Ch. 3 Flashcards
synthetic proof
proof built using a system of postulates & theorems in which the prop’s of figures, but not their actual measurements r studied
justifications of synthetic proof
given statements
previously proved theorems
Bisecting Diagonals Th
If the 2 diagonals of a quadrilateral bisect each other, then the quadrilateral is a parallelogram.
if-then statements that can be represented by symbols
Ex: p → q reads “If p, then q”
logically equivalent
either both true or both false
original & contrapositive
not logically equivalent
just cuz original = true, doesn’t mean converse & inverse r too
q → p
If q, then p
~p → ~q
If not p, then not q
~q → ~p
If not q, then not p
median (of triangle)
a segment joining a vertex to the midpt of the opp. side
coordinate proof
a proof based on a coord. system in which all pts r represented by ordered pairs of #’s
justifications for coordinate proof
distance & midpt formulas
parallel lines have the same slope
perp. lines have slopes tht r neg. reciprocals of each other
a geometric figure may be placed anywhere in the coord. plane
distance formula
midpt formula

Isosceles Median Theorem
in an isosceles triangle, the medians drawn to the legs r equal in measure
isosceles trapezoid
a trapezoid w/ a line of symmetry that passes through the midpts of the bases
Isosceles Trapezoid Theorem
In an isosceles trapezoid:
- the legs r equal in measure
- the diagonals r equal in measure
- the 2 angles @ each base r equal in measure
inclusive definition
a definition that includes all possibilites
exclusive definition
a definition that excludes some possibilities
quadrilateral chart

past postulates & theorems
Addition, Subtraction, Mult, Div Prop’s of Eq Post’s
Reflexive Prop of Eq Post
Substitution Property Post
Distributive Prop. Post
If 2 angles r supp’s of same angle, then r equal in measure
if 2 angles r complements of same angle, then equal in measure
Straight Angle Post - if the sides of an angle form a straight line, then the angle is a straight angle w/ measure 180o
Angle/Segment Addition Post - For any seg or angle, the measure of the whole is equal to the sum of the measures of its non-overlapping parts
vertical angles r equal in measure
the sum of the measures of the angles of a triangle is 180o
an exterior angle of a triangle is equal in measure to the sum of the measures of its 2 remote interior angles
if 2 sides of a triangle r equal in measure, then the angles opp those sides r = in measure
if 2 angles of a triangle r =, then the sides opp those angles r =
If a tri is equilateral, then is also equiangular, w/ three 60o angles
If a tri is equiangular, then its also equilateral
if 2 parallel lines r intersected by a trans, then corr angles r =, vv
If 2 parallel lines r intersected by a trans, then alt int angles r =, vv
If 2 parallel lines r intersected by a trans, then co-int angles r supp, vv
If 2 lines r perp to the same trans, then they r parallel
If a trans = perp to one of 2 parallel lines, then its perp to the other one also
Thru a pt not on a given line, there’s 1 and only 1 parallel line to the given line
If a pt is the same distance from both endpts of a segment, then it lies on the perp bisector of the seg
A seg can be drawn perp to a given line from a pt not on the line
AA similarity - if 2 angles of 1 tri r = to 2 angles of another tri, then the 2 tri’s r similar
If a line is drawn from a pt on 1 side of a tri parallel to another side, then it forms a tri similar to the original tri
In a tri, a segment that connects the midpts of 2 sides is parallel to the 3rd side & half as long
ASA, AAS th’s
SAS, SSS Post’s
If the alt = drawn to the hyp of a right tri, then the 2 triangles formed r similar to the original tri & to each other
Pythagorean Th
If the alt is drawn to the hyp of a right tri, then the measure of the alt is the geometric mean b/w the measures of the parts of the hyp
the sum of the lengths of any 2 sides of a tri is greater than the length of the 3rd side
in an isosc tri, the medians drawn to the legs r equal in measure
in a parallelogram, the diagonals have the same midpt
In a rectangle, the diagonals r equal in measure
In a kite, the diagonals r perp to each other
in a parallelogram, opp sides r equal in measure
If a quadrilateral is a parallelogram, then consecutive angles r supp
If a quad is parallelogram, then opp angles r =
