Ch. 18 & 19 Test Flashcards
ch 18. range wars were usually fought between
farmers and cattle barons
some momons engaged in the controversial practice of
the gomestead act granted 160 acres of public domain to any settler who
would live ont eh land and improve it for five years
which one of the following was not a reason for the demise of the huge calttle barons by the late 1880s
constant danger of indian attack
the census burea announced that the end of the frontier line happended in this year
sand creek was the scene of
an unprovoked massacre of Cheyenne Indians by white civilian volunteers
the ghost dance of Paiute prophet Wovoka was a
belief in a millennial day of judgement favorable to indian peoples
European immigrants to the great plains tended to
form tight knit ethnically distinctive communties
the real winners from the gold and silver booms int eh west were
mining companies
the great plains ere often reffered to by early explores as the
great desert
the Mormons learned how to survive in their area by relying on farming techniques learned from
local indian tribes
the first national park in theus aws
the greates threat to the small farmer and the main facror which reduced his numbers was
foreclosure by the money interests
these two people were actual westerners who staged and popularized the wild west show
joseph McCoy and William cody
as an example of settler pressure theis part of indian territory was abolished and opened to white settlement in 1854
Kansas and nebraska
which of the following did not contribute to the ultimate decline of th native maercians
the Indians refusal to accept christianity
ch. 19 educator booker to washingon
felt that practiacal vocational instruction was the key to economice success for af am
by 1900 the us was __ in the world in terms of productivity
unlike the amercian federation labor the iknights of labor
welcomed most workers into its ranks
the gospel of wealth
justified the ruthless behavior of entreprenerus like rockefeller
the new style of spending of the rich characterized by shoeing off wealth was labeled as
conspicuous consumption
very few of theimmigrants int he 1880s went to this region of the us
pacific coast
the larges labor org in the nineteenth century was
the knights of labor
middle class children in the late nineteenth cen
had more leisure to creatively play
af am workers in the new south
were strictly segregated
more common ground could be fournd between members of the middle and working class with
ragtime and baseball
john Rockefeller ___ combination was so successful that he controlled 90% of the nations oil refining by 1880
the violence in the haymarket square incident was an example of
hostility to labor union organiznig
the haymarket square incident in 1886
weakened labor unions particularyly the knights of labor
the larages proportion of persons who filled jobs in industry in the second half of the 19 cent migrated from
Europe and asia
the nothion of the survival of the fittest is identified most closelywith
Charles Darwin
by the beginning of the 1900s
businesses depending on large scale investment shad oraganized and formed vast corpoartion
an important manufacturing innovation at the end of the 19 cent was
continuous production
between 1865 and 1900 the groth of big business in am was facilitated by
horizontal integraional and vertical vombination
to justify their wealth many am business men embraced the ideolofy of
social darwinisnm
the am federation of labor
appealed to skilled workers and concentrated on improving their wages
in the south
labor wa often provided by children and convicts
as the us apporaced the 20 cent
internal migrants and foreign immigrants increased the urban pop
one important urban innovation between 1870 and 1900 was the
development of streetcars and elevated railroasds
thorstein bevlen described the walthy class’s extravagance as
conspicuous consumption
one noticeable result of the incorporation of amercias was the
leisure time and activities available to midd class children
during the late 19 cent
opportuinites for obtaining an edu expanded in mayny ways
the famous educator who emphasized for af am students was
booker t wahington
toward the end of the 1800s
sports particulary baseball became the major form of poplular entertainment
by the 1890s
problems in the us caused manuy am to become interested in an overseas empire
as the us expanded to the west in the last half of the 19 cent
the wourld society and culture of native am Indians was destryed
early in the history of theu s
many earstern tribes had been relocated into areas of the west thought to be beyond white encroachment
the indian wars
began with the sand creek massacre and lasted wuntil the capture of Geronimo
members of the church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints
did not retain all of their practices in the west but they still beancme a powerful political force in the region
the cattle kingodom of the am west
