
  • Ellison and Govern demonstrated ppl in covered cars honked 3x longer than those in convertibles
  • Diener demonstrated that on Halloween children in groups took more candy from a “take one candy” bowl than solo trick-or-treaters
    o Broke the rules when not alone, and when they were anonymous
    o The more people feel deindividuated, the more they will break rules and deviate from societal norms
  • Many officers during BLM didn’t wear nametags and is one of the factors that led to excessive violence used by these officers
  • Seems that being anonymous makes one less self-conscious and more responsive to cues present in the situation, whether negative or positive –> black uniforms are associated with evil and death and the opposite effect is seen when wearing nurses uniforms

Deindividuation: arousing and distracting activities

  • Aggressive outbursts by large crowds are usually preceded by minor actions that arouse and divert peoples attention –> group shouting, chanting, clapping, or dancing serve to both hype people up and reduce self-consciousness
  • There is self-reinforcing pleasure doing an impulsive act while observing others do it also
  • Impulsive group action absorbs our attention –> sometimes we look back and cringe at what we’ve done, other times we seek deindividuating group experiences (dances, group encounters) where we can enjoy intense positive feelings and feel close to others

Diminished self awareness

  • Group experiences that diminish self-consciousness tend to disconnect behaviour from attitudes –> unselfconscious, deindividuated people are less restrained, less self-regulated, more likely to act without thinking about their own values, and more responsive to situation
  • Self-awareness is opposite of deindividuation; when people are made self-aware they exhibit increased self-control and their actions more clearly reflect their attitudes

The Risky Shift

  • Group decisions often strengthens members; initial inclinations (whether good or bad)
  • Stoner tested risk-taking behaviour by providing dilemmas faced by fictional characters, and contrary to initial thoughts, group decisions were normally riskier, not only when a group reaches consensus but after discussion individuals alter their decisions
  • During discussion, opinions converged, but the point towards which they converged was lower (riskier) number than their initial average
  • The process where the initial tendencies in the thinking of group members get exaggerated through group discussion

Group polarization

  • Research later showed that this was not a consistent shift towards risk, but a tendency for group discussion to enhance the individual’s initial learnings
  • Group Polarization- group-produced enhancement of members’ pre-existing tendencies; a strengthening of the members’ average tendency, not a split within the group

Group Polarization in everyday life

  • *In Schools:**
  • Accentuation phenomenon- over time, initial differences among groups of uni students becomes accentuated (parallel to lab phenomenon)
  • If one school is more intellectual than another, this difference will increase as time goes on –> groups members reinforcing shared inclinations
  • *In Communities:**
  • During community conflicts, like-minded people associated increasingly with one another, amplifying shared tendencies
  • Gang hostility emerges from a process of mutual reinforcement within neighbourhood gangs whose members share attributes and hostilities –> unsupervised peer groups are the strongest predictor of a neighbourhood’s crime victimization rates
  • *On the Internet:**
  • Social media provides an easy medium for group interaction, and people of many different interests and suspicions can isolate themselves with one another and find support in each other (even terrorist groups)
  • Social media makes it easier for small groups to rally like-minded people, crystallize diffuse hatreds, and mobilize lethal force
  • Like-minded people share like-minded views, leading to increased extremity and avoidance of counter-attitudinal information
  • *Group Polarization in Terrorist Organizations:**
  • Terrorism doesn’t erupt suddenly but arises among people whose shared grievances bring them together –> they interact in isolation from moderating influences and become progressively more extreme
  • The social amplifier brings the signal in more strongly, which results in violent acts that the individual apart from the group would never have committed
  • Massacres have been found to be a group phenomenon; the violence enabled and escalated by the killers egging one another on

Explaining polarization: Information influence and group polarization


Best-supported explanation: group discussion elicits a pooling of ideas most of which favour the dominant viewpoint –> ideas that were common knowledge to group members will often be brought up in discussion, even if unmentioned, will jointly influence their decision

  • Other idea is that discussion may include persuasive arguments that some group members had not previously considered
  • Active participation in discussion produces more attitude change than does passive listening
  • Central route: thinking about an issue can strengthen opinions and expecting to discuss an issue holding an equally strong opposing view can motivate people to marshal their arguments and adopt a more extreme opinion (more info to support their opinion)
  • The source of our information also matters and it’s found that we are more likely to believe information that comes from a group you’re affiliated with then when we are not

Explaining polarization: Normative influence and group polarization

  • It’s human nature to want to evaluate our abilities and opinions by comparing our views with that of others
  • We are most persuaded by people in our reference group (those we identify with), and because we want people to like us we may express a stronger opinions after discovering that others share our views
  • When people are asked to predict how others would respond to social dilemmas they exhibit pluralistic ignorance- they don’t realize how strongly others support the social preferred tendency (false impression of how others are thinking, feeling, responding)
  • E.g. It can be hard to start up relationships when one party is waiting for the other to make a move and the other party seems disinterested but both parties are just doing the same thing –> LOL ME
  • When people have made no prior commitment to a particular response, seeing others responses stimulates a small polarization (smaller than that seen in lively discussion)
  • People’s opinions become more extreme bc they adjust their attitudes to gain the acceptance of the group

