Ch. 18 Global Opportunities for Small Businesses Flashcards
A document indicating that a product has been shipped and the title to that product has been transferred.
bill of lading
Small companies launched with cross-border business activities in mind.
born-global firms
The unauthorized use of a company’s intellectual property or manufacture of its products.
counterfeit activity
The purchase by a business in one country of a company located in another country.
cross-border acquisition
The probability that a country’s government will mismanage its economy in ways that hinder the performance of firms operating there.
economic risk
Efficiencies from expanded production that result from spreading fixed costs over more units of output.
economies of scale
Per-unit savings gained from the repeated production of the same product.
experience curve efficiencies
The expansion of international business, encouraged by converging market preferences, falling trade barriers, and the integration of national economies.
A wholly owned subsidiary formed from scratch in another country.
greenfield venture
Selling products produced in another country to buyers in the home country.
A strategy that involves accessing foreign business operations through contracts with independent providers.
international outsourcing
An organizational relationship that allows companies in different countries to pool resources and share risks as they enter new markets.
international strategic alliance
An agreement issued by a bank to honor a draft or other demand for payment when specified conditions are met.
letter of credit
The company buying licensing rights.
The company selling licensing rights.
A strategy that involves relocating operations abroad.
The potential for political forces in a country to negatively affect the performance of businesses operating within its borders.
political risk
Fees paid by the licensee to the licensor for each unit produced under a licensing contract.
An agency that distributes a company’s products on a contract basis to customers in another country.
trade intermediary
A trip organized to help businesses connect with potential foreign buyers and establish strategic alliances in an international market.
trade mission