Ch. 4 Stress Related Disorders Flashcards
True or false:
Adjustment disorders are among the most severe type of psychological disorders
Explanation: it is one of the mildest but can lead to something more severe.
When you are under stress, the ____ releases a hormone that arouses the pituitary gland to release ACTH.
a. ) Adrenal medulla
b. ) Hypothalamus
c. ) Kidney
d. ) Adrenal gland
Hormones that boost resistance to stress, foster muscle development, induce the liver to release sugar, and help the body defend against allergic reactions and inflammation are
a. ) Cortical steroids
b. ) Epinephrine
c. ) Norepinephrine
d. ) Acetylcholine
True or false:
Social networks can act as a buffer against cold symptoms.
Which statement is most accurate about the relationship of stress and health?
a. ) Prolonged stress can damage multiple bodily systems
b. ) The immune system is the only bodily system affected by prolonged stress
c. ) Short-term significant stress is just as damaging as longer term stress
d. ) Stress can lead to emotional problems and indirectly to health problems but does not directly lead to health problems
True or false:
Under stress the immune system becomes less capable of toning down the inflammatory response, leading to persistent inflammation that may contribute to the development of many physical disorders, including cardiovascular disease, asthma, and arthritis.
True or false:
Norepinephrine is both a hormone and a neurotransmitter – a hormone in the nervous system and a neurotransmitter in the endocrine system.
Explanation: definitions switched.
The immune system is weakened by continuous secretion of
a. ) Saliva
b. ) Serotonin
c. ) Gastric juices
d. ) Cortical steroids
Expressive writing about stress has been shown to reduce physical and psychological symptoms related to stress because (it is believed to)
a. ) It releases a burden on the ANS of holding in stressful thoughts
b. ) It prevents the weakening of the immune system
c. ) It distracts attention of the amygdala to the stressful situation
d. ) None of the above
The theory that psychosocial adjustment for immigrants is aided by identification with both the traditional and new culture is called the _____ theory.
a. ) Melting pot
b. ) Multicultural
c. ) Bicultural
d. ) Immersion
True or false:
Acculturation made Mexican girls more concerned abut becoming slender.
Increased bicultural adaptation among Mexican American elders
a. ) Decreased likelihood of depression
b. ) Accelerated decisions to retire
c. ) Created conflicts between spouses
d. ) Resulted in rejection by relatives still in Mexico
True or false:
The GAS is a gastrointestinal disorder
True or false:
Emotion-focused coping is usually successful in enhancing coping ability.
Beliefs in one’s ability to accomplish certain tasks related to handling stress is known as
a. ) Psychological hardiness
b. ) Psychological preservation
c. ) Self-efficacy expectancies
d. ) Self-enhancement heuristics
Lower secretion of stress hormones is associated with
a. ) Emotion-focused coping
b. ) High self-efficacy expectancies
c. ) An avoidant or repressive style of coping
d. ) Ability to effectively utilize the general adaptation syndrome
A cluster of stress buffering traits characterized by commitment, challenge, and control are known as
a. ) Psychological hardiness
b. ) Psychological preservation
c. ) Self-efficacy expectations
d. ) Self-enhancement heuristics
Stresses imposed by racism may be modified by
a. ) Intermarriage
b. ) Moving to a more tolerant community
c. ) Ethnic pride
d. ) Ethnic alienation
The progressive relaxation technique heightens awareness of
a. ) Environmental stressors
b. ) Finger temperature
c. ) Time passage
d. ) Muscle tension
True or false:
In acute stress disorder, stronger or more persistent symptoms of dissociation around the time of the trauma is associated with a greater likelihood of later development of PTSD.
True or false
Women are more susceptible to developing PTSD, but this may not be because of their gender.
Explanation: violation in childhood, etc.
Which of the following is not a vulnerability factor related to PTSD?
a. ) Lower levels of self-efficacy
b. ) Higher level of hostility
c. ) Limited coping skills
d. ) Problem-focused coping style
True or false:
The major theoretical perspective regarding PTSD is derived from psychodynamic approach.
Continued activation of the SNS/HPAA has been hypothesized to result in which of the following?
a. ) Increased sensitivity of the amygdala, state anxiety and trait anxiety
b. ) Wears down the hippocampus, which makes it more difficult to form clear memories
c. ) Prevents the birth of new neurons in the hippocampus, which prevents the forming of new memories
d. ) All of the above
Robert White’s theory of Competence Motivation can be seen as a problem-focused coping that proceeds in which of the following order?
a. ) Seek information, calm self, attempt competent action
b. ) Calm self, attempt competent action, seek information
c. ) Calm self, seek information, attempt competent action
d. ) Attempt competent action, calm self, seek information
William Cross’ Black Identity Development Model hypothesizes Black Identity to develop in the following order:
a. ) Encounter, pre-encounter, emmersion, immersion, internalization
b. ) Immersion, pre-encounter, encounter, emmersion, internalization
c. ) Pre-encounter, encounter, immersion, emmersion, internalization
d. ) Pre-encounter, encounter, emmersion, immersion, internalization