Explaining polarization: macro level

  • Any situation where people come together and discuss
  • University –> far more liberal attitudes when they leave uni bc most students are more liberal
  • Social media –> the more use = the more polarized (active twitter users tend to have more extreme attitudes)


  • Groupthink refers to the tendency for groups, in the process of decision making, to suppress dissenting cognitions in the interest of ensuring harmony within the group (maybe why crew of the titanic didn’t do anything even though there were warnings of icebergs)
  • Janis believed that group think sprouts from: amiable cohesive group, relative isolation form dissenting viewpoints, and a directive leader who signals what decision is favoured

Symptoms of Groupthink (8)


First two lead group members to overestimate their might and right:

  • Illusion of invulnerability- Group members think that nothing bad can happen to them –> the crew of titanic were convinced that no disaster would occur
  • Unquestioned belief in the group’s morality- group members assume the inherent morality of their group and ignore ethical and moral issues –> titanic should’ve have more life boats but were convinced they didn’t need them

Group members also become closed-minded:

  • Rationalization- the group discounts challenges by collectively justifying their decisions –> the cap and officers knew how close they were but justified it by saying it was a clear night
  • Stereotyped view of opponent –> stereotyped views of their opponents ship might’ve caused the crew to try to break a speed record and ignore warnings from other ships

The groups suffers from pressures toward uniformity;

  • Conformity pressure- group members rebuff those who raise doubts about the group’s assumptions and plans, at times not by argument but by ridicule –> Fredrick Fleet was chided for not being able to see it w his naked eyes when he suggested needed binoculars
  • Self-censorship- since disagreements are often uncomfortable and the groups seems to be in consensus, members often withhold or discount their misgivings –> despite his belief, Fleet didn’t suggest they pick up a pair of binoculars
  • *Illusion of unanimity**- self-censorship and pressure not to puncture the consensus create an illusion of unanimity and the apparent consensus confirms the group’s decision–> unlikely that nobody thought they should slow down
  • *Mindguards**- some members protect the group from information that would call in to question the effectiveness of the morality of its decision –> telegraph operator failed to take down the most complete message of the iceberg and failed to pass this message to the captain (it would’ve challenged the captains decision)
  • Groupthink symptoms can produce failure to seek and discuss contrary information and alternative possibilities as when a leader promotes an idea and group insulates itself from dissenting views, groupthink may produce defective decisions
  • Water crisis of Walkerton also displayed many symptoms of group think
  • How the pandemic has been handled also induces discussion about group think: some countries and regions are being lauded for their rapid and effective response, others are being criticized for their perceived lack of action in the face of clear action

Critiquing groupthink

  • Critique is that the evidence is retrospective so Janis could be picking supporting cases
  • Follow-up experiments have supported aspects of Janis’s theory:
    o Directive leadership is associated w poorer decisions bc subordinates feel too weak to speak up
    o Groups that make smart decisions have widely distributed conversation, w socially attuned members who take turns speaking
    o Groups do prefer supporting over challenging info
    o When members look to group for acceptance, approval, and identity, they suppress disagreeable thoughts
    o Groups that have broad discussions, and take turns speaking make better decisions
    o Groups w diverse perspectives outperform groups of like-minded experts
    o Information that is shared tends to dominate info that isn’t shared, meaning groups often don’t benefit from all that their members know
  • But friendships don’t breed groupthink; in a secure, highly cohesive group, committed members will often care enough to voice disagreement
  • The norms of a cohesive group can either favour consensus, which can lead to groupthink, or critical analysis, which prevents it

Preventing groupthink

  • Be impartial and do not endorse any positions as this can suppress info sharing
  • Encourage critical evaluation; assign a devil’s advocate
  • Occasionally subdivide the group and then reunite to air differences
  • Welcome critiques from outside experts and associates
  • Before implementing decisions, call a second-chance meeting to air any lingering doubts

Group Problem solving

  • When given tricky problems several heads can be better than one, and several heads critiquing each other can also allow the group to avoid some forms of cognitive bias and produce some higher quality ideas
  • In science, the benefits of diverse minds collaborating has lead to an increasing proportion of team publication
  • This can backfire if there is interpersonal relationship conflict between members –> culturally diverse groups make better decisions, as long as the members can get along
  • Contrary to popular idea that group brainstorming generates more creative ideas, researchers have found that people working alone generate more good ideas
  • Large brainstorming groups = social loafing and free riding
  • Normative influence = apprehension about voicing unique ideas
  • Large groups can cause production blocking-losing one’s ideas while awaiting a turn to speak
  • Contrary to the idea that brainstorming is most productive when brainstormers are not criticized encouraging people to debate ideas appears to stimulate ideas and extend creative thinking
  • Creative work teams tend to be small and alternate working alone, working in pairs, and meeting as a circle
  • When members are encouraged to generate lots of ideas (not just good ones) and write ideas down they generate more good ideas

