Ch. 3 Apparatus Safety Flashcards
Ch. 3 pg. 83
You must maintain complete control, adjust speed for driving conditions, and operate in a manner consistent with the professional image of the fire service. Also be aware that you are subject to all traffic regulations when driving ________ ________ _______.
<p>under non-emergency conditions.
Note: unless specifically exempt fire apparatus D/O are subject to any statute, rule, or regulation or ordinance that governs any other vehicle operator.</p>
<p>Ch. 3 pg. 84.
In some jurisdictions, statutes may exempt emergency vehicles from driving regulations that apply to the general public if they are responding to a reported emergency. These exemptions could include the following: (4)</p>
<p>-speed limits
- Direction of travel
- Direction of turns
- Parking statutes</p>
<p>Ch. 3 pg. 84
| When a D/O has been found guilty of a gross violation of standing laws, policies or ordinances, defines what?</p>
<p>Ch. 3 apparatus safety pg. 94
| Beginning with engines produced in \_\_\_\_\_ apparatus began to be equipped with a diesel particulate filter (DPF)</p>
<p>Ch. 3 apparatus safety pg. 95
Active regeneration can also occur when the truck is parked. Parked regeneration allows the cleaning of the DPF in stationary truck operations and requires operator involvement to initiate. Parked regeneration cannot be initiated \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_.</p>
<p>during pumping operations.</p>
<p>Ch. 3 apparatus safety pg. 95
Top off the DEF tank every time the apparatus is fueled and carry a spare jug of DEF on the apparatus just in case. Failing to keep the DEF tank full may: (2)</p>
<p>- derate the apparatus engine (reduce the torque)
-limit the vehicle speed.
note: the apparatus may be limited in speed to 5 mph.</p>
<p>Ch. 3 apparatus safety pg. 98
Weigh the apparatus after loading it will all equipment and personnel to ensure that the axle loading is balanced within \_\_\_\_\_\_ from side to side and within the axle weight ratings front-to-back.</p>
<p>7%.</p> heavy in front = hard steering damage axle/tires light front =light steering light on drive axle = poor traction drive wheels may spin easily.
<p>Ch. 3 apparatus safety pg. 101
| At speeds above \_\_\_\_\_ an emergency vehicle may outrun the effective range of its audible warning device.</p>
<p>50 mph.</p>
<p>Ch. 3 apparatus safety pg. 101
There have been numerous collisions between fire apparatus and other emergency vehicles. When more than one emergency vehicle is responding along the same route, they should travel at least \_\_\_\_\_\_ to \_\_\_\_\_\_ feet apart.</p>
<p>300 to 500 feet.
some fire departments specify that different siren settings be used by apparatus responding together.</p>
<p>Ch. 3 apparatus safety pg. 101
Sirens mounted on emergency vehicles operating at slower speeds project out much farther. In some instances, increasing the speed of an apparatus by \_\_\_\_\_\_ can decrease the audible distance by \_\_\_\_\_\_ or more.</p>
<p>20 mph.
200 feet.</p>
<p>Ch. 3 apparatus safety pg. 105
Your \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_\_ time determines whether or not reaction time and stopping distances will be sufficient in an emergency.</p>
<p>Visual lead time.
Note keys are:
- scanning the path of travel
- aiming high in steering
- getting the big picture.</p>
ch. 3 pg. 83 <p>
The Department of Transportation(DOT) for licensing of drivers of large trucks. While these are national guidelines, each state or province has latitude to alter them as necessary for the needs of its ___________.</p>
other states may exempt from apparatus D/O from these licensing requirements
When as bus has its flashing red lights on, fire apparatus should proceed only after the bus driver or____ gives a signal that it is safe to proceed.
<p>Police officer</p>
red flashing light indicate that it is loading or unloading students.
A harsher condition than ordinary negligence, \_\_\_\_\_ is an act of proceeding to do something with a conscious awareness of danger while not necessarily suggesting intent to cause harm. A breach of duty in which a person/organization fails to perform at the standard required by law is\_\_\_\_. </p>
<p>Reckless disregard
Emergency lights, sirens and horns are a \_\_\_\_ for other drivers to yield to the emergency vehicle.
