Ch. 2 Vocab. OO Flashcards
The Phenomenon that a patient’s symptoms can be alleviate by an otherwise ineffective treatment apparently because the individual expects or believes that will work.
Placebo effect
Any Mental disorder that is characterized by delusions and/ or hallucinations. these Mental disorders can be characterized by symptoms of schizophrenia such as disorganized speech and catatonia.
A Research method involving a detailed investigation of single individual or single organized group
Case Study
In an experiment the variable that is varied independently of any extraneous variable in order to study its effects.
Independent variable
In an experiment, the variable that is potentially liable to be influenced by one or more independent variables in predictive manner.
Dependent variable
The Numerical representation and manipulation o observations father purpose of describing and explain the phenomena that those observations reflect. It is used in a wide variety of natural and social sciences, including physics biology psychology , sociology and geology.
Quantitative Research
A statistical hypothesis to be tested and accepted or rejected in favor of an alternative; a hypotheses in which the difference is due to chance alone and not due to a systematic cause
Null hypothesis
The way a experimenter looks feels or acts that may unintentionally aft the results of a study.
Experimenter effect
A third factor in an experimentThat affects both the cars and the effect.
Confounding variables confounding factor, a confound, or confounder
A variable in a study that is determined by controlled manipulation or the combination of both independent variables and/or intervening variable that takes part in explaining the value of the dependent variable
Intervening variables
Epistemologies based on science whereby science is claimed to be dogmatically the absolute and only justifiable access to the truth.
The paradigm of modern science such as physics, chemistry, and biology, that sets out to reduce physical phenomena to its smallest parts in order to have a greater understanding of the phenomena as a whole.
A Profession of psychology concerned with th classification, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental disorders.
Clinical psychology
A systematic way of observing ones own behavior
Systematic Self observation
Words used to denote the psychology of language, especially language acquisition with multilingual subjects and children.
The Use of psychological methods for the treatment of mental disorders, problems with living and associated problems through various methods
In statistics, the degree such that there is a linear relationship between two variables(x,y) such that high scores on one (x) tend to go with high scores on the other (Y) and vice versa (positive correlation), or such that high scores on one (x) tend to go with low scores on the other (y) and vice versa (negative correlation)
the relation between two propositions in virtue of which the truth or falsity of one of them determines the truth or falsity of the other.
describes an organized pattern of thought or behavior that organizes categories of information and the relationships among them.
any of a range of medical therapies that are not regarded as orthodox by the medical profession, such as herbalism, homeopathy, and acupuncture.
Alternative medicine
the process of strictly defining variables into measurable factors. The process defines fuzzy concepts and allows them to be measured, empirically and quantitatively.
Participant sample
a generic term for investigative methodologies described as ethnographic, naturalistic, anthropological, field, or participant observer research.
Qualitative research
Random Sample’ A subset of a statistical population in which each member of the subset has an equal probability of being chosen.
Random sample
he group in an experiment that receives the variable being tested.
Experimental group
a group of subjects closely resembling the treatment group in many demographic variables but not receiving the active medication or factor under study and thereby serving as a comparison group when treatment results are evaluated.
Control group
a thing that rouses activity or energy in someone or something; a spur or incentive.
A tendency or disposition to judge other ethnic groups, cultures, nations or societies by the standards and customs of ones own, often accompanied by a dislike or misunderstand of other such groups and belief intrinsic superior of ones own.
The State of being Conscious characterized by perceptions specifically about thoughts, feelings , and the state of being aware of the external world
a system of complementary medicine that involves pricking the skin or tissues with needles.
A pattern, model (usually stereotypical) or general concepts whereby theories in a particular research agenda are constructed.