Ch 3 & 4 Flashcards
Therapeutic interventions with relatively normal functioning clients who are experiencing adjustment reactions, developmental issues, and problems of daily living including career, education, family, personal, and esteem issues
skills that provide a base for effective helping relationships.
Generic skill
is used to help couples, business partners, or others involved in a disagreement settle their differences in an expedient and respectful way. Although this activity is often initiated at the recommendation of the court during divorce, child custody, or civil disputes
Social casework and therapy to mediate relationships with social structures like schools, agencies, and health care facilities
Workers Family
Systemic approach to diagnosing and treating problems in a family context; extensive use of more active/directive interventions to realign family structures
TherapistsPastoral Care
An approach to helping that is embedded in religious, spiritual, or ministerial work, combining theology with community service
Therapeutic interventions with relatively normal functioning clients who are experiencing adjustment reactions, developmental issues, and problems of daily living including career, education, family, personal, and esteem issues
Diagnosis, treatment, and clinical management of persons with psychopathological symptoms and other severe mental disturbances
Medical management of patients with clinically significant psychological problems; use of medication, hospitalization, and therapy to restore normal functioning
Social casework and therapy to mediate relationships with social structures like schools, agencies, and health care facilities
Workers Family
Systemic approach to diagnosing and treating problems in a family context; extensive use of more active/directive interventions to realign family structures
TherapistsPastoral Care
Medical management of patients with clinically significant psychological problems; use of medication, hospitalization, and therapy to restore normal functioning
Social casework and therapy to mediate relationships with social structures like schools, agencies, and health care facilities
Social Workers
Systemic approach to diagnosing and treating problems in a family context; extensive use of more active/directive interventions to realign family structures
Family Therapists
An approach to helping that is embedded in religious, spiritual, or ministerial work, combining theology with community service
Pastoral Care