Ch 2 COPPS Flashcards
Key element of a sense of community :
Integration and fulfillment of goals
Shared emotional connection
Sense of community :
Centered around a place, building, or event. A town square, church, holiday parades, sporting events and so on. As well as good schools, clean air, and water and a low crime rate, a sense of community is increasingly a key factor in where people reside.
Four R’s
Community courts :
Instead of reacting to crime after it happens and a suspect is arrested, he or she uses such tools as nuisance abatement, drug free zones, prostitution free zones, restorative justice, truancy abatement and graffiti cleanup to improve neighborhood safety.
4 possible approaches police can undertake to address the fear of crime :
Personalized policing - follow ups, reassurance, solving problems.
Community engagement - volunteering, mentoring, cleanups, marches
Environmental designs- enhance lighting, increase surveillance
Engaging in an overall problem solving strategy