Ch. 2 Contemporary Perspectives on Abnormal Behavior and Methods of Treatment Flashcards
Neurons transmit messages to other neurons by means of chemical substances known as ____
a. ) Precursors
b. ) Hormones
c. ) Neurotransmitters
d. ) Peptide
Depression and eating disorders have been linked to imbalances of
a. ) Acetylcholine
b. ) Dopamine
c. ) Serotonin
d. ) Epinephrine
Two popular antidepressants, Prozac and Zoloft, increase the availability to the brain of _____
a. ) Acetylcholine
b. ) Dopamine
c. ) Serotonin
d. ) Cortisol
Allen is in his house alone late at night when he hears a loud, frightening noise. His heart begins pounding, his senses sharpen, and his muscles tense up. Allen’s reaction is due to the activity to his ___ nervous system.
a. ) Sympathetic
b. ) Parasympathetic
c. ) Somatic
d. ) Central
Len sits down to relax in his easy chair after a long, hard day at work. As he sits reading his paper, he grows more relaxed. His breathing and heart rate slow down, his muscles loosen. Len’s relaxation is due to the activity of his ____ nervous system.
a. ) Sympathetic
b. ) Parasympathetic
c. ) Somatic
d. ) Central
According to Freud, unconscious motives and conflicts revolve around ____
a. ) A drive for self-actualization
b. ) Primitive sexual and aggressive instincts
c. ) Learned motives
d. ) Irrational thinking
According to Freud, during the first year of life, the ___ develops to organize reasonable ways to deal with frustration
a. ) Id
b. ) Persona
c. ) Ego
d. ) Superego
Rachel’s boyfriend is pressing her to have sex, but her parents have brought her up to believe that premarital sex s wrong. She is very tempted. Which Freudian psychic structure would determine Rachel’s method of handling this situation?
a. ) Id
b. ) Ego
c. ) Superego
d. ) Persona
may or may not be on exam.
parents: superego
tempted: id
ego is between id and superego
The most basic defense mechanism is
a. ) Regression
b. ) Repression
c. ) Denial
d. ) Rationalization
Defense mechanisms involve a dynamic struggle between the
a. ) Ego and the conscience
b. ) Ego and the superego
c. ) Id and the pleasure principle
d. ) Id and the ego
An adult becomes very dependent upon his parents after the dissolution of his marriage. His defense mechanism is _____
a. ) Displacement
b. ) Reaction formation
c. ) Projection
d. ) Regression
The use of justifications, or excuses, for unacceptable behavior is a form of self-deception that is called ____
a. ) Projection
b. ) Sublimination
c. ) Reaction formation
d. ) Rationalization
A woman who has been scolded at work by her boss comes home and yells at her children. Her defense mechanism is ____
a. ) Projection
b. ) Displacement
c. ) Sublimination
d. ) Regression
The correct chronological order of Freud’s stages of development is _____
a. ) Anal, oral, phallic, latency, genital
b. ) Anal, oral, latency, phallic, genital
c. ) Oral, anal, genital, latency, phallic
d. ) Oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital
According to Freud, smoking, alcohol abuse, overeating, and nail biting are all examples of oral stage _____.
a. ) Reaction formation
b. ) Abreaction
c. ) Fixation
d. ) Sublimination
Alfred Adler believed that people were basically driven by ____
a. ) The sexual instinct
b. ) An inferiority complex
c. ) Basic anxiety
d. ) Psychosocial motives
Recent psychodynamic models of personality place more emphasis on the power of the ____ than Freud.
a. ) Id
b. ) Ego
c. ) Superego
d. ) Death instinct
A behavior therapist would attribute abnormal behavior to each of the following EXCEPT _____.
a. ) A learning history that is different from the learning histories of most people
b. ) Inconsistent discipline
c. ) Neglectful or abusive parents
d. ) Conflicts between the id and superego
not a because learning history = reinforcement/punishment
According to classical conditioning, learning occurs when stimuli are _____
a. ) Associated
b. ) Reinforced
c. ) Generalized
d. ) Discriminated
A little boy is allowed to play with a laboratory rat and shows no fear of it. Then, a scientist makes a scary noise by banging an iron bar whenever the little boy reaches for the rat. Soon, the bou begins crying whenever the rat comes near him. In this study, the scary noise is the _____.
a. ) Unconditioned stimulus
b. ) Unconditioned response
c. ) Conditioned stimulus
d. ) Conditioned response
B: unconditioned response = crying w/ scary noise
C: conditioned stimulus = rat
D: conditioned response = crying w/rat
Ashley is riding in an elevator when the lights suddenly go off and the elevator stops, trapping her inside. After an hour, electricity is restored and Ashley is able to safely exit the elevator. Ashley subsequently refuses to ride in an elevator because she is “afraid.” Ashley’s fear is the result of ____.
a. ) Operant conditioning
b. ) Negative reinforcement
c. ) Classical conditioning
d. ) Aversive conditioning
A disorder that may be acquired by classical conditioning is _____
a. ) Bipolar disorder
b. ) Hysteria
c. ) Obsessive compulsive anxiety disorder
d. ) Phobia
Changes in the environment that increase the frequency of the preceding behavior are called ____
a. ) Operants
b. ) Stimuli
c. ) Reinforcers
d. ) Fixations
A parent promises to stop criticizing her son when he behaves in the “correct” manner. This is an example of
a. ) Positive reinforcement
b. ) Negative reinforcement
c. ) Punishment
d. ) Aversive conditioning
criticizing = aversive that is taken away –> negative. reinforcement because something that is taken away will increase repetition of behavior.