Ch 2: Global E-Business and Collaboration Flashcards
What are business processes?
Set of activities, steps
Flows of material, information and Knowledge
What is a business?
Can be seen as a collection of business processes
Examples of Functional Business Processes
Manufacturing and Production: Assembling
Hr: Hiring process
It Enhances business processes by:
Increasing Efficiency of existing processes (automation of manual processes)
Enabling an entirely new process (eliminate delays in decision-making, supports new business)
Transaction Processing Systems
Management Level- Management Information Systems
Business Intelligence Systems
Transaction Processing Systems
-Used at the operational level
-Perform and record daily routine transactions necessary to conduct business
-Allow managers to monitor the status of the operation
Business Intelligence Systems- Management Information System
-Serves middle management
-Provides reports on the firm’s current performance, based on data from TPS
-Provides answers to routine questions with predefined procedures for answering them
How does MIS get their data from TPS
Mis systems pulls from raw data files like sales, unit procut cost, and expense data
Business Intelligence Systems- Decision Support Systems
- Focuses on problems that are rapid and changing
- Brings in info from TPS, MIS, and external sources like stock prices or product prices of competitors
- Eg. Voyage-estimating system of a large global shipping company
Business Intelligence Systems for Senior Management- Executive support systems
- Addresses non-routine decisions requiring judgement, evaluation, and insight as the procedure for solving issues is non-existent.
- Presents graphs and data from many sources
- Designed to incorporate data about external events like new tax laws or competitors, and from MIS and DSS
Systems for linking the Enterprise
Enterprise Applications
Intranets and Extranets
Enterprise Applications
- Systems that span functional areas, focus on executing business processes across the firm
- Makes companies more flexible by coordinating business processes
Four main enterprise applications
Enterprise Systems
Supply chain management systems
Customer Relationship Management Systems
Knowledge Management Systems
Enterprise systems/ Enterprise Resource Planning(ERP)
- Integrates business processes in manufacturing & production, finance &accounting, sales &marketing, and HR into a single software system.
Supply Chain Management Systems
- Helps to manage relationships with suppliers
- Helps suppliers, purchasing firms, distributors, and logistics companies share info on orders, production, inventory levels etc.
- Is a type of inter-organizational System as they automates the flow of info across org boundaries
Provides info to coordinate all business processes that deal with customers in sales, marketing, and service to optimize revenue, satisfaction etc.
Knowledge management Systems
Enables organizations to better manage processes for capturing and applying knowledge and expertise
- This system collects all relevant knowledge \and experience in the firm and makes it available when needed to improve BP and Man. decisions. They also link the firm to external sources of knowledge
Intranets and Extranet- linking org together
Intranets- internal company websites that are accessible only to employees
Extranets- Company websites accessible to authorized groups such as vendors and suppliers. Typically used to coordinate movement of suppliers
use of digital technology and the internet to execute the major
part of ebusiness that deals with buying and selling goods over the internet
application of Internet and networking technologies to digitally enable government and public sector agencies’ relationship with citizens, businesses, and other arms of government.
-Using tehc to enable relationship between gov and public sector agencies with citizens, businesses and other arms of gov.
working with others to achieve shared and explicit goals
Specific mission that someone in business assigned to them
Why team and collaboration needed
Changing nature of work
Growth of professional work
Changing org of firm
Changing scope
Social Business
- Use of social networking platforms to engage employees, customers, and suppliers
- are highly trained technical specialists who write the software instructions for computers