depended on the presence of unfenced range that provided free feed and open trails for cattle producers
crucial to opeing the great plains to agriculture was
significant improvemnts in transopsotaion and in farm techonlofy
a signigicant change in amer
the shift away from producing primarily ofr local trade ans toward growing for an international market
the development of th eam west
often produced devastating results for the aras natural resources
late in the 1800s asd early in the 1900s
the fed gov increased it srole in the economic development of the west
the future president of the us who symbolized the legendary am west was
theo roosvelt
as the nineteenth century came to an end
gov policy threatedned indian culturebut aritsts and scholars were fascinated by native groups
the book a Century of dishonor by Helen hunt jackson
shar;ly cricized theu s gov for failing to honor its treaties with the indian tribes
the event that epitomized the fate of native amercians occurred in 180 at
wounded knee
by the late 1800s
many westerners had become deepy discounted wwith fed policies and earstern capitalists
ch. 20 passage of the Pendleton act in 1883 indicates
both parties recognized a need to professialize government service
supporters of the new peopldes party founded in 1890called themselves
Eugene vs. Debs was a
the march of Jacob s. coxey’s army on washigton was an attempt to force the federal government to respnd to
the panic of 1893
the social gospel movement was a
attempt to apply Christian ideals to social ills
grover Cleveland’s support for the gold standard resulted in
once in office Mckinley
supported business and expansionist interests
jim crow laws were designed to foster
racial segregation
in plessy vs. Ferguson and cumming vs. Richmond county board of education, the supreme court up held legislation that
formally segregated facilities including schools
the white mans burden was considered to be
Josiah strong established a particular type of defense of imperialism when he pintedout that commerce follows the
the growth of missionary activity in the 1890s most directly resulted in
in the platt amendment on cuba the us
called for the right to intervene to protect its interest in cuba
the acquisition of the Philippines by the us
resulted in a four year war of conquest by the americans
from 1877 to 1893 the postion of president of the us was basically
secretary of state William h seward negotioated the purchse of this in 1867
the interstate commerce commission was established in 1887 to
regulate the railroads
discontented farmers aimed their harshest criticism against
all of the following proposals were included in the peoples party platform except
womens suffrage
William Jennings bryans “cross of gold” speech advocated
the free silver issue
the new middle class of the gilded age was composed
almost exclusively of white, Anglo saxon protiestants
industrial production in the new south
returned very few profits to southerners
which one of the following had the least in common with the other four in late nineteenth century America?
specialty shops
ch. 21 a major reason why progressive women like jane adams truned to settlement work was?
dissatisfaction with the choices that society offered to women
in general progressives were
optimistic about citizens improving socio economic conditions
new immigrants from 1900 1914 were most likely to be employed in
low paid backbreaking work in industry
social darwinists held the view that racism toward Af Am was acceptable becasue
they believed af am were predisposed to vice and crime therefore it was permissible to hold racist views
Theodore Roosevelt gave them the label muckrakers. they were
writers who exposed details of social and political evils
which one of the following is not true of settlement houses
they were progessives but were often anti immigrant
progressives believed they had a mission to shape and control all of the following except
angle saxons
as a result of the triangle shirtwaist company fire the following positive action was taken
improvement of safety conditions and limiting working hours for women
the women’s Christian termperance unions effort at prohibition and other social reforms allowed women to
combine public concerns with moral rightousness
the am federation of labor organized the following
skilled labor
not only was it a best seller but upon sicalirs muckracking nowel the junchle helped further passaged of the theses two federal laws
meat inspection and the pure food and drug acts
in exchange for votes, machine politicians offered their constituents
you were most likely to be for prohibition if you were a
middle class protestant
Wilson was only the second democrat since the civil war to be elected to the presidency in 1912
the republincas split their majority bewtween supporters of taft and roosevelt
in Jacob riiss book thw the other hals lives the oher half reffered to the lives of
urban poor