Ch. 4 Social Flashcards
What are the 9 social Mega Trends
A. Globalisation.
B. Automation and artificial intelligence (AI).
C. Inequality and Wealth creation.
D. Digital disruption, social media and access to electronic devices.
E. Changes to work, leisure time and Education.
F. Changes to individual rights and responsibilities and Family structures.
G. Changing Demographics, including health and longevity.
H. Urbanisation (Cities)
I. Religion.
Memory Trick
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Enviro trends that impact social
Climate, water, pollution and loss of ecosystems
could lead to mass migration and transition risk
3 starting consideration on social factors
1) most material
2) company exposure to this item(s)
3) impact to supply chain
Internal factors
A. Human capital development; B. health and Safety; C. human Rights; and D. Labour rights, including: » freedom of association and employee relations; » forced labour; and » living wage
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external factors
E. Stakeholder opposition and controversial sourcing;
F. product Liability and consumer protection;
G. social Opportunities; and
H. animal Welfare and antimicrobial resistance
Memory trick
There are many different guidelines with respect to human rights. However, two have a direct effect on
companies, and as such also on investors:
▶ The United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs); and
▶ The OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises (MNEs).
Labour rights considerations
▶ freedom of association and protection of the right to organise;
▶ right to organise and collective bargaining;
▶ forced labour and abolition of forced labour;
▶ minimum age;
▶ worst forms of child labour;
▶ equal remuneration (living wage); and
▶ discrimination (employment and occupation).
3 areas to consider material social factors for investors
Country, Sector and Company
Materiality, quality of Mgmt, Ratio anaysis and modelling