Ch. 1 Introduction and Methods of Research Flashcards
A psychological disorder is:
a. ) A pattern of abnormal behavior
b. ) A pattern of abnormal behavior that is associated with states of emotional distress, or with behavior that is confusing and not organized.
c. ) A pattern of abnormal behavior that is associated with states of emotional distress, or with impaired ability to function, such as difficulty holding a job or even distinguishing reality from fantasy.
d. ) A behavior that is diagnosed by a psychiatrist according to his or her expertise.
True or False: Anxiety and depression are always abnormal responses to one’s situation.
Which of the following is NOT one of the criteria discussed in the text for judging a behavior as abnormal?
a. ) The behavior is dangerous
b. ) The behavior is selfish
c. ) The behavior is maladaptive or self-defeating
d. ) The behavior is socially deviant
Which of the following behaviors is considered abnormal?
a. ) feeling anxious in anticipation of an important job interview
b. ) feeling depressed after failing a test
c. ) feeling anxious whenever entering a department store
d. ) feeling sad about losing a loved one
Bipolar disorder meets which of the following criteria for determining abnormality?
a. )Extreme emotional distress and difficulty functioning in normal life
b. )Linked to self-defeating and dangerous behavior, such as reckless driving or exorbitant spending during manic phases and suicide during depressive phases
c. )Both a and b
d. )None of the above.
When considering abnormal behavior from a cross-cultural perspective, which of the following statements are true?
a. ) Views about abnormal behavior vary from society to society
b. ) Research efforts have shown that behavior patterns associated with our concepts of schizophrenia exist in many countries across the world
c. )Among people in China and other countries in Asia, emotional distress is often expressed through development of physical symptoms, such as headaches, fatigue, or weakness, rather than feelings of guilt or sadness that are more common in so-called Western nations
d. )All of the above
Which of the following is true about the Community Mental Health Centers established by the U.S. Congress in 1963?
a. )The development of a new class of drugs, phenothiazines, which was introduced in the 1950s as a treatment for schizophrenia, laid the groundwork for the mass exodus from mental hospitals
b. )The mental hospital population across the U.S. plummeted from nearly 600,000 in the 1950s to about 40,000 today
c. )The exodus from state hospitals did not leave tens of thousands marginally functioning people in communities that lacked housing and other forms of support
d. )Only a and b
Complete the following analogy. Dementia Praecox: schizophrenia :: manic-depressive psychosis: ______
a. ) Depression
b. ) Mania
c. ) Bipolar disorder
d. ) Both a and b
Medical model: psychological model:: symptoms: _____
a. ) Mental patient
b. ) Prognosis
c. ) Characteristics
d. ) Mental health
True or False:
In witnessing Charcot’s use of hypnosis to remove physical symptoms of hysteria, Sigmund Freud was convinced of the correctness of the assumptions underlying the medical model.
False: Freud witnessed paralysis and he saw someone treated with talking, not medicine.
True or False:
In the so-called “talking cure” used by Joseph Breuer, the physical symptoms of hysteria, which Breuer saw as symptom that resulted from blocked emotions associated with life events that elicited feelings of fear, anxiety, and guilt, disappeared because of what Breuer labeled “catharsis’ or emotional discharge of feelings.
Which of the following are true?
a. ) Sociocultural theorists believe the causes of abnormal behavior may be found in the failures of society rather than in the person
b. ) Sociocultural theorists observe that once a person is labeled “mentally ill,” the label is hard to remove
c. ) The Biopsychosocial Perspective argues that abnormal behavior is best understood by taking into account multiple causes representing the biological, psychological, and sociocultural domains
d. ) All of the above
The objectives of science are to describe, explain, predict, and control behavior. The authors of the text argue that for the field of psychology “control” implies
a. ) The ability to control peoples’ behavior so as to help them get better
b. ) Help people shape their own goals more efficiently and use their resources to accomplish their goals
c. ) The duty to take over a person’s life in order to help them improve their abnormal behavior
d. ) To ensure that all therapies meet the standards of rigorous scientific research
Archibald has recurring delusions that he is the King of England. He also hallucinates that the Queen is next to him and he talks to her throughout the day. Which criterion of abnormal behavior most closely matches his behavior?
a. ) Significant personal distress
b. ) Self-defeating behavior
c. ) Socially unacceptable behavior
d. ) Faulty perception of reality
delusions = belief; hallucinates = visual
Unfounded ideas or false beliefs which have no basis in fact are considered _____
a. ) Delusions
b. ) Compulsions
c. ) Hallucinations
d. ) Obsessions
Which criterion of abnormal behavior most closely matches a college student who must withdraw due to alcoholism?
a. ) Faulty perception of realty
b. ) Maladaptive or self-defeating behavior
c. ) Unusual behavior
d. ) Socially unacceptable behavior
People are said to have ____ diagnoses when they have more than one psychological disorder
a. ) Comorbid
b. ) Comingled
c. ) Coexisting
d. ) Simultaneous
In Asian cultures, depression is experienced largely in terms of ____
a. ) Fears of failure in procreation, in dreams, and complaints about witchcraft
b. ) Trancelike states
c. ) Physical symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, or weakness
d. ) Feelings of guilt or sadness
Gloria, a student from a poor family, goes to a therapist for treatment of her test anxiety. Her therapist tells her that the anxiety is not abnormal behavior on her part, but, rather, it is a normal reaction to the abnormal expectations placed on her by an unfair society that has failed to give her an equal chance, given her impoverished background, to fairly compete with other students. Her therapist is using the ___ treatment model.
a. ) Social learning
b. ) Humanistic
c. ) Eclectic
d. ) Sociocultural
True or False:
The scientific method tests assumptions and theories about the world through gathering objective evidence.
True or False:
Independent variables: the results that come from manipulating experimental treatments :: dependent variable : factors controlled or manipulated by the investigator in a research study.
False: the opposite
A correlation coefficient varies between ____
a. ) 1 and 100
b. ) -1.00 and +1.00
c. ) -10 and + 10
d. ) -100 and +100
Kinship studies attempt to disentangle the roles of heredity and environment in determining the behavior of subjects. Which of the following are examples of kinship studies?
a. ) Twin studies
b. ) Adoptee studies
c. ) The study of monozygotic twins reared apart
d. ) All of the above