Proper \_\_\_\_ awareness involves allowing the right of way if doing so decreases the chance of a collision.</p>
| Situational</p>
Overheated brake components lose their ability to stop the vehicle, this is called\_\_\_\_ and radial tires and ABS braking systems do not reduce this potential and only effective handling and braking techniques can ensure maximum braking efficiency.</p>
<p>Brake fade</p>
Accidents can occur because of overloading, nonengineered modifications and misuse. If the apparatus is \_\_\_ it may not handle correctly when driven.</p>
The ultimate mission of any emergency response vehicle is to \_\_\_ the health and welfare of the people it is meant to protect. The mission fails if the responders themselves do not arrive safely.</p>
The\_\_\_ is responsible for confirming that all personnel are on board with seat belts fastened. Confirmation must be verified\_\_ before moving vehicle. The shoulder belt should be worn on the \_\_\_ shoulder only!</p>
When loading the supply hose (4in or greater) while driving, maintain speeds no greater than \_\_mph and assign at least\_\_\_ member, other than drive and firefighters actually loading the hose, as a \_\_\_ observer. Observer must have constant visual contact as well as visual and \_\_\_ communication with the driver.</p>
When preparing to start the apparatus, the driver must first know the \_\_\_ and route of travel. During \_\_\_\_\_ taking the time to review incident location will allow the driver to consider response factors.</p>
| Emergency response</p>
Allowing a diesel engine to idle unnecessarily will waste fuel and may cause damage to internal engine components and emission systems from the buildup of\_\_\_ in injectors, valves, and pistons. .</p>
An apparatus equipped with Selective Catalyst Reductant(SCR) will have a tank that must be filled with Diesel Exhaust Fluid(DEF). Failing to keep DEF tanks full may\_\_\_ (reduce its torque output) the engine or limit the vehicle speed. An empty DEF tank can limit apparatus speeds to \_\_\_ mph and will need service from dealer.Top off DEF tank every time apparatus is \_\_\_ and carry a spare jug on apparatus.</p>
Never shut down an engine immediately after a \_\_\_ load operation or when temp gauge indicates that the engine is\_\_\_\_. At hot engine should cool to the normal operating temp, usually an idling time of \_\_ to\_\_ minutes is sufficient.</p>
3 to 5</p>
Never rev a diesel engine immediately before shutting it down. Shutting down an apparatus while in motion should\_\_\_ be done and can cause fuel pressure to build up behind the shutoff valve and prevent the valve from\_\_\_\_\_</p>
| Opening</p>
This practice is a way to slow the vehicle in preparation for a stop and a measure to extend the life of service brakes.</p>
<p>Manually shifting an apparatus equipped with automatic transmission</p>
Some mobile water supply and older model apparatus feature \_\_\_\_ shift transmissions. The driver should consult the \_\_\_ manual for info on driving apparatus with 2 speed rear axles or a transmisiion with more than\_\_ gears.</p>
Weight transfer must be considered in the safe operation of fire apparatus. Weight transfer follows the law of\_\_\_. When a vehicle undergoes a change in speed or direction, weight transfer takes place relative to the \_\_\_ and\_\_\_ of change.</p>
Rate and degree
The driver should ensure the apparatus is properly\_\_ at all times. Weigh the apparatus after loading it with all equipment and personnel to ensure that the axle loading is balanced within\_\_percent from side to side and within the axle \_\_ ratings front to back</p>
7 percent
<p>p. 98
When driving\_\_\_ use the service brake and the auxiliary brake as well as\_\_\_ shifting to lower gears to limit speed. Limit downhill speed to lower than maximum\_\_\_. </p>
Note: failure to use alternate methods to slow the vehicle may result in brake failure, resulting in vehicle runaway. </p>
plot routes that avoid low overpasses. .NFPA 1901 requires a placard in every apparatus that lists ____height(in feet) and___(in tons) to emphasize importance in watching for bridge and overpass limits. Because aerial apparatus may be much longer than other commercial vehicles,this poses a hazard where railroad crossings are just before a controlled intersection, the driver must ensure there will be room between the tracks and the stoplight to fit the apparatus while the light is still red. These sites account for an average of___ accidents annually.
Vehicle and Weight
The D/O must consider ___ conditions as major factors while driving apparatus. It may take __ to__ times greater distance for a vehicle to come to a complete stop on snow and ice than dry pavement. To determine slickness of the road apply brakes in an area___ of traffic.
