Ch. 4 State and Federal Regulations Government IAs and IARs Flashcards
Any person that meets the investment adviser definition is required to register with either ____ or ____
The SEC or one or more states
All registered investment advisers (are or are not) required to provide clients with a disclosure document (brochure) to describe their overall business as well as actual or potential conflicts of interest
ARE required to provide clients with a brochure to describe overall business and any actual or potential conflicts of interest
Advisers with different types of clients (may or may not) create and file different brochures that are tailored to each specific client.
MAY create and file different brochures that are tailored to each specific client
To meet the definition of an investment adviser, a person must satisfy all three parts of the A-B-C test by:
- Providing Advice about securities
- Offering this service as a regular part of doing Business
- Receiving Compensation for these services
An adviser that’s ineligible for federal registration must be registered at ____
the state level
Limited discretion?
Allows an adviser to enter orders to buy or sell securities, but not to remove money or securities from the account.
Full discretion?
Gives an adviser all of the abilities acquired through limited discretion, with the addition of check-writing privileges and authority to remove other assets from the account.
Fletcher is in the airport and about to leave on an extended vacation with his family, but cannot stop thinking about the current state of the market and his investments. Before boarding, Fletcher calls Julie, his investment adviser representative, and tells her that she has his permission to take care of things in his account while he’s gone. Although Fletcher has not signed a power of attorney, may Julie execute trades for Fletcher?
Yes. This example illustrates the oral discretion provision that’s permitted for investment advisers and their representatives. Julie has discretionary authority over Fletcher’s account for 10 business days. In order to retain discretionary control after the 10 days, Fletcher must provide a signed power of attorney.
The oral discretion provision (does or doesn’t) apply to broker-dealers and their agents.
DOES NOT apply to broker-dealers and their agents, who must obtain written authorization
having legal responsibility for, or control over, another person’s assets
An investment adviser is headquartered in Oklahoma, which has a minimum financial requirement of $35,000. The adviser is in the process of opening a new office in Texas, which has a minimum financial requirement of $50,000. To open the Texas office, will the adviser be required to satisfy the $50,000 Texas requirement?
No. Since the adviser is headquartered in Oklahoma, it’s required to satisfy only the $35,000 minimum financial requirement for Oklahoma. The adviser is not required to satisfy the $50,000 requirement that’s set by the state of Texas.
Jim is an accountant who charges clients $125 per year to complete and file their tax returns. Occasionally, Jim suggests to his clients that they make use of their employer-sponsored retirement plans and recommends certain mutual fund families. Does Jim meet the IA definition?
No. Since Jim’s advice is incidental to his accounting profession and he doesn’t receive specific compensation for giving that advice, he’s excluded from the definition of an investment adviser.
A broker-dealer and its agents regularly recommend securities through their research reports that are distributed to clients. If and when a client’s trade is executed, the firm collects a commission for the service provided. Is the broker-dealer considered an investment adviser?
No. The broker-dealer is not considered an investment adviser since it’s not receiving a fee for providing advice. Distributing research reports to customers is an incidental practice for a broker-dealer. The commission received is for executing transactions, not for advice.
An investment adviser is registered in North Dakota and provides advice to numerous institutional clients in Montana, but doesn’t have a place of business in that state. Is the firm exempt from registering as an investment adviser in Montana?
Yes. As long as the advisory firm has no place of business in Montana, it may continue advising its institutional clients. However, if the firm opens an office in Montana to serve its clients better, it’s no longer exempt from registering as an investment adviser in Montana—even if it continues to serve only institutional clients.
A firm is registered as an investment adviser in North Dakota and has no office in Montana. Most of the adviser’s clients are in North Dakota. However, due to job relocations, four non-institutional clients now live in Montana. Is the firm required to register as an investment adviser in Montana?
No. Under the USA, since the adviser has no place of business in Montana and directs communications to no more than five non-institutional clients, it’s exempt from registration in Montana.
If a broker-dealer has no office in a state, but intends to do business with non-institutional (retail) clients in that state, it (must or does not need to) be registered there regardless of the number of clients.
does not need to