Ch 4 Flashcards
Evaluation of the results of performance; often controlled by factors being on the actions of an individual
Ratio of effectiveness (output) to the cost of achieving that level of effectiveness (input)
Declarative knowledge
Understanding what is required to perform a task; knowing information about a job or task
Procedural knowledge and skill
Knowing how to perform a job or task; often developed through practice and experience
Concerns the conditions responsible for variations in intensity, persistence, quality, and direction of ongoing behavior
Determinate’s if performance
Basic building blocks or causes of performance, which are declarative knowledge, procedural knowledge, and motivation
Performance components
Components that may appear in different jobs in results from the determinant of performance; Campbell and colleagues identified eight performance components, some or all of which can be found in every job
Criterion deficiency
Situation that occurs when an actual criterion is missing information that is part of the behavior one is trying to measure
Criterion contamination
Situation that occurs when an actual criterion included information unrelated to the behavior one is trying to measure
Ultimate criterion
Ideal measure of all the relevant aspects of job performance
Actual criterion
Actual measure of job performance obtained
Organizational citizenship behavior
Behavior that goes beyond what is expected
Helpful behaviors directed toward individuals or groups within the organization, such as offering to help coworker who is up against a deadline
Generalized compliance
Behavior that is helpful to the broader organization, such as upholding company rules
Task performance
Proficiency with which job incumbents perform activities that are formally recognized as a part of their job