3 to 15
Studies have shown that civilian drivers respond better to sounds that change___. Short air horn bursts and up and down oscillation of an electronic or mechanical siren may be the best way to get the attention of motorists. At speeds above ___mph an emergency vehicle can outrun the effective range of audible siren. . Increasing the speed by___mph can decrease audible distance by ____feet or more.
In cab intercom headsets may make it more difficult to hear ____ noise or sirens of other emergency vehicles. When more than 1 emergency vehicle is responding along the same route, they should travel at least___ to ___feet apart.
300 to 500
Some traffic control device systems use____lights(emitters) mounted on the apparatus to activate sensors in the traffic lights. This emitter generates an optical signal that is received by the traffic light as the apparatus approaches. The signal causes a green light for the apparatus____of travel and a red in all other directions.This system may also be formatted to turn off____ signals.
Pedestrian crosswalk
Uses a GPS device and radio transmitter to transmit data to a radio___ on the traffic light.These devices are capable of determining location,speed and status of the apparatus __ __ as well as a database of unit identification info for a historical record of signal use.
Turn signal
note: A priority mode may be programmed allowing emergency vehicles a higher control level.
Make every attempt to make eye contact with other drivers to ensure they are seen before proceeding through__. When all lanes are blocked, the D/O may drive into opposing lanes of traffic, the apparatus must proceed at a greatly___ speed.
When passing other vehicles, always travel on the___lane(fast lane) on multilane roads. When passing other emergency response vehicles, ___ should coordinate this by radio.
Ch. 3 pg 105
Along with your reaction time and braking distance there are other factors affect the D/O ability to stop the apparatus include: (4)
- road conditions, and slope of driving surface
- speed of apparatus
- weight of the vehicle
- type and condition of the vehicles tires and braking system.
The time needed to stop the apparatus or perform an evasive maneuver at the current rate of speed is____. This determines whether reaction time and stopping distances will be sufficient in an emergency.Establish this by scanning their path of travel far enough ahead based upon speed. Aim high in steering and get the big picture.
Visual lead time
p. 105
1. The distance the vehicle travels from the time the breaks are applied until a complete stop is______.
2. The sum of the D/O reaction distance and the vehicles breaking distance is_____?
3. After perceiving the need to stop, the ______ is the distance the apparatus travels while the D/O transfers foot from the accelerator to the brake pedal.
- Braking distance
- Total stopping distance
- Reaction Distance
Bringing a vehicle to a full and complete stop requires removing all of its forward____. Mass or velocity increases, it gains ___,
***D/O’s ,must compensate for various road conditions that will hinder their ability to control the vehicle, such as when they must reduce speed of an apparatus under less than ideal road conditions!
p. 108 Skids
* *Using ordinary parking lots to conduct skid training may result in rollover accidents**
In a(n) \_\_\_\_ skid, the drive wheels lose traction on the road surface and usually occur when the gas pedal is applied too quickly. A\_\_\_\_ skid generally results from braking at too high a speed and will skid no matter which way the steering wheel is turned.
Locked wheel
p. 108 Skids
* *Using ordinary parking lots to conduct skid training may result in rollover accidents**
In a(n) \_\_\_\_ skid, the drive wheels lose traction on the road surface and usually occur when the gas pedal is applied too quickly. A\_\_\_\_ skid generally results from braking at too high a speed and will skid no matter which way the steering wheel is turned.
Standard Transmissions
Should not engage clutch until vehicle is under control and just before___the apparatus.Once under control gradually apply power to the ____ to further control the vehicle by creating traction or apply brakes as needed.
Locked wheel
p. 108 Antilock Braking System (ABS)
- Onboard computer that monitors each wheel and controls pressure to the brakes.
- When driving vehicle with ABS, D/O should maintain __pressure on the brake pedal, rather than pumping, until apparatus comes to complete stop.
p.108 Antilock Braking System (ABS)
-Onboard computer that monitors each wheel and controls pressure to the brakes.
-When driving vehicle with ABS, D/O should maintain __pressure on the brake pedal, rather than pumping, until apparatus comes to complete stop.
Apparatus without ABS
Enters into a skid should release brakes and allow wheels to rotate freely. Should turn the steering wheel in the ___ the vehicle was traveling.
p.109 Auxiliary Braking System NFPA 1901 requires that all apparatus with a GVWR of \_\_\_\_ or greater be equipped with an auxiliary braking system. Not only helps reduce \_\_\_\_ fade on long steep grades, it can significantly reduce service brake system maintenance costs. 4 types of Auxiliary Braking Systems 1. 2. 3. 4.
