Ch 3 Mission Planning Flashcards
Execution orders
Operation Orders
Joint Intelligence Preparation of the Operational Environment
Fragmentary orders
Aviation unit prep message
An implied task is a
task that must be performed to
accomplish a specific task or mission but is not stated in the HHQ order.
Identify Limitations.
Limitations can be divided into two categories:
constraints required by HHQ, and restraints prohibited by HHQ. Limitations can also
be based on resource limitations or physical characteristics of the operational
Risk Management two categories
Risk to force and risk to mission
Commanders critical information requirements.
Friendly Force Information Requirements
Priority Intelligence Requirements(PIR)
Essential Elements of Information (EEI)
Information regarding the
enemy or environment that affects the commander’s planning.
Essential elements of friendly information (EEFI) are
pieces of
information regarding the mission that could cause mission failure if not protected.
EEFIs should be briefed early on to prevent OPSEC violations.
A Mission Analysis should be performed at least how many days prior
2 days
Deliberate Mission Planning
all steps of the MDMP should be utilized if time permits. If time is
constrained, focus the majority of the effort on planning the actions on the objective.