Ch. 16 Flashcards
Kelvin & Hermann Von Helmholtz
- Sun produces energy by converting gravitational energy into heat
- Outer layers of Sun falling inward because of force of gravity
- Sun shrinking 40m/yr
Albert Einstein
E=Mass * Speed of Light ^2
Nuclear Fusion
When light atomic nuclei come together to form a heavier one, mass is lost + energy released
Proton-Proton Chain
1) Two hydrogen nuclei overcomes electrical repulsion to form a deuterium
(2) Combines hydrogen nucleus with deuterium nucleus creating helium isotope (1 neutron)
(3) 2 protons formed after step 1 have energy to collide with other protons again
Nuclear Fission
Heavy atomic nuclei breaking up into lighter ones; sometimes spontaneous
Hydrogen atom with 1 proton and 1 neutron
Hydrostatic Equilibrium
Outward force of gas pressure and inward force of gravity became stabilized and balanced
Gas in Convection Zone
Gas carrying heat goes up when lighter and down when it’s cooler
Study of solar oscillations
Interior Structure of the Sun
Hottest in the core, cooler towards the surface, but hotter again outside surface
Davis Experiment
Davis only detected one type of 3 neutrinos and only had 1/3 number of neutrinos as solar model predicted
Sudbury Neutrino Observatory
Based in Canada, first to detect all 3 neutrino types; realized ice was good way to detect them
Ionized gas that acts like a hot gas rather than a liquid or solid
Temperature of Sun
Must maintain temp of 15 million K in order to prevent from collapsing
Atoms pass on their energy by colliding with others nearby
Currents of warm material rise, carrying their energy with them to cooler layers
Energetic photons move away from hot material and are absorbed by some material to which they convey some/all energy