Ch 41 Immunizations Flashcards
Tetanus and diphtheria toxoids and pertussis vaccine
Administer one dose at 11-12 years
Dpitheria and tetanus, toxoids and acellular pertussis vaccine
Given at 2,4,6; 15 to 18 months and at 4 to 6 years
Haemophilus influenza type B booster
Administer doses at 2,4,6 and at 12-15 months
Td booster
Tetanus and diphtheria
Administer one dose every 10 years following DTaP
Rotavirus RV oral vaccine
Max age of administration is 8 months
RV-5 vaccine administered as a 3 dose series at 2,4,6 months of age
RV-1 vaccine administered as a 2 dose series at 2&4 months
Inactivated poliovirus vaccine
Administer doses at 2,4 and 6-18 months and at 4-6 years
measles mumps and rubella vaccine
Administer at 12-15 months and at 4-6 years
Varicella vaccine
Administer one dose at 12-15 months and 4-6 years or two doses administered 4 weeks apart if administered after age 11
pneumococcal conjugate vaccine
Administer doses at 2,4,6 and 12-15 months
Hepatitis A vaccine
Administer 2 doses after 12 months of age administer the second dose 6-18 months after the 1st.
Hepatitis B Vaccine
Administer within 12 hr after birth with additional doses at 1-2 months and 6-18 months after the first
Seasonal influenza vaccine
Annually beginning at 6 months administer trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine TIV
Starting at age 2 the live, attenuated influenza vaccine LAIV nasal spray can be used it is contraindicated in kids with asthma
Oct- nov is the ideal time dec is acceptable
What are adverse effects of IPVs and contraindications and precautions
Adverse effects;Local reaction at injection site
Rare; vaccine associated paralytic poliomyelitis
Contraindications;pregnancy, unless woman is at high risk for contracting polio
Confirmed allergy to streptomycin, neomycin, or polymyxin B
What are adverse effects as well as contraindications and precautions of MMRs
Adverse effects;local Reaction at injection site
Rash, fever, swollen glands
Possibility of joint pain lasting for days to weeks
Risk for anaphylaxis and thrombocytopenia
Contraindications; pregnancy or possibility of
Immunocompromised patients
Recent transfusion with blood products
history of thrombocytopenia
What are adverse effects as well as contraindications and precautions of varicella vaccine
Adverse effect; varicella like rash, local or generalized such as vesicles on the body
Contraindications;cancers of the blood and lymphatic system
Allergy to,gelatin and neomycin
Immunocompromised recent transfusion of blood products
What are adverse effects of PCV and PPV vaccines
Mild local reactions
No serious adverse effects
What are adverse effects as well as contraindications and precautions of hepatitis A and Hepatitis B vaccines
Local,reaction at injection site
Mild fever
Contraindications; hep a- pregnancy may be a contraindication
Hep b- allergy to bakers yeast
What’s a contraindication of MCV4
History of Gillian barre syndrome
What are adverse effects of HPV2 or HPV4 vaccine
Mild local reaction and fever
Fainting shortly after vaccination
Rare: risk for Gillian barre syndrome
Allergy to bakers yeast
Wheat part of the body should vaccinations be administered
In the vastus lateralis for infants and young children
In the deltoid muscle for older children and adolescents
For a vaccination, where should subcutaneous injections be given
Administer subcutaneous injections in the outer aspect of the upper arm or anterolateral thigh
What should parents avoid the administration of aspirin to children to treat fever or local reaction
Because of the risk for Reye syndrome
How should a parent treat a child’s pain prior to and after immunizations
Instruct parents to premedicate with. On opioid analgesic/ antipyretic prior to immunizations and the following 24 hours
Use acetaminophen for infants 2-6 months
Ibuprofen can be administered starting at 6 months