36,000 lbs Brake 1.Exhaust Brake 2.Engine Compression Brake 3. Transmission output retarder 4. Electromagnetic Retarder
p.109 Auxiliary Braking System NFPA 1901 requires that all apparatus with a GVWR of \_\_\_\_ or greater be equipped with an auxiliary braking system. Not only helps reduce \_\_\_\_ fade on long steep grades, it can significantly reduce service brake system maintenance costs. 4 types of Auxiliary Braking Systems 1. 2. 3. 4. *The amount of \_\_ force available from any auxiliary braking system is a complex function of vehicle speed, engine speed,Temp, and control strategy
36,000 lbs Brake 1.Exhaust Brake 2.Engine Compression Brake 3. Transmission output retarder 4. Electromagnetic Retarder Retardation
The___ brake is the least capable of the 4 auxiliary brake devices and uses a valve to restrict flow which creates back pressure that adds to engines inherent braking ability.The ___brake is an electronically actuated mechanical system that converts mechanical energy of the vehicle into heat by compressing the engine intake air and then discharging it through the exhaust. Has no impact on engine temp.
Engine compression
The___ brake is the least capable of the 4 auxiliary brake devices and uses a valve to restrict flow which creates back pressure that adds to engines inherent braking ability.The ___brake uses the engine and transmission to impede forward motion and is an electronically actuated mechanical system that converts mechanical energy of the vehicle into heat by compressing the engine intake air and then discharging it through the exhaust. Has no impact on engine temp.
Engine compression
A(n) ___ retarder is either mounted in the driveline or supplied as an integral part of the rear axle and inhibits the rotation of the rotor and creates braking torque at the rear wheels.
A(n) ___ retarder uses the viscous property of the automatic transmission fluid to retard the driveline. This retards the vehicle through the rear wheels and adds heat to the transmission fluid. This can cause the system to disengage if temps get too high.
p.110 Auxiliary Traction Control Systems
Traction can be improved by the use of more aggressive tire treads, tire chains, mechanical features in driveline or ABS based automatic traction control. ___ chains feature short lengths of chain on a rotating hub and are driven by the drive wheel and spun under tire by ___force.These are ineffective in snow deeper than_to_inches depending on consistency of the snow or when vehicle is moving at very slow speeds or in reverse.
3 to 6 inches
p.111 Automatic Traction Control (ATC)
This feature automatically reduces engine__ and applies the __ to wheels that have lost traction and begin to spin.
this transfers torque to the wheels that still have traction, which helps improve overall traction on slippery roads.
p.111 Driver Controlled Differential Lock
Some aerial apparatus may be quipped with DCDL and is used to improve traction and___ by locking the differential during offroad and wet weather conditions. The DCDL can be shifted while__ or moving.When engaged, both wheels are forced to turn at the same __, resulting in the differential being locked to maximize__. While locked, the driver may feel a tendency for the vehicle to move straight ahead while turning and hear tires ___.
Handling Stationary Speed Traction Scrubbing
p.111 Interaxle Differential Lock
Allows for __differences between the rear driving axles by creating 1 solid driveline between the rear axles. In this condition each axle receives full__ from the engine.
p.113 Backing Apparatus
IFSTA recommends these general rules:
+Preposition lights to illuminate the area where the spotter will stand, approx _to_feet behind apparatus.
+Use backup cameras in addition to the mirrors.
+Sound _short blasts of horn immediately before backing.
+Avoid mounting equipment on the apparatus that may interfere with the drivers__ visibility.
**Backup cameras:
Provide limited view of area behind apparatus. In cab monitors limited by screen size and environmental factors.
To safely back apparatus D/O should use all means at their disposal, this includes?
8 to 10 feet
Scanning between their direct field of vision
video screens
p.112 Stability Control Systems
1roll over stability control is integrated into the ABS system and includes a lateral___ that senses when the side force caused by cornering approaches the roll over threshold. The computer first attempts to slow by reducing torque to engine. Vehicles with engine compression brake will feel additional __ as the retarder is applied. Finally the computer may apply service brakes at the__ and driver will feel even more deceleration.
