Ch 21 IFRS Insights Flashcards
Both GAAP and IFRS share the same objective of recording leases by lessees and lessors according to…
Their economic substance (according to definitions of
Their assets and liabilities)
Lessees and lessors enter into arrangements with one
Another without regard to…
National boundaries
IFRS VS GAAP: risks and rewards of ownership
Both determine if they have been transferred in lease
Under their lease capitalization criteria
IFRS more general in its transfer provisions
IFRS vs GAAP: lease terminology
Both use same terminology
IFRS VS GAAP: capital leases
IFRS refers to them as finance leases
GAAP refers to them as capital leases
IFRS VS GAAP: lessor criteria
GAAP has additional lessor criteria
GAAP: Payments are collectible and there are no additional
costs Associated with a lease
IFRS VS GAAP: implicit rate and incremental rate
IFRS requires use of implicit rate to record lease unless
Impractical to determine lessor’s implicit rate
GAAP requires use of incremental rate unless implicit
Rate known by lessee and lower than incremental rate
IFRS VS GAAP: extensive disclosure of future noncancelable lease payments
Required by GAAP for each of next 5 years and years thereafter
IFRS does not require it
GAAP VS. IFRS: standard for leases
GAAP standard for leases has 30 interpretations, IFRS
has 3 interpretations
GAAP’s include lease agreements for natural resources,
Sale leasebacks, real estate leases and leveraged leases
(not included in IFRS)