Ch 21 - Lipids Of Physiologic Significance Flashcards
The _______ are heteregoneous group of compounds, including FATS, OILS, STEROIDS, WAXES amd related compounds, that are related more by their physical than by their chemical properties.
Lipids have the common property of being _________ in water and _________ in nonpolar solvents such as ETHER, CHLOROFORM and BENZENE.
Dietary supplementation with _______________ is believed to have beneficial effects in a number of chronic diseases, including cardiovascular disease, rheumatoid arthritis and dementia.
Long chain omega-3 fatty acids
Nonpolar lipids acts as _____________, allowing rapid propagation of depolarization waves along myelinated nerves.
Electrical insulator
Lipids are transported in the blood combined with proteins in _________________.
Lipoprotein practicles
_______________ include FATS and WAXES which are esters of fatty acids vith various alcohols.
Simple lipids
Esters of fatty acids with GYLCEROL.
______ are fats in the liquid state.
Esters of fatty acids with higher molecular weight monohydric alcohols.
______________ are esters of fatty acids containing groups in addition to an alcohol and one or more fatty acids.
Complex lipids
Lipids containing in addition to fatty acids and an alcohol, a phosphoric acid residue. They frequently have nitrogen-containing bases (e.g choline).
In many phospholipids the alcohol is GLYCEROL ______________ but in _________________ it is SPHINGOSINE, which contains an amino group.
Lipids containing a fatty acid, sphingosine and carbohydrate.
Glycolipids (Glycosphingolipids)
Because they are uncharged, acylglycerols (glycerides), cholesterol and cholesteryl esters are termed ____________.
Neutral lipids
_______________ are alipathic carboxylic acids.
Fatty acids
Fatty acids occur in the body mainly as ________ in natural fats and oils, but are found in the unesterified form as ______________, a transport form in the plasma.
Free fatty acids
True or False:
Fatty acids that occur in natural fats usually contain an even number of carbon atoms.
Containing one or more double bonds.
Containing no double atoms
The most frequently used systematic nomenclature names the fatty acid after the hydrocarbon with the same number and arrangement of carbon atoms, with -_____ being substitued for the final -e. (___________ system).
Genevan system
Saturated acids end in -_____ for example OCTANOIC ACID and unsaturated acids with double bonds end in -_______ for example OCTADECENOIC ACID.
- anoic
- enoic
Carbon atoms are numbered from the ___________________.
Carboxyl carbon (carbon no. 1)
The carbon atoms adjacent to the carboxyl carbon (nos. 2, 3, 4) are also known as the _______________ respectively.
Alpha, beta and gamma carbons
The terminal methyl carbon is known as the _____________.
w-or n-carbon
Major end product of carbohydrate fermentation by rumen organisms.
In certain fats in small amounts (especially butter). An end product of carbohydrate fermentation by rumen organisms.
Spermaceti, cinnamon, palm kernel, coconut oils, laurels and butter.
Nutmeg, palm kernel, coconut oils, myrtles , butter
Common in all animal and plant fats
18 Carbon atoms
16 C atoms
14 C atoms
12 C atoms
6 C atoms
5 C atoms
4 C atoms
2 C atoms
Containg one double bond.
Containing two or more double bonds.
These compounds, derived from eicosa (20-carbon) polyenoic fatty acids comprise the PROSTANOIDS, LEUKOTRIENES (LTs), and LIPOXINS (LXs).
______________ exist in virtually every mammalian tissue, acting as local hormones; they have important physiologic and pharmacologic activites.
They are synthesized in vivo by cyclization of the center of the carbon chain of 20-carbon (eicosanoic) polyunsaturated fatty acids to form a cyclopentane ring.
The _________________ have the cyclopentane ring interrupted with an oxygen atom (oxane ring).
The LEUKOTRIENES and LIPOXINS are a third group of eicosanoid derivatives formed via the ________________.
