APUSH Exam Flashcards
The Spanish colony is
3 G’s
only wanted CONQUEST
mixed population of frontier inclusion
The French colony is
Relations with Indians based on TRADE fur
believed salvation was a gift from God not through service
middle class
The English colony is
New Foundland?
never established
lost land
What led to England becoming head of all the territoires?
Spanish Armada
What is mercantilism?
economic stystem where by the government intervenes in the economy for the purpose of increasing national wealth
What is puritans?
individuals who believed tha queen Elizabeth’s reforms of the church of England had not gone far enough in improving the church. puritans led the settlement of massachusets bay colony.
Who is Sir Walter Raleigh and the Roanoke?
walter Raleigh founded Roanoke
james town?
colony the English ppl settled at after roanoke
indentured servant?
individuals who contracted to serve a master for a perios of four to seven years on return for payment of the servants passage to america
house of burgesses?
first elected officials of legislative
headright system?
the gov gave land to settlers
the first English colony is new england
Massachusetts Bay company
group of puritans given a royal charter to settle here
grew cash crops: indigo
grew ship building industry
anne hutchinson
ended up in NY and killed by native american
Maryland land of Tolerance
Maryland gained religious tolerance
salutary neglecgt
colonies talked about how king George was only doing what he wanted to do and was not helping the colonies
dutch in NY area
dutch kicked out in anglos dutch war
religious tolerance and excepted everyone
William penn
his father and king gave him a charter of penn and when he died he got it ready for the quakers
triangular trade
slaves went to America and raw goods from amercia went to Europe and Europe manufactured goods went to america
navigation trade
identified colonies as raw materials and manufactured goods
bacon’s rebellion
violetn conflict in virgian beginning with settler attacks on Indians hut culminating in a rebellion led by Nathaniel Bacon against virgina’s government
1st great awakening
revival of religion people turned back to the church
Albany plan
plan to habe colonies under one government
French and indian war
war between Britain and france over fur trade; Britain won; france lost because they owned so much and lost north amercian empire-canada
proclamation of 1763
royal proclamation that set the proclamation line
sugar act
law passed in 1764 to raise revenue I the amercian coloy perios and lowend the 6 pence tom3 on farm colonies and increased the restrictions on colony commerce
quatering act
acts of parliament requiring legistlature to provided supplies and quarters for the troops stationed in amercia
stamp act
law passed by parliament in 1765 to raise revenue in us by requiring taxed, stamped paper, for legal docs and playing cards and pub
declatory act
law passed in 1776 to accompany repeal of stamp act that stated that [parliamnent had the righ to legislate for the colonies”in all cases necessary”
stamp act congress
pushed through assembly through patrcik henty denouncing th stamp act of “ no taxation of representation”
Townshend acts
acts of parliament, passed in 1767 imposing duties on colonial tea lead paint paper and glass
virtual reprensentaion
the notion that parliamentary members represented the interest of th enation as a whole, not those of the particular that elected them
boston massacre
after months of friction between towns ppl and british troops stationed in the city on march 5th british troops fired on troops in boston
boston tea party
incidient that occurred in which Bostonians disquised as Indians destroyed 10000 pounds of tea in order to improve the payment of duty on it