Ch 2.1 Where does water come from and go to ? What is a drainage basin? Flashcards
What are the factors affecting infiltration?
Slope gradient, soil moisture, land surface permeability, soil permeability, vegetation cover.
How does the factors affect to less infiltration?
- Steep slope gradient.
- High soil moisture.
- Low land surface permeability.
- Low soil permeability.
- Sparse vegetation cover.
What are the factors affecting overland flow?
Slope gradient, intensity of rainfall, infiltration rate.
How do the factors affect to more overland flow?
Steep slope gradient, high intensity of rainfall, low infiltration rate.
What are the factors affecting throughflow?
Slope gradient, soil porosity, soil moisture storage.
How do the factors affect to more throughflow?
Steep slope gradient, high soil porosity, high soil moisture storage.
What are the factors affecting groundwater flow?
Rock porosity, groundwater storage.
How do the factors affect to more groundwater flow?
High rock porosity, high groundwater storage.
What happens when there is deforestration?
Interception decrease. Infiltration decrease. Overland flow increase. Rainwater carries soil to the river leading to soil erosion. Silting occurs. Water holding capacity of river decrease. Risk of flooding increases.
What is a tributary?
A small stream that flows into the main channel.
What is a confluence?
Where two streams meet.
What is a distributary?
A stream that branches off and flows away from the main stream channel.
What is a watershed?
The boundary of a drainage basin. It is any imaginary line joining the high grounds separating adjacent drainage basins.
What is the order of a water cycle?
Evaporation + Transpiration -> Evapotranspiration -> Condensation -> Precipitation -> Interception -> Infiltration -> Percolation
Overland flow + Through-flow, Groundwater flow -> Channel