Ch 24. Ireland & the European Union Flashcards
The European Union (3)
- An international trading bloc
- Political alliance of European nations
- Designed to promote close political, economic and social co-operation among its member countries
The Council of the European Union (2)
- Eu’s most important decision making body
- Made up of representatives from each member state government
Main functions of the Council of the European Union (3)
- Sets goals and plans for the EU
- Approves the budget for the EU together with the European Parliament
- Approves laws drafted by the European Commission
The European Commission
Institution responsible for the day-to-day management of the EU
Main functions of the European Commission (3)
- Proposing new laws
- Implementing EU laws and policies
- Managing the EU budget
The European Parliament
- Directly elected by EU citizens
- Act as a supervisory ‘watchdog’ over all aspects of the EU’s activities
Main functions of the European Parliament (3)
- Represents the views of the people of the EU
- Legislates
- Supervises
- Funding and spending activities of the EU
- Interviewing candidates for the jobs as EU Commissioners
The Court of Auditors
Responsible for ensuring that the EU budget is spent efficiently and for the purpose intended
The European Court of Justice
Responsible for ensuring that EU laws are applied the same way in all EU countries
The European Central Bank
Based in Frankfurt, the central bank for all countries that have adopted the euro as their common currency
EU Regulations
Legally binding decisions that become effective in law immediately and take precedence over national laws
EU Directives (2)
- Set out a goal to be achieved by a member states and a deadline for its achievement
- Each country is free to decide how best to achieve the goal
EU Decisions
Only binding on specifically named countries, companies companies or organisations
Interest groups that try to influence the EU’s decision making process (9)
- National Governments
- Industry bodies
- Employer organisations
- Trade Unions
- Large TNC’s
- Consumer protection organisations
- Environmental organisations
- Regional groups
- Individuals
Methods of persuasion used by interest groups (4)
- Lobbying the key decision makers
- Setting up an office in Brussels and Strasbourg makes lobbying easier
- Using public relations
- Protests and public demonstrations
Main EU policies (8)
- Single European Market
- European Monetary Union Policy
- Social Policy
- Environmental Policy
- Common Agricultural Policy
- Common Fisheries Policy
- Structural Policy
- Competition Policy
Objective of SEM
- Promotion of free trade between member states
Objective of EMU
- Promotion and protection of the euro currency
Objective of Social Policy
- Protecting worker, consumer and citizen rights
Objective of Environmental Policy
- Ensuring environmental protection
Objective of CAP
- Developing agriculture and rural life
Objective of CFP
- Developing and protecting fishing
Objective of Structural Policy
- Promoting regional economic development
Objective of Competition Policy
- Promoting competition in the marketplace
SEM Policy
Remove barriers to the free movement of goods, services, people and capital between member states
Benefits of the SEM for business (7)
- Creation of a huge market
- Free movement of goods
- Free movement of capital
- Free movement of labour
- Tax harmonisation
- Protectionism for EU firms
- Foreign direct investment
Drawbacks of the SEM for business (2)
- Public procurement
- Greater competition
EMU Policy
The introduction of the euro as a common currency for EU members
Benefits of EMU for business (3)
- International payments
- Increased trade within the eurozone has been stimulated
- International travel
Drawback of EMU for business
- Ireland’s biggest export customers, the UK and the USA, are not in the eurozone
EU Social Policy
Intended to improve and harmonise working conditions and consumer rights throughout the EU
Benefits of Social for business (4)
- Improved work conditions
- The European Social Fund
- Equality of treatment for men and women
- Consumer rights
Drawback of Social Policy
Increased costs
Designed to make the EU self-sufficient in food and maintain the incomes of farmers and rural communities
Aims to improve the management of the community’s fishery resources
Benefits of the CAP for business (6)
- A single market
- Farmers have been protected against low-cost food imports from outside the EU
- Encouraged development
- Food production for the EU is more secure
- Farmer’s incomes have increased
- Improved Ireland’s balance of payments
Drawbacks of the CAP for business
- Loss of many small farm businesses
- Reduction of direct employment in agriculture
- EU’s most expensive policy
EU Environmental Policy
Aims to ensure that economic development within the EU is ecologically sustainable and is not at the expense of the quality of Europe’s environment
EU Structural Policies
Designed to improve the competitiveness and wealth of the poorer regions and vulnerable industries
Structural Funds (3)
- European Regional Development Fund
- European Social Fund
- European Cohesion Fund
European Regional Development Fund
Aims to reduce differences between rich and poor regions of the EU, especially areas lagging behind in development or those in industrial decline
European Social Fund
Provides funding to train and retain workers and increase their adaptability to change
European Cohesion Fund
Provides grants to economically poorer countries for infrastructure and environmental improvement projects
EU Competition Policy
Sets out rules designed to ensure free and fair competition between firms in the SEM
EU Competition Policy rules cover (4)
- Large mergers or takeovers
- Monopolies and cartels
- Governments
- Deregulation of monopolies
Benefits of EU membership to business (3)
- Access to a large and wealthy market
- EU grants to industry
Benefits of EU membership to employees (2)
- Encouragement of TNC’s to invest in Ireland. creating thousands of jobs
- Enhanced employees’ legal rights
BenEfits of EU membership to consumers (3)
- Same currency
- Increased choice
- Strong consumer protection legislation
Benefits of EU membership to economy and environment (3)
- More responsible taxation and spending policies
- CAP and structural fund payments
- Businesses more environmentally responsible
Issues facing Ireland as a member of the EU (4)
- Ireland needs to take greater advantage of the eurozone
- Ireland needs to conform with EU rules regarding proper management of the economy
- Net contributor to the EU budget
- Increased competition for investment
Issues facing the entire EU (5)
- Protecting the stability of the euro currency
- Tax harmonisation
- Industrial reform
- Budget reform
- Tackling climate change
Tax Harmonisation
Having the same rates of taxation in all EU countries