Lipoxygenase pathway
___________________ cause bronchoconstriction as well as being potent inflammatory agents, and play a part in asthma.
Most naturally occuring unsaturated fatty acids have ___________.
cis double bounds
The carbon chains of unsaturated fatty acids form a _____________ when extended at low temperatures.
Zigzag pattern
At higher temperatures, some bonds ________, causing chain shortening, which explains why biomembranes become thinner with increases in temperature.
A type of _______________ occurs in unsaturated fatty acids, depending on the orientation of atoms or groups around the axes of double bonds, which do not allow rotation.
Geometric isomerism
If the acyl chains are on the SAME SIDE of the bond, it is -____ as in oleic acid; if on OPPOSITE SIDES, it is ______- as in elaidic acid.
Double bonds in naturally occuring unsaturated long-chain fatty acids are nearly all in the ____ configuration, the molecules being “bent” _____ degrees at the double bond.
Thus, oleic acid has a _______, whereas elaidic acid remains ____.
V shape
__________, with 4 cis double bonds, is bent into a U shape.
Arachidonic acid
True or False
DECREASE in the number of cis double bonds in a fatty acid leads to a variety of possible spatial configurations of the molecule.
____________ are presemt in certain foods, arising as a by-product of the saturation of fatty acids during hydrogenation or “hardening” of natural oils in the manufacture of margarine.
Trans fatty acids
True or False:
Physical and physiologic properties of fatty acids reflect CHAIN LENGTH and DEGREE OF UNSATURATION.
The melting points of even-numbered fatty acids _______ with chain length and _________ according to unsaturation.
In nearly all fats
Possibly the most common fatty acid in natural fats; particularly high in olive oil
Hydrogenated and ruminant fats
Corn, peanut, cottonseed, soy bean and many plant oils
Some plants, eg. oil of evening primrose, borage oil; minor fatty acid in animals
Found in animal fats, important component of phospholipids in animals.
Important component of fish oils, eg, cod liver, mackerel, menhaden, salmon oils
Fish oils, algal oils, phospholipids in brain
A triacylglycerol containing three saturated fatty acids of 12 carbons or more is _______ at body temperature, whereas if the fatty acid residues are polyunsaturated, it is ___________.
Liquid to below 0 degree.
____________ which must be fluid at all environmental temperature, are more unsaturated than storage lipids.
Membrane lipids
True or False
Lipids in tissues that are subject to cooling, for example, in hibernators or in the extremities of animals, are also more unsaturated.
Found in plant oils.
Alpha-linolenic (ALA)
Found in fish oil
Eicosapentaenoic (EPA)
Found in fish and algal oils
Docosahexaenoic (DHA)
_____________ are the main storage forms of fatty acids.
Triacylglycerols (Triglycerides)
The _____________ are esters of the trihydric alcohol and fatty acids.
______ and _________ wherein one or two fatty acids are esterified with glycerol
Mono- and diacylglycerols
Carbon __ & __ of glycerol are not identical.
1 & 3
To number the carbon atoms of glycerol unambigously, the ___________ system is used.
-sn (stereochemical numbering)
Glycerol is always phosphorylated on sn-3 by glycerol kinase to give _____________ and not gylcerol-1-phosphate.
Many phospholipids are derivatives of _________________, in which the phosphate is esterified with one OH group of glycerol and the other two OH groups are esterified to two long chain fatty acids.
Phosphatidic acid
_____________ is important as an intermediate in the synthesis of triacylglycerols as well as phosphoglycerols but is not found in any great quantity in tissues.
Phosphatidic acid
____________ containing CHOLINE are the most abundant phospholipids of the cell membrane and represent a large proportiom of the body’s store of choline.
Commonly called LECITHINS.
_______ is important in nervous transmission and as a store of labile methy groups.
___________ is a very effective surface-active agent and a major constituent of the surfactant preventing adherence, due to surface tension, of the inner surfaces of the lungs.
Dipalmitoyl lecithin
Most phospholipids have a SATURATED acyl radical in the ________ position but an UNSATURATED radical in the _____ of glycerol.
