ch 5 Flashcards
Which of the following is not one of the ways that access to health care has been expanded?
B) Including preexisting medical conditions on persons older than 75 years of age
Which of the following requirements ensured the same benefits for all Americans regardless of the source of insurance coverage?
A) Essential Health Benefits
Which of the following was not an issue when the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was launched?
D) Preventative services were not available to those who were previously diagnosed with cancer and high blood pressure.
When instituted, the ACA stipulated that the federal government fund 100% of the cost of Medicaid expansion for the years 2014, 2015, and 2016, with a gradual decrease in funding to what percentage in 2020 and thereafter?
D) 90%
What is the purpose of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation?
A) Control costs while improving the quality of health care
Which of the following is the indicator of healthcare cost that is described as charity care?
B) Uncompensated care
True or False? Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) are fee-for-service organizations that agree to participate in the Shared Savings Program for at least 3 years.
True or False? The Hospital Readmission Reduction Program used penalties such as fines for hospitals to avoid readmission rates for heart attack, heart failure, and pneumonia.
True or False? As of August 2020, Medicaid expansion had been implemented in 38 states, including Washington, D.C.; two additional states considering expanding Medicaid; and 12 states that were not expected to expand Medicaid.
True or False? The 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 eliminated the individual mandate for everyone to have health insurance coverage.
Three goals of the Affordable Care Act of 2010 were to decrease the number of uninsured, increase the quality and efficiency of health care, and slow the rising costs of health care.
Who monitors insurance enrollment numbers and federal dollars spent for health care?
C) Federal government
The Affordable Care Act, signed into law by President Obama, addressed access to health care for more Americans and helped control healthcare costs, while improving the quality of healthcare delivery.
In 2010, which of the following could no longer be used to exclude an applicant from obtaining health insurance?
D) Pre-existing medical conditions
After implementation of the ACA, the Federal government became the primary source of health insurance.
States had the option to establish their own State-Based Marketplace (SBM), default to a Federally Facilitated Marketplace (FFM), or operate in partnership with the federal government (FFM-P).
Beginning in 2014, all American citizens and permanent residents were required to have minimum essential coverage or pay a fine.
Which of the following became a controversial issue associated with the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and women’s preventive health services?
B) Insurance coverage for prescription contraceptives
As a result of the ACA, the majority of the newly insured were Latinos as well as low- and middle-income adults who lived in states that expanded Medicaid.
By 2017, what was a key contributor to lowering National Health Expenditure?
D) Reduced uncompensated hospital admissions