the sum of the measures of the angles of a quad = 360o
if both pairs of opp angles of a quad r equal in measure, then the quad = a parallelogram
Interior Angle Measures in Polygons Th
the sum of the angle measures of an n-gon is given by the formula
S(n) = (n - 2)180o
exterior angle measures in polygons th
the sum of the exterior angle measures of an n-gon, 1 angle at each vertex, is 360o
regular polygon
iff all its sides r equal in measure & all its angles r = in measure
drawn inside the figure
drawn outside the figure
segments whose endpoints are on the circle
Perpendicular bisector of a chord th
The perp bisector of a chord of a circle passes thru the center of the circle
central angle
an angle w/ its vertex @ the center of the circle
measure of an arc intercepted (cut off) by a central angle = the measure of that central angle
minor arc
< 180
can be named with 2/3 letters (just remember that a major arc is named w/ 3 letters to distinguish it from a minor arc w/ the same endpts)
= 180
named w/ 3 letters
outside letters = diameter; Ex: arcSTU ⇒ SU is a diameter
major arc
180 < arc < 360
named w/ 3 letters
inscribed angle
an angle formed by 2 chords that intersect at a point ON a circle
intercepted arc
the arc that lies w/in an inscribed angle
inscribed angle measure th
the measure of an inscribed angle of a circle = 1/2 the measure of its intercepted arc
inscribed right angle th
equal inscribed angles th
If 2 inscribed angles in the same circle intercept the same arc, then they r = in measure
intersecting chords theorem
the measure of an angle formed by 2 chords that intersect INSIDE a circle = 1/2 the sum of the measures of the intercepted arcs
.5 (a + b)
secants & tangents th
the measure of an angle formed by 2 secants, 2 tangents, or a secant & a tangent drawn from a pt outside the circle = 1/2 the diff of the measures of the intercepted arcs
.5 (big - small)
tips for finding angles
continue radius to diameter
use systems of equations
remember perp rule
a line in the plane of a circle & intersecting the circle in exactly 1 pt
a line intersecting the circle in 2 pts
Short Point Postulate
a segment can be drawn perpendicular to a given line from a point not on the line
the length of this segment is the shortest distance from the point to the line
Perpendicular Tangent Th
If a line is tangent to a circle, then the line is perpendicular to the radius drawn from the center to the point of tangency.
Converse of Perpendicular Tangent Th
If a line in the plane of a circle is perp to a radius at its outer endpt, then the line is tangent to the circle.
Equal Tangents Th
If 2 tangent segments are drawn from the same pt to the same circle, then they r equal in measure.
half the perimeter
how to find area of circumscribed polygons using trig
- total degrees = 360o
- divide 360 by # of vertices to find all internal angles
- divide internal angles by 2 to find angle in new right triangle
- use trigonometry to find sides (already have radius & angle & know its right triangle)
- find area of original triangle
- multiply by # of vertices
Ex: pentagon w/ radius 30cm
- total degrees = 360
- 360 / 5 = 72
- 72 / 2 = 36
- tan36o = x / 30; x = ~ 21.8
- 21.8 • 2 = 43.6; 1/2bh = 1/2(30)(43.6) = 654cm2
- 654 • 5 = 3,270cm3
area of a circumscribed polygon
The area of any circumscribed polygon is the product of the radius (r) of the inscribed circle & the semiperimeter (s)
A = rs
a space figure whose faces are all polygons
semiregular polyhedron
a polyhedron w/ faces that r all regular polygons, & w/ the same # of faces of each type @ each vertex
regular polyhedron
a polyhedron w/ faces tht r all the same type of regular polygon, & w/ the same # of faces @ each vertex
5 regulars; tetrahedron, hexahedron, octahedron, dodecahedron, icosahedron
4 equilateral triangles
6 squares
8 equilateral triangles
12 regular pentagons
20 equilateral triangles
Convex Polyhedron Postulate
In any convex polyhedron, the sum of the measures of the angles at each vertex is less than 360o
a 2D drawing showing the connected faces of a space figure & how they r connected.
can be cut out & “folded up” to form the space figure
the angle measure of the gap @ a vertex on a net for a polyhedron
can be found by subtracting the sum of the angles @ that vertex from 360
Euler’s formula
F + V = E + 2
f - # of faces
v - # of vertices
e - # of edges