Ch 16 Flashcards
A wrong ful act for which a person has the right to sue
An agreement between two or more parties to exchange something of value
A lack of proper care and attention
The party in a lawsuit who claims to have been harmed
The party in a law suit said to have done the harm
A formal notice that a lawsuit is being brought
A sum if money ordered by a court to pay for injuries or losses suffered
A notice directing a person to appear in court to answer a complaint
A process by which lawyers check facts and gather evidence before a trial
An act that breaks the law and harms people or society
The body of law that describes crimes and punishments
Penal code
Minor crime for which a person can be fines a small sum of money or jailed for up to a year
More serious crime such as murder or kidnapping
Punishment for commiting a crime
The party who starts the legal process against a person for breaking the law
A process in which Defendent agrees to plead guilty to a less serious crime in order to avoid trial
Plea bargaining
The questioning of a witness at a trial to check or discredit the witness testimony
Cross examination
To correct a persons behavior
A child or teenager who commits a crime or repeatedly break the law
Juvenile delinquent
A youth charges with breaking a criminal law
Delinquent offender
A youth charges with being out of the control of his or hers parent or guardian
Status offender
Taking charge or control of someone in an official way
The procedure by which a judge decides whether to charge a juvenile with an offense like a preliminary hearing in an adult trial
Detention hearing
The procedure used to determine the facts in a juvenile case like a trial in criminals law
Adjudication hearing
The sentencing in a juvenile case
Disposition hearing