Ch 17: Harmonics & Contrast Agents Flashcards
This is the creation of an image from sound reflections at twice the frequency of the transmitted sound.
harmonic imaging
The transmitted frequency is called the __ frequency.
The __ frequency is twice the transmitted frequency.
Harmonic frequency sound waves arise from __ behavior.
This is the image created by processing reflections that are twice the fundamental frequency.
harmonic image
This is the image created by processing reflections that have the same frequency as the transmitted sound.
fundamental image
What two forms of harmonics are important in diagnostic sonography?
- tissue harmonics
2. contrast harmonics
This kind of behavior is proportional and symmetrical.
This kind of behavior is irregular and disproportionate.
T/F? Tissue harmonics happens during transmission.
The __ of the harmonic wave grows as sound travels in tissue.
Tissue harmonic signals do not exist at __ depths.
extremely superficial
The use of harmonics __ the signal-to-noise ratio.
T/F? The relationship between sound beam strength and harmonic creation is linear.
FALSE, nonlinear
Beams that are most likely to create harmonics are least likely to create __.
T/F? Tissue harmonics are primarily created along the beam’s side lobes.
FALSE, along the beam’s main axis
This is an imaging technique specifically designed to utilize harmonic reflections while eliminating distorted fundamental reflections.
pulse inversion harmonics
With pulse inversion harmonics, a __ pulse is followed by a __ pulse.
typical, inverted
In pulse inversion harmonics, the typical and inverted pulse reflections are combined in the…
The disadvantage of pulse inversion harmonics is that…
the frame rate is halved and the temporal resolution is reduced.
This is an imaging technique specifically designed to augment harmonic reflections.
power modulation harmonics
With power modulation harmonics, a __ pulse is followed by a __ pulse.
typical, 2x as strong
The disadvantage of power modulation harmonics is that…
the frame rate is halved and the temporal resolution is reduced.
These are gas bubbles encapsulated in a shell.
contrast agents aka microbubbles
Contrast agents must be…
- safe
- metabolically inert
- long lasting
- strong reflector
- capillary small
T/F? Contrast harmonics are created during transmission.
FALSE, reflection
The uneven behavior of microbubbles in a sound beam is called…
When exposed to the high pressure component of a sound wave (compression), the microbubble __.
When exposed to the low pressure component of a sound wave (rarefaction), the microbubble __.
What keeps the microbubble from shrinking very much?
internal pressure
What keeps the microbubble from expanding very much?
T/F? Bubbles shrink to a greater extent than they expand.
FALSE, the opposite
This is number that estimates the amount of contrast harmonics produced.
mechanical index aka MI
The MI depends on the…
- transmission frequency
2. rarefaction pressure
The MI increases with…
- lower frequency sound
2. stronger sound waves
Why are microbubbles strong scatterers of sound waves?
Because they resonate when exposed to sound in the 2 to 4 MHz range.
Low MI does not create harmonics because…
the microbubbles expand and contract evenly in a linear fashion.
When the MI is less than __, bubbles create only backscatter.
When the MI is __, bubbles create relatively small amounts of harmonics.
0.1 to 1.0
When the MI is __, bubbles create substantial harmonics.
greater than 1.0
What are the important characteristics of contrast agents when used with harmonic imaging?
- the nature of the outer shell
2. the gas that fills the bubble
The relationship between the bubble’s shell and internal gas determines its…
stability and longevity.
Which is stronger: tissue or contrast harmonics?
contrast harmonics by a lot
Contrast harmonics are created during…
Contrast harmonics are created by __ behavior.
Contrast harmonics are related to the __ index.
Low MI creates linear behavior and…
no harmonics.
Higher MI creates nonlinear behavior and…
some harmonics.
Very high MI creates bubble disruption and…
very strong harmonics.