Ch 25 Workplace Issues Flashcards
Questions to ask when starting new position?
Latex-free facility? Ergonomic devices available? Any lifting, pulling, using computers? Antiviolence program? Needleless facility? Exposure policy? Workmens comp program?- light duty? Bio-terrorism plans? Emergency response plan? Parking lot safe? Vaccination programs?
Ergonomic Hazards
Are a major safety concern.
Nursing are at risk for back injury, or other injury.
Risks related to back injury
Repetitive tasks
Heavy lifting, transferring, re-positioning
Sudden position changes
Rooms not set up ergonomically
How to reduce risk back injury
Join Yoga
Stay fit
Make Workstations ergonomic
Intentional use of physical force with likelihood of causing injury or death.
Horizontal Violence
Bullying. systematic mistreatment of an individual by a perpetrator
If you are target of horizontal violence
Name it
Seek Respite
Expose the bully
Mandatory overtime
Creates loss of control for nurses
puts safe patient care at risk
fatigue jeopardizes safety
Ways to prevent mandatory overtime
On- Call system
Give incentives to encourage part time staff
Floating Nurse
Ethical issue is that if you are not on your assigned unit, there will be more patients to nurses, which increases errors, and has risk of less skilled nurse on a unit.
Making Mistakes, what do you do?
Fill out incident report
Fix Error if possible
Be Honest
ANA- sponsored program called “Handle with Care”
Raises awareness, promotes ergonomic equipment and assistive devices, encourages safe patient-handling programs in hospitals.
Code White program
Potentially violent situation, any person that becomes loud, abusive, makes threats, or starts throwing objects.
Some signs of being bullied
falsely accused of errors, being stared at, ideas or thoughts are discounted, given “silent treatment”, given harsh and constant criticism, being singled out
3 Steps to follow if you are the target of a bully
Name it, Seek respite, expose the bully
Most causes of medical errors
Communication problems, inadequate info flow, human problems, patient-related issues, organizational transfer of knowledge, staffing patterns/work flow, technical failures, inadequate policies and procedures