ch 37 substance abuse, grief and loss Flashcards
risk factors substance abuse during pregnancy
-low self esteem
-hx of psychiatric disorder
-hx of abuse, victim of violence
maternal consequences of tobacco use
-thromboembolic effects
-resp complications
possible fetal consequences of tobacco use
-PPROM, preterm birth
-placenta previa
-placenta abruption
criteria for fetal alcohol syndrome (3)
-dysmorphic facial features
-growth deficiency
-CNS abnormalities (structural, neurological, developmental, functional)
5 disorders in fetal alcohol spectrum disorders
-fetal alcohol syndrome
-partial FAS
-alcohol related neurodevelopmental disorders (ARND)
-alcohol related birth defects (ARBD)
-neurobehavioral disorder associated with prenatal alcohol exposure
other characteristics related to fetal alcohol syndrome (other than criteria)
-abnormal palmar creases, irregular hair growth
-poor suck, cleft lip, cleft palate
-cardiac and joint abnormalities
-mental deficiences
possible consequences of using narcotics during pregnancy
-preterm labor and birth
-placental abruption
-fetal distress
S+S neonatal abstinence syndrome (withdrawal from opioids)
-restlessness, hyperactive
-high pitched cry
-increased muscle tone
-irritable, inconsolable
-increased DTRs
-exaggerated moro reflex
-poor feeding, frantic suck
-nasal stuffiness
meds for neonatal abstinence syndrome
nursing care for baby experiencing opioid withdrawal
-swaddle tightly with hands midline, arms at side
-carry firmly and close to body
-decrease stimuli
-minimize handling (cluster care)
-rock in slow rhythmic fashion when distressed
swansons caring theory (5)
-knowing (assess)
-being with (caring presence)
-doing for
-enabling (offers options)
-maintaining belief (encourage)
types perinatal loss
-fetal death/still birth
-early neonatal death
-late neonatal death
-infant death (within 1st year)
-serious fetal diagnosis
-other (complicated pregnancy, preterm birth, birth experience, NICU, gender/appearance of baby)
3 stages miles’ parental grief response
- acute distress (shock - accept reality)
- intense grief (disorganization - work through pain, learn how to live without baby)
- reorganization (searching for meaning - function without baby)
nursing interventions for parents with perinatal loss
-help pt hold baby
-help parents with decisions
-help them understand different responses to loss
-help them acknowledge and express their feelings
-create memorabilia for parents to take home
-medical care for mom as PP
-acknowledge spiritual/religious beliefs
-sensitive discharge and followup care
how to prepare deceased baby for parents to see
-prepare parents for what to expect with appearance
-treat baby as you would live baby
-put him under radiant warmer
-dress baby in clothes
-smell: lotion or baby powder
-warm blanket