Task leadership v social leadership

  • What makes a good leader will often depend on the situation
  • Task leadership: organizing work, setting standards, and focusing on goal attainment
  • often have a directive style (one that works well if leader is bright enough to give good orders), they are goal oriented and keep the group’s attention and effort focused on its mission
  • Social leadership: building teamwork, mediating conflicts, and being supportive
  • Social leaders have a democratic style, welcomes input from team members and prevents groupthink; good for morale and members feel more satisfied when they participate in making decisions
  • Democratic leadership can be seen in the move by many businesses toward participative management, which is common in Japan and Sweden

Transactional leadership

  • Effective leadership depends on situation and there are no set of characteristics that all great leaders share
  • Studies have found that effective leaders of certain positions score high on tests of both task and social leadership and are actively concerned with how work is progressing, and sensitive to the needs of their subordinates
  • These transactional leaders focus on getting to know their subordinates and listening carefully, they seek to fulfill subordinates needs but maintain high expectations
  • Such leaders who allow people to express their opinions, both learn from others and receive strong support from their followers
  • essentially a combination of both social and task leadership

Transformational leadership

  • Many effective leaders of lab groups, work teams and corporations exhibit behaviours that help make a minority view persuasive and engender trust by consistently sticking to their goals
  • These leaders often exude a self-confident charisma that kindles allegiance of their followers, they typical have a compelling vision of some desired state of affairs, an ability to communicate this to others in clear, simple language, and enough optimism and faith in their group to inspire others to follow
  • This leadership motivates others to identify with and commit themselves to the group’s mission
  • Transformational leaders articulate high standards, inspire people to share their vision, and offer personal attention –> This leadership results in more engaged, trusting, and effective workforce

The influence of minority: consistency

  • A minority that sticks to its position is more influential than one that wavers
  • Non-conformity, especially persistent nonconformity is often painful and helps explain a minority slowness effect- a tendency for people with minority views to express themselves less quickly than people in the majority
  • Even when people in the majority know that the disagreeing person is factually or morally right, they might still dislike the person
  • People may attribute your dissent to psychological peculiarities
  • Compared to majority influence that often triggers unthinking agreement, minority influence stimulates a deeper processing of arguments often with increased creativity –> with dissent from within one’s group, people take in more information, think about the issue and new ways, and often make better decisions
  • A persistent minority is influential even if not popular partly because it soon becomes the focus of a debate which allows one to contribute a disproportionate number of arguments

The influence of minority: self-confidence

  • Consistency and persistence convey self-confidence and any behavior by a minority that conveys self-confidence tends to raise self-doubts among the majority
  • By being firm and forceful, the minority’s apparent self-assurance may prompt the majority to reconsider especially on matters of opinion rather than fact

The influence of minority: defections from majority

  • A persistent minority punctures any illusion of unanimity; persistent minority doubts allow majority members to become freer to express their own doubts and may even switch to the minority position (snowball effect)
  • Some have found that the social impact of any position depends on the strength, immediacy, and the number of those who support it; minorities have less influence simply because they are smaller
  • others have said minorities are more likely to convert people to accepting their views; new recruits to a group exert a different type of minority influence than long-term members
  • they exert influence through the attention they receive and group awareness they trigger in established members, and established members feel freer to dissent and to exert leadership

Group influences in juries

  • In a courtroom the chances are about two in three that the jurors will initially not agree to a verdict but after discussion 95% emerged to a consensus
  • *Minority Influence:**
  • Sometimes what was initially a minority prevails; if jurors who favor a particular verdict are vocal and persistent in their views, they are more likely to eventually prevail (consistent, persistent, self-confident)
  • This is especially so if they can begin to trigger some defections from the majority
  • *Group Polarization:**
  • Group polarization can occur in evidence of this came from a reenactment of a murder case
  • 4/5 jurors voted guilty before deliberation but felt unsure enough that a weak verdict of manslaughter was their most popular preference
  • after deliberation nearly all agreed that the accused was guilty and most now preferred a stronger verdict (second degree murder) –> through deliberation their initial leanings had grown stronger
  • *Leniency:**
  • Especially when the evidence is not highly incriminating deliberating jurors may become more lenient
  • This qualifies the “two-thirds-majority-rules” finding, for if even a bear majority initially favors acquittal (innocence), it will usually prevail
  • Minority that favors acquittal stands a better chance of prevailing than one that favors conviction
  • The innocent-unless-proven-guilty rules put the burden of proof on those who favor conviction which perhaps makes evidence of the defendants innocence more persuasive
  • normative influence can also create the leniency effect as jurors who view themselves as fair minded confront other jurors who are even more concerned with protecting a possibly innocent defendant