Phosphatidylserine also plays a role in ___________.
____________ are found in the outer leaflet of the cell membrane lipid bilayer and are particularly abundant in specialized areas of the plasma membrane known as __________.
Lipid rafts
_____________ are also found in large quantities in the MYELIN SHEATH that surrounds nerve fibers
They are believed to play a role in cell signaling and in apoptosis.
True or False:
Sphingomyelins contain glycerol, and on hydrolysis they yield a fatty acid, phosphoric acid, choline and sphingosine.
The combination of sphingosine plus fatty acid is known as _________, a structure also found in the glycosphingolipids.
______________ is a precursor of second messengers.
The inositol is present in phosphatidylinositol as the stereoisomoer, ____________.
Phosphorylated phosphatidylinositols or ______________ are minor components of cell membranes but play an important part in CELL SIGNALING and MEMBRANE TRAFFICKING.
Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-biphosphate (PiP2) is cleaved into _________ and ________ upon stimulation by a suitable hormone agonist, and both of these act as internal signals or second messengers.
Diacylglycerol and inositol tris-phosphate
___________ is a major lipid of mitochondrial membranes.
Phosphatidic acid is a precursor of phosphatidylglycerol, which in turn gives rise to ___________.
This phospholipid is found only in mitochondria and is essential for the mitochondrial function.
_________ cardiolipin levels or alterations in its structure or metabolism cause mitochondrial dysfunction in aging and in pathological conditions including HEART FAILURE, HYPOTHYROIDISM and BARTH SYNDROME (Cardioskeletal myopathy).
___________ are intermediates in the metabolism of phosphogylcerols.
These are phosphoacylglycerols containing only one acyl radical, for example _______________, important in the metabolism and interconversion of phospholipids.
Lysophosphatidylcholine (lysolecithin)
It is also found in oxidized lipoproteins and has been implicated in some of their effects in promoting atherosclerosis.
These compounds constitue as much as 10% to 30% of the phospholipids of brain and heart.
Structurally, the plasmalogens resemble _______________ but posess an ether link on the sn-1 carbon instead of the ester link found in acylglycerols.
Typically, the __________ is an unsaturated alcohol.
Alkyl radical
It has been suggested that they may have a protective effect against reactive oxygen species.
______________ are important in nerve tissues and in the cell membrane.
Glycolipids (Glycosphingolipids)
________ are lipids with an attached carbohydrate or carbohydrate chain. They are widely distributed in every tissue of the body, particularly in nervous tissue such as brain.
Glycolipids occur particularly in the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane, where they contribute to cell surface carbohydrates which form the _________.
The major glycolipids found in animal tissues are _______________.
True or False:
Glycosphingolipids contain ceramide and one or more sugars.
___________ is a major glycosphingolipid of brain and other nervous tissue, found in relatively low amounts elsewhere.
Galactsylceramide contains a number of characterstic _____ fatty acids for example, cerebronic acid.
Galactosylceramide can be converted to ___________ which has a sulfo group attached to the O in the three position of galactose and is present in high amounts in ________.
Sulfogalactosylceramide (sulfatide)
____________ resembles galactosylceramide, but the head group is GLUCOSE rather than galactose.
It is the predominant simple glycosphingolipid of extraneural tissues, also occuring in the brain in small amounts.
_________ are complex glycosphingolipids are derived from glucosylceramide that contain in addition one or more molecules of a sialic acid.
______________ is the principal sialic acid found in human tissues.
Neuraminic acid
True or False:
Gangliosides are absent in nervous tissues
Gangliosides are also present in nervous tissues in high concentration.
They function in cell-cell recognition and communication and as receptors for hormones and bacterial toxins such as cholera toxin.
Gangliosides or neuraminic acid ???
The simplest ganglioside found in tissues is _____, which contains ceramide, one molecule of NeuAc and one molecule of galactose.
_____, a more complex ganglioside derived from GM3, is of considerable biologic interest as it is known to be the receptor in human intestine for cholera toxin.