Note-Neither improves cornering performance only helps reduce vehicle instability when cornering or sudden changes in direction.
p.114 Backing Communications
All firefighters performing spotting duties should wear___.
The__should ensure the appropriate number of spotters is deployed.
Spotter on left (best side)=
Spotter on right (on occasion/hazards present)=
Spotter on front fender may __ signals from the rear spotter to the D/O when a __ may be present.
+Reflective Safety Vests
+8 to 10 ft behind and slightly left of the apparatus
+Always slightly behind and to the outside of the apparatus.
p.115 Hand Signals for backing Done in slow exaggerated motion. All done in the appropriate mirror. 1. Backing straight 2. Backing to left 3. Backing to right 4. Slowing down 5. Stopping(Normal and Urgent) 6. Pull forward and reestablish backing
- Back and forth motion with both arms.Elbows bent and both palms face the spotter.(If spotter fails to motion apparatus stops)
- Motions with the right arm to back while pointing left to direct the rear of the apparatus. Left arm motions up and down with palm facing the D/O
- Motions with left arm to back toward the right side of the apparatus. Uses right arm to point toward the right with the right palm facing toward the D/O while motioning up and down.
- Spotter motions arms outstretched to sides with palms facing down to slow down, should raise and lower palms straight up and down.
- The spotter crosses both arms into a large X.(Normal stop required)
Tap crossed forearms in exaggerated manner and use a voice command of STOP NOW!
6.First give signal to stop. Turn palms out toward the D/O and motion back and forth in pushing action.
p.118 Practical Driving Exercises
At a minimum these exercises must be complete before driving on emergency calls.(4) Same ones we do at TFD
D/O candidates should only be allowed on the road after they have demonstrated their______ the apparatus they are driving.
Diminishing clearance
Alley dock
Confined space turnaround
ability to control
p.119-120 Working safely on and around apparatus
___ doors on apparatus compartments can be mistaken for a walking surface.
Always have a __person present when working on,around or under apparatus.Work only on surfaces with a slip resistance surface, if not provided, use rubber matting or other means to provide traction.
When working on top of apparatus, personnel wear PPE INCLUDING HELMETS.
Swing up
p.120 Hose Restraints
New apparatus must include ___ restraints on any hose storage area to prevent unintentional deployment for ALL hose carried on an apparatus. Before ever placing apparatus in motion, driver must ensure that any hose carried will not come loose during travel.
p.120 Aerial Apparatus Hose Chutes
Certain aerial apparatus may carry hose on the top of the__and under the aerial___.Known as trough or Chute.
Proper technique for lading and deploying:
1. Lay__ so they are pulled out straight, without flipping around.
2.Lay __ so that it never crosses over itself when paying out.
3.Maintain vehicle speed of _mph or less. At _mph,_feet of hose is pulled out each second.More than 5mph is likely to cause a hose jam in the chute.
Body Turntable 1.Couplings 2.Hose 3. 5mph, 5mph, 7 feet
p.120 Equipment Storage in Apparatus
Brackets and cabinets must be capable of restraining the equipment against a force of up to __times the equipments weight.D/O’s should minimize the amount of equipment stored in __ areas and should ensure that equipment is secured before placing the apparatus in motion.
p.121 Hydraulic equipment hazards
___ hydraulic fluids are much less harmful. D/O’s should be familiar with the__/__ on the hydraulic fluids used on their apparatus. Always wear PPE including gloves and eye protection.
Multiple tools can be connected at the end of the supply hose by_____.
*Hydraulic fluid leaks at pressures as low as___psi can penetrate skin. Use wood or cardboard to check for leaks.
Manifold block
p.122 Intake and discharge cap removal
These caps often have a __valve in the pipe just behind them. If valve is opened and then closed while the plumbing is pressurized, this pressure can be trapped between ___ and the ___ even if the pump is not operating and all the gauges read zero.Use ___ and __ valves to ensure trapped pressure is released.
Valve and the Cap
Bleeder and Drain
p.123 Chapter Summary
D/O required to be __ and __ prepared to function each work period.
+Must have excellent near and distance vision
+As well as the physical___
Mentally and Physically
Ch. 3 pg. 83
Most driving regulations pertain to dry, clear roads during daylight conditions. Driver operators must adjust there speed to compensate for road conditions such as:
these conditions make driving more hazardous.