Other gangliosides can contain anywhere from one to five molecules of sialic acid, giving rise to _______________.
All steroids have a similar cyclic nucleus resembling ______________ (rings A, B and C) to which a cyclopentane ring (D) is attached.
It is important to realize that in structural formulas of steroids, a simple hexagonal ring denotes a completely ____________ with all valences satisfied by hydrogen bonds unless shown otherwise; it is not a benzene ring.
Saturated six-carbon ring
If the compound has one or more hydroxyl groups and no carbonyl or carboxyl groups, it is a ________ and the name terminates in -ol.
Each of the six-carbon rings of the steroid nucleus is capable of existing in the three-dimensional conformation either of a “______” or a “_________”.
In naturally occuring steroids, virtually all the rings are in the _______ form, which is the more stable conformation.
___________ is widely distributed in all cells of the body but particularly in nervous tissue.
It is a major constituent of the plasma membrane and of plasma lipoprotein.
Cholesterol is found as _____________, where the hydroxyl group on position 3 is esterified with a long-chain fatty acid.
Cholesteryl ester
_____________ is a precursor of Vitamin D.
__________ occurs in plants and yeast and is important as a dietary source of Vitamin D.
When irradiated with ultraviolet light in the skin, ring B is opened to form _______________ in a process similar to the one that forms _____________ from 7-dehydro-cholesterol in the skin.
Vitamin D2
Vitamin D3
Although not steroids, ____________ are related because they are synthesized, like cholesterol, from five-carbon isoprene units.
_____________ participates in the respiratory chain in mitochondria.
The long-chain alcohol ___________, which takes part in glycoprotein synthesis by transferring carbohydrate residues to aspargine residues of the polypeptide.
The deleterious effects are considered to be caused by _____________, molecules that have unpaired valence electrons, making them highly reactive.
Free radicals
Free radical containing oxygen are termed ________________.
Reactive oxygen species (ROS)
These are produced during peroxide formation from fatty acids containing methylene-interrupted double bonds, that is, those found in the naturally occuring polyunsaturated fatty acids.
______________ is a chain reaction providing a continuous supply of ROS that initiate further peroxidation and thus has potentially devastating effects.
Lipid peroxidation
The whole process can be depicted as follows:
- Initiation
- Propagation
- Termination
To control and reduce lipid peroxidation, both humans in their activities and nature invoke the use of ______________.
Are antioxidants used as food additives:
- Propyl gallate
- Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA)
- Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT)
Naturally occuring antioxidants include Vitamin E (tocopherol), which is __________ and urate and Vitamin C which are _______.
Lipid soluble
Water soluble
Preventive antioxidants include catalase and other peroxidases such as ______________________ that react with ROOH.
Glutathione peroxidase
__________ which is an essential component of glutathione peroxidase and regulates its activity.
In vivo, the prinicipal-chain breaking antioxidants are _____________, which acts in the aqueous phase to trap superoxide free radicals urate and __________, which acts in the lipid phase to trap ROO radicals.
Superoxide dismutase
Vitamin E
Peroxidation is also catalyzed in vivo by heme compounds and by ______________ found in platelets and leukocytes.
Other products of auto-oxidation or enzymic oxidation of physiologic significance include ______ (formed from cholesterol) and _______ (formed from the peroxodation of polyunsaturated fatty acids such as arachidonic acid).
____________ may be formed by sonicating an ampiphatic lipid in an aqueous medium.
Aggregation of bile salts into micelles and liposomes and the formation of _____________ with the products of fat digestion are importamt in facilitating absorption of lipids from the intestine.
Mixed micelles
_____________ are of potential clinical use, particularly when combined with tissue-specific antibodies, as carriers of drugs in the circulation, targeted to specific organs for example in cancer therapy.
In addition, they are used for gene transfer into vesicular cells and as carriers for topical and transdermal delivery of drugs and cosmetics.
___________ are much larger particles, formed usually by nonpolar lipids in an aqueous medium.